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Municipal Courts' War on Poor People, Explained []

It was the U.S. Justice Department’s investigation into the Ferguson Police Department after an officer killed Michael Brown in 2014 that “awakened” the federal government and much of the general public to the burden of municipal fines and fees, issued for everything from traffic violations, to mismatched curtains, to court costs. When people can’t afford to pay these fees, they end up with criminal warrants, drivers’ license suspensions, and even end up in jail. The Justice Department’s...

The Purpose of Education—According to Students []

Radio Atlantic recently examined a question that underpins many, if not most, debates about education in the U.S.: What are public schools for? Increasingly, it seems, American parents expect schools to first and foremost serve as pipelines into the workforce—places where kids develop the skills they need to get into a good college, land a good job, and ultimately have a leg up in society. For those parents, consistently low test scores are evidence that the country’s education system is...

The Wrong Way to Fight Gangs []

Oakland, Calif. — Young migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador come to this country fleeing violence and lives that are often dictated by savage gangs. It’s expensive to get here. They often arrive with thousands of dollars of high-interest debt and little or no English skills. And they face an administration that insists that they are gangsters bringing bloodshed and gang warfare to American cities. In fact, these young people are often fleeing gangs. And the challenges they face...

How to Set Boundaries When You Are a Highly Sensitive Person []

Highly Sensitive People are intuitive, feel things deeply, and can be easily overwhelmed. High sensitivity is a wonderful trait, but it does come with some challenges. One particular challenge is setting boundaries. April Snow, a psychotherapist specializing in helping Highly Sensitive People understand and meet their unique needs, wrote this article to provide us with some practical strategies for setting boundaries. How often do you accommodate requests from friends or loved ones despite...

The Future of Education: Mindful Classrooms []

A new Guide by What can you d to bring mindfulness into your child’s school? What are the best strategies, practices, and resources to implement a mindfulness program? Implementing a school-wide mindfulness program can take several years, so create a well-thought-out plan that includes presenting programming to parents and faculty. Be patient— making changes in schools can be a lengthy process. [To check out this guide, go to...

Empathy and compassion....We need to think about what happened, not what is wrong!

by Commissioner Bill Hall, Lincoln County Oregon I want to tell you about a young man whose story touches so many things that are important to me--honoring veterans, helping the homeless, treating addictions. He's a Lincoln County native who came from the most loving, supportive family you could imagine. Did well in school. Honorably served in Afghanistan. He was riding in a Humvee like this that ran over an IED that went off. Complained of back pain. Was given opioid pain killers and sent...

Find Your Soul Tribe (

What Is a Soul Tribe? A Soul Tribe is a group of heart-centered individuals who are walking the spiritual path together, at various stages in our journeys, coming together with the intention of marrying Practice and Purpose. Many communities gather together to engage in spiritual practice—through meditation, prayer, yoga, dance, singing, and praise. Other communities organize around an activist cause, like saving the rainforests or civil rights. Our intention as a Soul Tribe is to bring the...

Black Monday, ’77, When the Mill Shutdown in Youngstown Gave Birth to the Rust Belt []

Democratic Ownership and the Pluralist Commonwealth: The Creation of an Idea Whose Time Has Come On Sept. 19, 1977 — a day remembered locally as “Black Monday” — the corporate owners of the Campbell Works in Youngstown, Ohio, abruptly shuttered the giant steel mill’s doors. Instantly, 5,000 workers lost their jobs, their livelihoods and their futures. The mill’s closing was national news, one of the first major blows in the era of deindustrialization, offshoring and “free trade” that has...

Trauma Affects Your Relationship with Food & Your Body []

When I was invited to deliver the Keynote Speech on Trauma, Food and the Body at the “9th” Annual SCTC Conference in October I immediately pinpointed my biggest area of trauma, sexual abuse. I wrote about my sexual abuse and how it contributed to me developing an eating disorder in my memoir so this was a no brainer for me. Then I began to create my power point presentation. I decided to revisit the ACES test, (adverse childhood experiences), that not only identifies trauma but also...

VIDEO: Joan Borysenko on Sitting with Our Darkest Moments []

What does it mean to be truly resilient? Using equal parts narrative and humor, psychologist, author, and biologist Joan Borysenko explains what the arc of transformation looks like, and means, for the clients who come to us during times of suffering. According to Borysenko, suffering arises when we encounter interruptions to "life as usual." Like Virgil's Dante, she says, we encounter a type of purgatorio in our darkest moments, which also serve as periods of reflection. Here, she says, we...

The Problem With Yelling

Being frequently yelled at changes the mind, brain and body in a multitude of ways including increasing the activity of the amygdala (the emotional brain), increasing stress hormones in the blood stream, increasing muscular tension, and more.

Caring adult relationships can make the difference for children in trauma []

Social workers, law enforcement officers and other children’s advocates gathered Wednesday for the first day of the West Virginia Children’s Justice “Handle With Care” Conference to learn more about child trauma, intervention and ways to help children become successful. In a state that leads the nation for opioid overdose deaths and babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, West Virginia children are often witnesses to and victims of trauma. The West Virginia Defending Childhood...

The Role of Trauma in Suicidal Behavior []

National Suicide Prevention Week was September 10th to the 16th. As a child and family therapist, supervisor, and person who works on planning, designing, implementing, and administering child and family service programs, I thought a lot this year about the role trauma plays in relation to suicidal behavior in children, adolescents, and adults. It has been determined events that impact development, such as childhood trauma, can sharply increase suicidal risk. The idea that the primary factor...

Unhelpful Recovery Terms []

Last month I came across a thread on Facebook about unhelpful recovery terms. This thread mentioned that using certain phrases—like dry drunk—to describe someone else’s recovery was unhelpful. Some believe it to be judgmental, prohibitive, exclusive, and narrow-minded. It implies a level of superiority to certain modalities of recovery; that someone who is abstinent is simply coasting along and still acting in a way that isn’t congruent with their—altogether subjective—perception of...

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