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Recorded Webinar: Human Trafficking in Adolescents: Understanding the Issues as a Service Provider

Violence Prevention Education Webinar Series Experts from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Violence Prevention Initiative (VPI) regularly conduct free educational webinars on various topics related to youth violence prevention. Watch VPI's most recent webinar which provides an overview of the complex issue of human trafficking in adolescents. The two hour session is presented by Jasmine Oglesby, MSW, Prevention Case Manager for the Adolescent Initiative at CHOP and Erica Smith, MEd,...

How Social-Emotional Skills Can Fit into School Curricula []

“No time.” Again and again, teachers tell me this is why they can’t teach social-emotional skills to their students—and it’s no wonder given the demands placed upon them. But while a 30-minute social-emotional learning (SEL) lesson might be impossible to fit into a week, slipping a social-emotional concept into already-existing curriculum content may not be. In one study , student teachers were paired with novice school psychologists to create language arts lessons with an SEL focus. The...

Despite Advance Directive, Dementia Patient Denied Last Wish, Says Spouse []

Bill Harris is blunt: For more than a year, he has been trying to help his wife die. The 75-year-old retired tech worker says it’s his duty to Nora Harris, his spouse of nearly four decades, who was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in 2009. “Let me be honest: Yes. It’s what she wanted,” he said. “I want her to pass. I want her to end her suffering.” Nora Harris, 64, a former librarian, signed an advance directive after her diagnosis to prevent her life from being prolonged when...

As Immigrant Students Worry About a New School Year, Districts & Educators Unveil Plans to Protect Their Safety (and Privacy) []

This is the first article in a series produced in collaboration with The Guardian examining the climate affecting immigrant school children and their parents as the new school year begins. See a version of this article today at . If federal immigration agents come knocking, don’t open the door. You have the right to plead the Fifth Amendment and refuse to speak. Consult an attorney before signing any papers. Designate a trusted adult who can care for your child if you cannot.

‘Hymn’ []

Why do we measure people’s capacity To love by how well they love their progeny? That kind of love is easy. Encoded. Any lion can be devoted To its cubs. Any insect, be it prey Or predator, worships its own DNA. Like the wolf, elephant, bear, and bees, We humans are programmed to love what we conceive. That’s why it’s so shocking when a neighbor Drives his car into a pond and slaughter- Drowns his children. And that’s why we curse The mother who leaves her kids — her hearth — And never...

Texas Republicans Intentionally Discriminated Against Minority Voters, Court Rules []

This post originally appeared at Mother Jones . On Tuesday, hours after President Donald Trump refused to blame white nationalists for the violence in Charlottesville, a federal court ruled that congressional districts drawn by Texas Republicans after the 2010 election were enacted with “ racially discriminatory intent ” against Latino and African-American voters. [For more of this story, written by Ari Berman, go to]

Adult Gambling Addiction Tied To Childhood Trauma []

Reuters Health - Men with gambling addictions are more likely than their peers to have endured childhood traumas like physical abuse or violence at home, and treatment needs to address this underlying stressor, researchers say. They examined survey data on a nationally representative group of 3,025 UK men aged 18 to 64 and found that roughly 5 percent had apparent gambling problems and about 7 percent were serious addicts. [For more of this story, written by Lisa Rapaport, go to ...

North Dakota’s Norway Experiment []

Late one night in October 2015, North Dakota prisons chief Leann Bertsch met Karianne Jackson, one of her deputies, for a drink in a hotel bar in Oslo, Norway. They had just spent an exhausting day touring Halden, the maximum-security facility Time has dubbed “the world’s most humane prison,” yet neither of them could sleep. Halden is situated in a remote forest of birch, pine, and spruce with an understory of blueberry shrubs. The prison is surrounded by a single wall. It has no barbed...

Wheeling to Healing.....Broken Heart On A Bicycle

To ride a bicycle across the United States—Los Angeles to New Jersey—takes courage, a mission, and stamina. I did it twice. The first trip, during my mid-twenties, was done in hurt and fueled by anger. The second, at age 56, was done in the pursuit of healing self and others by collecting stories of other experiences of trauma and healing, dispensing information about human resilience, and sharing a deep belief in the power all people have to engage with and be enlightened by the process of...

Less than 10 spots remain for our From Trauma to Resilience training in Minneapolis

Only a few spots remain for our training, From Trauma to Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care, on Sept. 27, 2017. This full day, comprehensive training is designed to help you develop the unique skill-set needed to support individuals who have experienced adverse childhood experiences and traumatic events. What participants told us they learned: TIC is a philosophical shift and not a diagnosis for PTSD ACEs are prevalent across all economic levels Trauma manifests into...

L.A. County’s Latest Solution to Homelessness Is a Test of Compassion []

California’s budding YIMBY movement is up for a real test. Under a new pilot program approved this week, Los Angeles County homeowners are being asked to literally open up their backyards to the homeless. The county’s board of supervisors gave the green light to the The Granny Flats Motion project on Tuesday, which would give homeowners up to $75,000 to build a backyard home—if they agree to rent it to a homeless family or individual. (For those who already have a unit to offer, the county...

Climate Justice Is Racial Justice Is Gender Justice []

There’s nothing like the giant oil companies to provide us all with lessons about power and prejudice. The climate crisis offers a lens to understand many of the inherent injustices on this planet: There’s an almost perfect inverse relationship between how much of the problem you caused and how much of the pain you’re feeling. Furthermore, it offers the best chance to actually right some of these wrongs: The economic rearrangement that must accompany any successful effort to fix the planet’s...

Despite Disavowals, Leading Tech Companies Help Extremist Sites Monetize Hate []

Because of its “extreme hostility toward Muslims,” the website is considered an active hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. The views of the site’s director, Robert Spencer, on Islam led the British Home Office to ban him from entering the country in 2013. But its designation as a hate site hasn’t stopped tech companies — including PayPal, Amazon and Newsmax — from maintaining partnerships with Jihad Watch that help to sustain it...

When Your Teen Sides with the Other Parent After Divorce []

So, you feel you have done nothing wrong, yet your teen has created a story with you as the resident bad guy! Are your ears burning? It is very hard when one or both parents involve the child in their agendas and it can be so detrimental to the child’s emotional well-being and subsequent relationship with the alienated parent. It can make the estranged parent feel angry, hurt, stressed and pushed out. It can be a lonely frustrating place to find yourself. What can you do about it if you find...

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