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Please stop saying parenting is hard for everyone & read Parenting with PTSD instead

Sometimes, we feel anxious, intrusive, or afraid when changing or bathing or own babies. Sometimes, we feel sick to our stomachs and worried while potty training, nurturing, or disciplining our toddlers. Sometimes we feel victorious, awe-inspired, and grateful to be able to provide security, safety and unconditional love to our children. P arenting can be hard for everyone, at times, but it's not the same kind of hard for everyone. Sometimes, we feel shame-filled and ill-equipped when...

Revival of Indigenous Justice in Canada, U.S., Should Be Compass for Restorative Justice []

Most people would agree that the criminal justice system needs to change in some way. The restorative justice (RJ) movement offers an approach to justice reform for both youth and adults that values repair and relationship over punishment and isolation when dealing with the aftermath of crime. Research is showing its positive effects, and support for this approach is growing. Of course, the modern expression of restorative justice owes more than a debt of gratitude to indigenous justice...

Infants and Toddlers Need Strong Parents []

Parents play the most active and significant role in their baby’s healthy development. Young children learn and grow in strong families where parents are able to successfully face the challenge of nurturing their children. During the first three years of life, experiences are shaping a child’s brain and providing the foundation for later development. Parenting support services, which range from informational resources to more intensive interventions, can help improve parenting skills,...

Best way to recognize emotions in others: Listen []

Voice-only communication more accurate than visual cues for identifying others' feelings, study says If you want to know how someone is feeling, it might be better to close your eyes and use your ears: People tend to read others' emotions more accurately when they listen and don't look, according to research. [For more on this study, go to ]

It Was A Year Of Pain ... And Promise ... For The World's Girls []

October 11 is the "International Day of the Girl" – proclaimed by the U.N. as a time to look at the challenges girls face and to promote their "empowerment" and human rights. What kind of year has it been for girls? We looked at the stories we've done over the past year, and the headlines alone captured both the tragedies and the triumphs. In many ways a horrible year for girls. But even at the bleakest moments, there are stories of hope and triumph. Here is a sampling of our stories about...

Foster Youth Deserve the Right to Speak for Themselves in Court []

As a youth in foster care, I am used to major decisions about me being made in my absence. Countless times, I was not made aware of my court dates, where my future would be decided. But not being able to participate in court can have a far-reaching impact on foster youth like me. Last year, I tried reaching out to my attorney to find out my court date and to discuss some challenges I had with my case workers. However, he never answered, and attended my hearing without me. I later found out...

Obesity Thrives in the Suburbs []

Living in a more densely built area significantly lowers your risk of obesity. Such is the unavoidable conclusion of a new survey of British cities that compares obesity rates with housing density. The study, carried out by specialists at the universities of Oxford and Hong Kong, found that obesity rates were markedly lower in areas where homes were more tightly clustered. This might not come as a shock, given the long touted health benefits of walkable neighborhoods . What makes the study,...

Three Surprising Ways That Gratitude Works at Work []

A couple of summers ago, I traveled to the steamy cauldron of central Florida to speak at the WorkHuman conference. Nearly 1,500 human resource professionals were in attendance, eager to hear from luminaries like Arianna Huffington and Rob Lowe (probably more than they wanted to hear an academic recite his research findings). Beaten down by dispiriting, depleting, and demoralizing workplaces, they were hungry for ways to create more energizing and elevating environments. WorkHuman is the...

Toni Morrison's New Book Explores Society's Tendency to Construct Otherness []

Toni Morrison is no stranger to tough subject matter—once called the "voice of America's conscience," the Nobel Laureate has, across 11 novels, scrutinized the black identity in the United States. Still, Morrison's latest work, The Origin of Others, may be her most comprehensive examination of race in America to date. While Morrison has typically steered clear of autobiography, The Origin of Others, based on her 2016 Norton Lectures at Harvard University, interweaves Morrison's memories with...

State Trends Show Fewer Young People Tried As Adults, New Report Says []

WASHINGTON — The number of young people locked into adult jails and prisons has plummeted nearly two-thirds since 2009 and the number automatically sent to adult courts for criminal trials has fallen by nearly half from 2007 to 2014, a new report says. The numbers of youth tried as adults will likely fall even further by 2020, when four states — Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina and New York — fully implement reform laws passed over the last few years, said the new report from the...

Generations of Healing

At the heart of Benchmark’s Partnering for Excellence (PFE) Annual Conference is the commitment to bring together professionals and those with lived experience. This includes being sure that professionals hear from young adults who have experienced child welfare and “grownups” who share their story often or who may have never shared their story publicly before. This year was no different. But, what was different this year was the bonding that took place between those with lived experience.

What A Surgeon General Learned From The Opioid Crisis Could Help Fight Loneliness []

During his tenure as surgeon general, Vivek Murthy was known for his work battling the nation’s opioid crisis , including issuing a 400-page report on addiction and mailing letters to doctors imploring them to join him in fighting the opioid epidemic. After President Donald Trump fired Murthy in April, however, he has focused on a different national crisis: loneliness. “As prevalent as loneliness is, many people don’t recognize that people that they know may very well be suffering from...

Here’s How To Effectively Talk To Your Kids About Depression []

Nearly 20 years later, I still remember the struggle of growing up with a parent who had depression. As a child, I didn’t understand what my mother was going through. I remember her seeking treatment and asking my dad where she was. At the time, he told me she was dealing with “women problems,” and I took that to mean any number of things. When I asked my dad about it recently, he admitted that he had no idea what to say and was afraid I wouldn’t understand or might have more questions he...

80% of Cork homeless saw abuse or substance misuse as children []

A survey of homeless people accessing services at Cork Simon has found almost 80% had experienced four or more adverse childhood experiences, such as physicial [sic] or sexual abuse or substance misuse in the family. Some service users, the survey showed, began using alcohol at the age of 12 and were using drugs such as cannabis by the time they left school in their mid-teens. It further found more than 71% of those questioned had, at some stage, had suicidal thoughts and more than half had...

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