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Big Tech Ought to Step Up for Cities []

Dynamic entrepreneurial companies have long been the drivers of America’s economic growth, and innovators like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Steve Jobs held up as heroes. But today, high-tech companies are increasingly cast as villains. Uber was recently thrown out of London; Airbnb has been criticized for taking housing off the market and driving up rents; and Google, Amazon, and Facebook are described by many as monopolies. In recent years, firms like these and the...

Hurricane Irma’s Overlooked Victims: Migrant Farm Workers Living at the Edge []

Hurricane Irma knocked millions of dollars worth of oranges and grapefruits to the ground. Its high winds mowed down thousands of acres of sugarcane, toppled nursery plants, and decimated the avocado crop. The damage will cost the state's agricultural industry billions, but for the migrant workers who pick these crops and work in the fields, the storm means real hardship that will test lives already on the edge. "If you listen to the news coverage about Irma, you'll hear about damage to the...

GRLZ Take Over The Airwaves []

Fed up with the way women and girls were portrayed in music on the radio, a group of teenage girls on a Boston soccer team brought an idea to their coach. They wanted to start their own radio station that portrayed women positively and respectfully, they said. Through the help of their coach, in 2003 the girls presented their idea to then-Mayor Thomas Menino, who supported it. Later that year, GRLZradio went on the air. Today, GRLZradio produces a girls-run radio show with programming that...

How Are You Coping? Three Ways To Stay Resilient In Times Of Trauma []

From Puerto Rico to Texas, Mexico, Las Vegas, not to mention Washington, we are surrounded by trauma whether we’re affected directly or indirectly. So, how are we coping; how can we cope? As an expert in the science of resilience, which is the ability to cope and bounce back from stress, setback and adversity, I think that understanding why we respond in the ways we do, and what we can do to heal mentally, physically and emotionally can be our guide. Experiencing a traumatic event can cause...

You Can't End Violence With More Violence: Shifting From Incarceration to Accountability []

We're now several months into the Trump administration, and activists have scored some important victories in those months. Yet there is always more to be done, and for many people, the question of where to focus and how to help remains. In this series, we talk with organizers, agitators and educators, not only about how to resist, but how to build a better world. Today's interview is the 83rd in the series. Click here for the most recent interview before this one . Today we bring you a...

Coal towns struggle for good mental health care []

PINEVILLE, W.Va. — Every other month, Tanya Nelson travels 32 miles from the heart of Appalachia’s coal country for an appointment with the nearest psychiatrist for therapy and to renew prescriptions. But the commute, which should take less than an hour through the winding mountain roads of southern West Virginia, consumes her entire day. Nelson, 29, needs treatment for bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. But she does not drive, so she must use a van service to keep her appointments.

#metoo: How to Respond to Sexual Trauma []

Many of you have probably seen friends post “#metoo” on Twitter, Facebook and social media. In the wake of recent allegations of multiple sexual harassment and sexual assault per Harvey Weinstein , actress Alyssa Milano started the #MeToo campaign on for victims of sexual assault to break their silence and share their stories, . As a therapist who is passionate about the destigmatization of mental health issues, I love that the #metoo campaign is helping survivors of sexual trauma and abuse...

SPLC: Solitary confinement can cause mental illness []

Healthy people who are forced into solitary confinement in prison may develop mental illnesses due to their isolation, but the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) deliberately ignores the problem, according to a brief filed in federal court last week by the SPLC. “Subjecting prisoners with mental illness to solitary confinement only makes their conditions worse, and it can even cause mental illness in previously healthy prisoners,” said Maria Morris, senior supervising attorney with the...

PAPER TIGERS & RESILIENCE Now Available to Purchase in a Bundle - 20% Discount the Month of October!

PAPER TIGERS & RESILIENCE BUNDLE 20% OFF OCTOBER DISCOUNT CODE KPJR Films announces the long-awaited PAPER TIGERS & RESILIENCE Bundle package. Now you can get both films to use together or separately at a discounted price. During October, we are offering a 20% discount off of both films or a single film. You can use the discount code "PTResilBundle20" - this will give you 20% off any orders that include the bundle. Simply go to and order your...

Voices in AI – Episode 8: A Conversation with Esther Dyson []

In this episode, Byron and Esther talk about intelligence, jobs, her experience in being a backup cosmonaut and more. Byron Reese: Today, our guest is Esther Dyson. Esther Dyson is a living legend. She has been an angel investor, and sits on the boards of a number of companies. She is also a best-selling author, a world citizen, and a backup cosmonaut for the Russian Space Program. Now, she serves as the Executive Founder for a non-profit called Way to Wellville. Welcome to the show, Esther.

Trauma-Informed Practices Benefit All Students []

When considering implementing trauma-informed practices in your school, you might find yourself asking: How do I know which students have experienced trauma, so I can teach those students in a trauma-informed way? While it’s important to identify students in need of extra support, we can use trauma-informed practices with every single student because they benefit them all. Think of a wheelchair-accessible ramp to a building: Not every single person needs it, but it significantly removes...

Columbine, 9/11 survivors tell Orlando mental health providers Pulse grief will last []

Columbine survivor Heather Egeland-Martin said it took more than a decade for her to fully address the trauma she experienced during the mass shooting at her Colorado high school on April 20, 1999. She wasn’t hurt in the shooting but said the psychological trauma festered and influenced her actions for years before she learned to “advocate” for herself. “The idea that survivors are not worthy of feeling [trauma] kept me from getting help,” Egeland-Martin said. “Survivor’s guilt is a thing.

Developing Students’ Ability to Give and Take Effective Feedback []

When Emerie Lukas was hired to develop and teach a STEM Foundations course to middle school students at the Dayton Regional STEM School , she was starting from scratch. The stated goal of the course was to prepare students for more rigorous work in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) classes in high school, but Lukas knew that meant far more than academic preparation. She needed to teach her students how to give and take effective feedback, how to solve conflicts, how to...

Which Mindfulness Skills Can Benefit You? []

While there is an abundance of research supporting the benefits of mindfulness , the term “mindfulness” is incredibly broad. Some people cultivate mindfulness in order to hone their attention and focus, while others see it as a tool for a kinder attitude and more intentional behavior. While seemingly simple, practicing mindfulness actually involves a variety of skills. In a study published in the journal Emotion , researchers from Germany aimed to differentiate how specific components of...

Q&A with Rep. Dave Reichert: Personal Experience Keeps Him Committed to Kids []

The abuse and neglect that Dave Reichert (D-Wash.) experienced as a child led him down a path to help kids through his law enforcement career. As a lead detective on the infamous Green River murder case in Washington, Reichert witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of foster care, neglect and abuse that led young girls into prostitution and ultimately into the hands of a serial killer. Since 2004, he’s used his experience to affect change in Congress. He counts passage of the...

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