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The Geography of Desperation []

It’s not just the economic gap between the rich and poor that has grown wider: America has seen an overlapping, and even more troubling, gap in desperation across class as well as racial and ethnic lines. Much has been made of America’s deepening opioid crisis, especially among rural and working-class whites. A recent Brookings Institution study pinpoints where poor Americans are feeling desperation the most across the country as a whole. The study—developed by leading happiness researcher...

How the Threat of Climate Change Spurs Ethnocentrism []

The prospect of a dangerously warming planet inspires us to cling more tightly to our tribe. That is the discouraging finding of two newly published studies. One reports that confronting people with climate-change warnings provoked higher levels of ethnocentrism among residents of a central European nation—and decreased their intentions of acting in Earth-friendly ways. The other finds the threat of global warming increases group conformity , leading people to more tightly endorse the...

Almost all students with disabilities are capable of graduating on time. Here’s why they’re not. []

As a teenager, Michael McLaughlin wanted to go to college. He had several disabilities, including dyslexia and bipolar disorder, which threatened to make the road ahead more difficult. He sometimes had trouble paying attention in class and understanding directions. He also had an IQ of 115 — on the upper ranges of what is considered average. With help, he should have been able to graduate alongside his classmates, ready to pursue higher education. But instead of graduating from Bartlett High...

23 Honest Confessions From People Who Self-Harm []

The urge to self-harm isn't uncommon , but, because people often keep their habit a secret, a lot of people have misconceptions about who does it, why they do it, or what it means. To help others better understand self-harm, we asked the BuzzFeed Community what they wished they could tell people and what misconceptions they wanted to clear up. By the way : Just because self-harm isn't uncommon doesn't mean it's a healthy coping mechanism or that recovery isn't possible. If you are dealing...

Solutions to poverty are elusive []

As a single mother living off disability payments and trying to raise two kids over age 5, Saudia LaMont is in crisis. “I’m fighting like a cat in a wet paper bag to protect my children and find services for my family,” LaMont said. LaMont is a recovery coach, a community advocate, and a group facilitator living in Morrisville, and she says that child services from agencies such as Capstone Community Action are great for kids up to age 5, but after that, they leave people in a limbo. [For...

How to Deal with Negative Emotions at Work []

We seem to really get a kick out of complaining about work. We hover around the water cooler, confide in our friends, and even share our workplace horror stories with our spouses. But recounting all the things that made us miserable one day doesn’t help us enjoy our workday more tomorrow. A better strategy is to actually address the negative feelings we have. When annoyance, self-doubt, or the blues surface at work, we can learn to work through these feelings. Here are three emotion...

Why We Keep Talking About Racism []

When the media publish articles that explicitly talk about race and racism—calling out or calling in White people—sometimes people get upset. “They’re divisive,” some have said. “YES! used to be positive,” others have said. Why do we do it? Because race matters. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her 2014 dissent on the Affirmative Action ruling: Race matters . Race matters in part because of the long history of racial minorities’ being denied access to the political process.

Reminder: Live Chat with Donna Jackson Nakazawa

"It's really not survival of the fittest - it's survival of the nurtured." Donna Jackson Nakazawa Date: Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 Time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST Where: Here / Chats ( featured chat ) Hosted by: @Jane Stevens Topics to be Covered: Parenting with ACEs. What parents need to know. Affordable self-care for stressed and busy parents. Healing from ACEs & family wellness. How to Attend Online Chats: M embers of ACEs Connection : Go to Chats (top of page). Find...

Over half of California Children with a Special Health Care Need has one or more ACEs

More than one million children in California have a special health care need. These children have chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions that require more than routine health and related services. Sixty-one percent of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) have had one more adverse experience. Understanding the factors that impact these children and their families is crucial to lifelong health and wellness. , a program of the Lucile Packard...

‘Tell Your Story to Everyone’: Readers Affected by Mass Killings Offer Advice for Fellow Survivors []

In the painful aftermath of the church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Tex., that left 26 people dead on Sunday, we asked readers affected by similar attacks to share their experiences and tell us how they have coped, in the hopes that any advice they offer might help others facing such a tragedy. We heard from more than 150 people in less than a day. Their responses suggest that such mass killings touch myriad lives — bystanders, first responders, close-knit communities, the families and...

Mississippi Judge’s Youth Court Shut Down After Mother Kept from Baby for Year Over Fines []

Malia* and her friend were driving in Pearl, Mississippi, one day in August last year, out looking for jobs. Malia, who is in her 20s, was in the passenger seat, and her 4-month-old baby rode in a car seat in the back. Suddenly, a Pearl police officer pulled the vehicle over for a traffic violation involving using a phone while driving. The officer ran Malia and her friend’s names and found they both had outstanding warrants for routine misdemeanor offenses, meaning that Malia had not paid...

Should exercise be what the doctor orders for depression? []

More mental health providers may want to take a closer look at including exercise in their patients' treatment plans, a new study suggests. Michigan State University and University of Michigan researchers asked 295 patients receiving treatment at a mental health clinic whether they wanted to be more physically active and if exercise helped improve their mood and anxiety. They also asked if patients wanted their therapist to help them become more active. Eighty-five percent said they wanted...

Real life Resilience Champions [Origins Training and Consulting]

GK editorial - here is an article written by Lori Chelius & Andi Fetzner from Origins Training & Consulting . These two met at the 2017 ACEs Conference in San Francisco and realized their passions, experiences and interests were complementary and now a year later we have Origins! Take a look at the some great examples of real life Resilience Champions! (FYI, they are both active members of ACEs Connection). As she describes in her TED Talk from 2015 , when Nadine Burke Harris...

A national and across-state profile on Adverse Childhood Experiences among U.S. children and possibilities to heal and thrive

"Presented are the latest data documenting the prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) among children in the United States. ACEs include a range of experiences that can lead to trauma and toxic stress and impact children’s brain development and physical, social, mental, emotional, and behavioral health and well-being. There is growing evidence that it is the general experience of multiple ACEs, rather than the specific individual impact of any one experience, that matters." [All...

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