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What Happens When a "Behaviorist" has Dinner with a "Trauma-Informist"

Let me tell you, dinner with a behaviorist is an experience, a somatic experience. Lily (name changed to protect her ;-) ) and I shared Indian food two nights ago in Keene, NH. As I shuffled into the restaurant ten minutes late (typical me), I rounded the corner and saw her sitting at a table for two. I beamed; I knew I was in for some rich discussion and a total "nerding out" session. Lily and I are former colleagues. We worked together for only a year, but it was my first year in a new...

The Moral Fabric of Cities []

For those monitoring the headlines, the Age of Morality hardly seems a likely title historians will use for the current period. But look closer—in the world’s neighborhood, workplace, or school—and what’s there are countless honest exchanges resting upon mutual trust. “We are all moral code writers,” writes Michael Ignatieff in his new book, The Ordinary Virtues . Ignatieff, a writer, politician, academic, ex-journalist, and former head of Canada’s Liberal Party , has turned his restless...

Adoption Advocates Bank on a New Way to Address Childhood Trauma []

According to a coalition of adoption advocates, broader acceptance of an emerging mental health diagnosis has the potential to help traumatized children access the help they need. That’s the goal of the End Childhood Trauma Tour , which stops in five cities this week in the name of promoting awareness of the disruptive effects of trauma on children. The tour started in Minneapolis on Friday before stopping in Chicago. It heads to Boston tonight before moving on to Philadelphia and...

Exercise increases brain size, new research finds []

Aerobic exercise can improve memory function and maintain brain health as we age, a new Australian-led study has found. In a first of its kind international collaboration, researchers from Australia's National Institute of Complementary Medicine at Western Sydney University and the Division of Psychology and Mental Health at the University of Manchester in the UK examined the effects of aerobic exercise on a region of the brain called the hippocampus, which is critical for memory and other...

Get free books for survivors

This is a call to all who serve, advocate for, help, support, treat and generally have the backs of survivors of sexual abuse. First, thanks. Thanks even more than I can say. You warm my ole’ survivors heart with all the work you do, all the time you spend trying to address and end this epidemic. I’m pleased as punch that so many of you even exist in the world. How many of you are there? Has anyone counted THAT number? We’ve got the CDC numbers of survivors – last time I checked there were...

For Some Native Americans, Uranium Contamination Feels Like Discrimination []

Helen Nez had 10 children. Now she only has three. Seven of her children died of a disorder called Navajo neuropathy , which is linked to uranium contamination. "Many people died and some have liver disease, kidney disease and some suffer from cancer as a result," Nez said through a translator. When she was pregnant, Nez and her children drank from a spring, located on Navajo Nation in northeastern Arizona, with uranium levels at least five times greater than safe drinking water standards,...

Racial Disparities Persist After Years of Juvenile Justice Reform, Models for Change Leaders Say []

WASHINGTON — James Bell, founder and president of the W. Haywood Burns Institute , told a gathering of juvenile justice reformers earlier this month that it was time to begin “an uncomfortable” conversation about racial disparities in the youth justice system. He made the comments to Models for Change stakeholders gathered here to discuss the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ’s final evaluations of the $121 million juvenile justice reform initiative, which began in 2004. It...

The Intolerant Left []

The writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has firsthand experience with the swift and intense outrage that can flow toward an individual in the age of democratized publishing. Say something potentially objectionable these days, and you will hear about it from every direction. Adichie’s characterization of women and transgender women as being fundamentally different ignited a firestorm of controversy last spring—and though she later clarified what she meant, she never really backed down . “I think...

Workplace bullying, violence are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, new research reveals []

Workplace bullying and violence may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, for both men and women, according to new research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]). Previous analyses have noted that issues, such as job insecurity and long working hours, with the consequent psychological impacts, are associated with a moderately higher risk of diabetes. It has also been shown that bullying and violence can affect personal resources,...

What Strategies Work Best in Policing? []

The controversy over police use of force in the United States can often pit the conversation in overly simplistic terms: You must choose between a police force that works to prevent crime, or one that's respectful of, and respected by, its constituents—and less effective. But it turns out you don't have to sacrifice one for the other, according to a new analysis . "There are a number of proactive policing strategies that have impacts on crime and, for the most part, they don't cause those...

Priest Responds To Gang Members' 'Lethal Absence Of Hope' With Jobs, And Love []

TERRY GROSS, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. I'm Terry Gross. My guest, Father Greg Boyle, has worked with former gang members in LA for over 30 years. He's the founder of Homeboy Industries, which was created to help former gang members and people transitioning out of prison create stable lives and stay out of gangs. Instead of Father Greg trying to convince business owners to hire young people who are at risk, he created jobs for them through Homeboy Industries. Homeboy is a series of businesses...

How Trauma and Resilience Cross Generations []

The new field of epigenetics sees that genes can be turned on and off and expressed differently through changes in environment and behavior. Rachel Yehuda is a pioneer in understanding how the effects of stress and trauma can transmit biologically, beyond cataclysmic events, to the next generation. She has studied the children of Holocaust survivors and of pregnant women who survived the 9/11 attacks. But her science is a form of power for flourishing beyond the traumas large and small that...

Research Roundup: Looking at ACEs in vet students, college students, and the elderly

This is the extended ACEs Pyramid developed by RYSE in Richmond, CA. Here's an article about it . ____________________________________________ In a study of more than 1,000 veterinary students across six schools, 61% had at least one ACE, and those with four or more ACEs were three times more likely to be depressed. Among nearly 3,000 college students, ACEs were associated with increased odds of drug use in the previous 30 days. And In a group of women and men in Ireland aged 50-69, a higher...

Proactive, Passive/Public Parenting Education

Did these two today after work. Parenting tips on cars will be read 1000s of times by 1000s of people of all ages. This is the essence of proactive, passive/public parenting education. PPPPE is primary prevention that will stop adverse childhood experiences before they begin. Visit There are fifty tips to choose from. If you would like to support the prevention of adverse childhood experiences through proactive, passive/public parenting education visit...

New Juvenile Mental Health Court in Texas Helps Youth Recover As They Are Held Accountable []

Over two decades ago, as a favor to a friend, I walked into the very juvenile courtroom that I now have the privilege of presiding over on a daily basis. A racquetball buddy of mine found himself in need of a defense attorney for his son. When I walked into the juvenile courtroom to familiarize myself with the process prior to taking the youngster’s case, I knew right then and there that I had found my home away from home. From day one, those alleged “juvenile delinquents” moved me in a way...

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