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How Mental-Health Training for Police Can Save Lives—and Taxpayer Dollars []

Every day seems to bring a new tragic story of a person with serious mental illness killed by police. In Seattle, for example, there were recently back-to-back deaths: a 30-year-old pregnant woman shot in front of her children, and a 20-year-old man killed right before his high-school graduation during what appeared to be his first psychotic episode, with a pen in his hand police mistook for a knife. Sometimes, the consequences are not death but violent confrontations, arrests, and...

The Historical Falsehoods That Feed White Supremacy []

White supremacist racism is shaking Charlottesville and the country. It is difficult to make sense out of such nonsense. Protesters chanted “take America back,” “you will not replace us,” and “blood and soil,” a well-known Nazi rallying cry. But they came to fight, not speak, fueled by anger and projecting their own deep anxieties onto the feared “other.” This type of hatred is not new in America. Behind the racist slogans are historical tropes that the broader White America clings to, not...

Killings of Black Men by Whites are Far More Likely to be Ruled “Justifiable” []

When a white person kills a black man in America, the killer often faces no legal consequences. In one in six of these killings, there is no criminal sanction, according to a new Marshall Project examination of 400,000 homicides committed by civilians between 1980 and 2014. That rate is far higher than the one for homicides involving other combinations of races. [For more of this story, written by Daniel Lathrop & Anna Flagg, go to ...

PBS Documentary on Native American Tribal Justice and Families Debuts Monday August 21 []

A new PBS Documentary on POV titled Tribal Justice that spotlights tribal courts that incorporate indigenous customs and beliefs into their justice systems and the families that are affected. The documentary, directed by Anne Makepeace, follows Abby Abinanti and Claudette White, chief judges in two of the more than 300 tribal courts across the country, as they navigate cross-jurisdictional issues in their courts and communities. Tribal Justice has its national broadcast premiere on the PBS...

Teachers Share Resources for Addressing Charlottesville Hate Rally in the Classroom []

For many teachers, a pall has been cast over the first few days of school. This weekend, a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., turned deadly when a 20-year-old man drove his car into counter-protesters, fatally injuring one woman and hurting 19 others. The Associated Press reported that the high school teacher of the man accused of the incident said he had been fascinated with Nazism in school, and had "deeply held, radical" convictions on race in the 9th grade. Even before the...

Key Ingredients for Making Trauma-Informed Care a Standard of Care []

Health care professionals across the country, like Rahil Briggs and Edward Machtinger, increasingly realize the value of acknowledging trauma to improve care for patients in need. Drs. Briggs and Machtinger are participants in Advancing Trauma-Informed Care , a national initiative led by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) and made possible through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Through the collaborative, leading national champions of trauma-informed care are...

Residents praise correctional re-entry program, as Gov. Bullock pays a visit []

"The program focuses on treating people and educating them about trauma in their lives, and how that trauma has contributed to their addictive or criminal behavior. Women must apply for the program, through their probation officer, and register a high score on the “adverse childhood experience” scale. Program officials said most women on the program scored at least eight out of 10 on the scale, making them a very high risk for behavioral and mental-health problems."

Let Black Kids Just Be Kids

George Zimmerman admitted at his 2012 bail hearing that he misjudged Trayvon Martin’s age when he killed him. “I thought he was a little bit younger than I am,” he said, meaning just under 28. But Trayvon was only 17. What may be most tragic about Mr. Zimmerman’s miscalculation is that it’s widespread. To many people, black boys seem older than they are: In one study, people overestimated their ages by 4.5 years. This contributes to a false perception that black boys are less childlike than...

New curriculum — Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience

Hello to my friends in the ACEs Connection community. I am happy to announce the publication of my new curriculum Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience . This program comes from a lifetime of experience both personally and professionally, as well as using the most current research and consultation with leaders in the field. Jane Stevens asked me to share with you why I wrote it, how I tested it and how long it took from idea to publication. Why I wrote it: Just like all...

The 70-30 Campaign

Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a tremendous impact on both a person's lifelong health & well being and future opportunities. Traumatic and negative events in ones childhood, known as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), have previously been described as, "the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today" (Dr. Robert Block). ACEs include abuse (emotional, physical, sexual); neglect (emotional and physical) and household challenges,...

Mental Health Programs in Schools – Growing Body of Evidence Supports Effectiveness []

School-based mental health programs can reach large numbers of children, with increasing evidence of effectiveness in improving mental health and related outcomes, according to a research review in the September/October issue of the Harvard Review of Psychiatry . The journal is published by Wolters Kluwer . “ This review provides evidence that large-scale, school-based programs can be implemented in a variety of diverse cultures and educational models as well as preliminary evidence that...

We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: With Elaine M. Whitefeather, D.D. (The Shift Network)

The Hopi Elders Prayer from Oraibi, Arizona inspires us to look within ourselves to find new ways to live harmoniously with our brothers and sisters. We're asked to find those of like mind and heart spirit, and then jump in the river and celebrate! Join Elaine M. Whitefeather, CEO of A Community For Peace and pastor at Faith In Action Community Church, as she shows how we've been positioned and placed for such a time as this. Elaine stresses that we should stop waiting for others to join us.

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