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8 Ways People of Color are Tokenized in Nonprofits []

There’s a type of racism in the workplace many of us have personally witnessed, perpetrated or experienced: tokenism. Nowhere have I seen this play out more than in the nonprofit space. Tokenism is, simply, covert racism. Racism requires those in power to maintain their privilege by exercising social, economic and/or political muscle against people of color (POC). Tokenism achieves the same while giving those in power the appearance of being non-racist and even champions of diversity because...

Three Steps to Say “No” Gracefully []

Yesterday, a friend asked me if she could borrow my car to run a long-distance errand because my little car gets better mileage than her big one. I wanted to say no; switching cars on an already busy day felt like a hassle to me. But I didn’t say no. Instead, I hemmed and hawed and hesitated, hoping she’d get the hint. It can be really hard to say no. Despite my best attempts not to care what other people think of me , I still find myself wanting to be liked. I don’t want people to think I’m...

Shelters, cars and crowded rooms []

Alison is only 14 but she knows what she wants to be when she grows up: A surgeon. It’s not easy to study, however, when you’re so exhausted and hungry you can barely get through 9 th -grade biology. An immigrant from Colombia, Alison is one of more than 200,000 K-12 students in California considered homeless because they lack stable housing. And like most of those students, she lives with her family in a home shared with other families — in her case, two other families. “I go to school...

The Epigenetic Aging Clock Runs Slower in Meditators, Study Suggests []

Even identical twins who are born with the same genome show variations in their health span during the aging process. In addition to our genetic information, many environmental and lifestyle-related factors can influence the aging rate of cells and tissues. One of the most accurate predictors of the rate of biological aging is the"epigenetic clock" formed by chemical tags (methyl groups) that are added to the DNA molecules. When the ticking of this clock is too fast, the risks of chronic...

The Hague Protocol: Interviewing parents in the ER to find, help kids at risk

In the summer of 2007, a woman was brought by ambulance to the emergency department of the Medical Center Haaglanden, a hospital that serves an inner city area of The Hague in the Netherlands. The woman was drunk and had a severe head injury. Her eight-year-old son was with her. Hester Diderich, an emergency nurse, and other hospital staff members looked after the boy while they attended to his mother. “We were very nice to him,” Diderich remembers. After treating the woman’s injuries, they...

Mind Matters -- Thank you

With your support, our first printing of Mind Matters sold out in a month (100 copies). We have sold 800 participant journals. They went all over the country from the East coast to the West coast. Both rural and urban communities. All the groups that we expected to use this program purchased them!! Foster kids, alternative high schools, middle schools, detention centers, violence prevention programs, health educators, family service agencies, group homes, etc. I spent two days in San Antonio...

How childhood trauma affects the brain []

It is not news that people abused as children are more exposed to clinical depression, anxiety, and a higher risk of death from suicide. But now, researchers have begun to reveal what happens in the brain following this kind of trauma. According to data provided by the Children's Bureau of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, there was a 3.8 percent increase in reported child abuse cases in the country between 2011 and 2015. This amounts to 683,000 cases of child abuse...

At UCLA, a dorm floor dedicated to first-generation students []

Desiree Felix didn’t make her way to UCLA with the help of helicopter parents who hired tutors, hounded teachers or edited her application essays. Her father is a handyman with a sixth-grade education. Her mother finished high school and helps manage apartments. At Kennedy High School in Granada Hills, Felix had to figure out most of the nuts and bolts of preparing for and applying to colleges on her own. She didn’t know anything about Advanced Placement classes until her sophomore year, and...

Scotland's parents need 'oxygen' []

While probably not in your diary, the second of October 2017 is the fifth anniversary of the Scottish Government’s National Parenting Strategy. Other initiatives and events took precedence during this extraordinary period in Scotland’s history. But, when launched, the Strategywas not a trivial, ‘off the cuff’ public policy. After an extensive consultation process, the Scottish Government proposed dozens of actions under the rubric ‘Our commitment to Scotland’s parents’. A year later, NHS...

Will You Pray with Me for Las Vegas?

In the wake of the tragedy of Las Vegas, I need to pray. I need to pray and I want to hold hands with others and pray with them. But I don't. All too often, I neglect forms of spiritual healing for fear of offending someone of another belief system. The more I study trauma and its adverse affects on our individual and collective well being, the more I understand how we have abandoned indigenous practices, sacred healing practices — practices that once re-edified human connection through the...

U.S. Senate Committee and GAO take incremental steps to advance goals of the Heitkamp-Durbin-Davis Trauma Bill

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois addresses trauma briefing May 11, 2017 ______________________________________________________________________________ Congressional sponsors of the “Trauma-Informed Care for Children and Families Act” ( S. 774 / H.R. 1757 )—U.S. Senators Heitkamp and Durbin and U.S. Rep. Davis—never expected an up and down vote on the standalone bill as introduced, but knew that some provisions might be picked up and added to other bills or otherwise advanced as promising...

Could first jobs mean better futures for these teens? Mayor hopes so []

Seventeen, shy and a self-described homebody, Kamryn Skeaton isn’t “college material,” she says. But a few weeks into a new city-sponsored internship at the South Natomas library, she’s starting to think about herself differently. She is a junior at Leroy Green Academy, a quirky teen who loves weightlifting, cooking and all types of mustard. Now, she is also an intern. “I didn’t know I had such a good work ethic until I had this job,” Skeaton said. “I think my grandmother, my Noni, knew all...

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