Fantastic motivational speech by Mr. Steve Harvey
Fantastic motivational speech by Mr. Steve Harvey
Medication Assisted Treatment (M.A.T.) for opioid addiction is being vigorously touted and expanded across the country in response to the opioid crisis. The Substance Abuse Disorder treatment system is taking a page from the bio-medical model of disease that asserts that addictions are life-long, incurable brain disorders that require long-term (with no exit strategy) treatment with medications (Buprenorphine, Methadone, Naltrexone) Similar to the current bio-psychiatric, decontextualized...
Learning to work with Complex Trauma is the next big wave of mental health treatment. With research based on the ACEs Study setting the stage for a new diagnosis in the next DSM revision, you will want to be prepared and have advanced training in developmental and complex trauma. Based on the book Healing Developmental Trauma , the NeuroAffective Relational Model ™ is a powerful approach for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma. The NARM™ Practitioner Training is coming...
Seattle, WA “The pack of idealistic leftists who got Seattle leaders to pass an income tax have now turned their gaze from the lofty heights of luxury condo skyscrapers and down to the gutter. What do they want? Housing for all. When do they want it? Starting this fall election season. The Housing for All Seattle campaign is designed to pressure candidates and city leaders into taking both the affordable housing crisis and homeless peoples’ rights seriously. The HFAS campaign kicked off on...
Houston, TX “Tens of thousands of schoolchildren returned to school Monday, two weeks after Hurricane Harvey battered the city, flooding homes, sweeping away uniforms and school supplies, and shuttering one of the nation’s largest school districts… But while educators celebrated the return of students, they braced for the myriad challenges students face in the storm’s aftermath: missing school days, lost school supplies and uniforms, psychological trauma and transience. There were teachers,...
New Bern, NC “The current climate of the state and country when it comes to talk of race and civil rights is not lost on North Carolina students, and one school in New Bern is aiming to address that. This year, the Peletah Academic Center for Excellence (PACE) opened its doors to a small group of students. Its goal is to give students tools to be active participants in their democracy, in light of recent events, and focuses on an approach called trauma-informed education… PACE is a private...
“Calo Programs partners with three non-profits, on a five-city, childhood trauma awareness bus tour, ending on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Calo Programs , innovators in healing the effects of early life trauma in young people, is partnering with three of the nation's leading authorities on attachment, trauma and adoption: the American Adoption Congress (AAC), the Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN) and the Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh). Together...
Winona, MN “When the results of statewide standardized tests roll out, educators are often posed the question, “What is going to be done differently?” Starting this year at the Winona Area Learning Center (ALC), staff are working to implement a “compassionate school” model, which education professionals have said will change the school’s culture; strengthen positive relationships between students and staff; help improve graduation rates, grades, and the number of students disciplined; and...
“Few areas of the country have been ravaged worse by the opioid epidemic than southern Ohio and northern Kentucky. In this deep dive, 60 journalists fanned out through local communities to report on the many ways in which drug abuse was changing lives, families, and neighborhoods. During the week on which the reporters did their work, 18 people died from drug use and there were at least 180 overdoses.” [For more on this story, go to...
Teaching Tolerance is a wonderful resource for educators, librarians, caregivers, or anyone who comes into contact with youth. This new section on their website " The Moment : Defending DACA and Busting Immigration Myths" is devoted to DACA information and resources. " The White House and Justice Department this week announced plans to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. How will this decision affect your students, their families and even your colleagues? Learn...
My name is David Dooley. I run a small nonprofit in Bakersfield, CA called Advancing Parenting. We are pioneering a new approach to parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere, all the time. Specifically, we place fifty concise and unambiguous parenting tips in public spaces, including but not limited to windows of stores, offices, restaurants, automobiles, and billboards. This, in an effort to elevate the quality of parenting, reduce ACES (adverse childhood experiences), and...
Change Agent is back for a second season of conversations with innovators and creative leaders in the field of Family Violence Prevention and Advocacy. This Season includes six interviews with social entrepreneurs from various backgrounds in the San Francisco Bay Area. Next week begins the season with Cherri Allison, Esq., Executive Director of the Alameda County Family Justice Center. Ms. Allison practiced family law where she imagined the work of a Family Justice Center before these...
Join Echo Parenting & Education and Treatment Innovations for a Seeking Safety Training. Seeking Safety is an evidence-based program for counselors* to help trauma survivors master the skills needed to reestablish basic physical and emotional safety. Originally developed to help those who are dealing with trauma and substance abuse, the techniques and information learned during this training can help anyone in need of stabilization after experiencing trauma, and improve their coping...
Many of my colleagues in the field of early childhood mental health work with what are termed "high risk" populations. Children of drug addicted parents, victims of child abuse, and families in abject poverty. While the challenges these families face are daunting, I find myself feeling some envy for my colleagues whose clients are in such obvious distress that the need for intensive treatment of parent and infant is not in question. In my rural, small-town population things are not so clear.
Calo Programs partners with three non-profits, on a five-city, childhood trauma awareness bus tour, ending on Capitol Hill in Washington DC Calo Programs, innovators in healing the effects of early life trauma in young people, is partnering with three of the nation's leading authorities on attachment, trauma and adoption: the American Adoption Congress (AAC), the Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN) and the Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh). Together...