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The Effects of Generational Trauma in Milwaukee

John Schmid of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in his piece “A Time to Heal” , explores generational trauma in Milwaukee, the nation’s third most impoverished big city. The article consolidates information from local, state, and national data on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), interviews, U.S. Census data, and statistical consultation. In 1970, Milwaukee was an upcoming industrial city with a low poverty rate. However, industrial decline and a population decrease increased the poverty...

Introducing Emily Clary, MCCC's Director of ACE Collaborative Partnerships

Emily Clary is responsible for helping develop and coordinate the ACE Interface training and Self-Healing Communities partnership with the Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives across the state. Emily holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Sociology from Beloit College. Emily is deeply committed to sharing research about Adverse Childhood Experiences and...

We’re Hiring! Regional ACE Training Coordinators

Regional ACE Training Coordinator- Southwest MN Job Profile and Reporting Relationships The Regional ACE Training Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the organization’s ACE Interface training and Self-Healing Communities program partnership with Family Service Collaboratives and Children’s Mental Health Collaboratives in their region in coordination with the Director of ACE Collaborative Partnerships. This position plays a key network weaving role in the learning community approach...

Advancing Parenting is now on Pinterest!

AP is now on Pinterest! Visit to see what we've been up to. Parenting tips on cars will be read 1000s of times by 1000s of people. At stoplights you can watch in the rearview mirror and see drivers reading the tip. They point, smile, nod, and give thumbs-up. If there are passengers in the car conversations start up and I've lost count the number of times phones are pulled out to take a pic of the tip. Our plan is to 1) eventually...

Chester Bennington and ACES

Thinking much about Chester Bennington's passing, the links between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and later substance abuse and mental illness, and the intersections of mental illness and creativity. For those unfamiliar with him, Chester was the lead singer for Linkin Park . Chester committed suicide by hanging on July 20th, on what would have been the 53rd birthday of his dear friend, Chris Cornell , lead singer of the group Soundgarden. Chester battled depression most of his life...

"How Neglect and Abuse Change Children’s Brains — and Their Futures" by Katharine Gammon []

Childhood adversity comes in different forms. When Katie McLaughlin, director of the Stress and Development Lab at the University of Washington, talks about stress and early childhood development, she brings up two different fictional children: One who faces the constant threat of violence at home, and one who is neglected. [For more of this article by Katharine Gammon, visit: https://www.centerforhealthjou...amp;utm_medium=email ]

Sacrificed at the Altar of Narcissism: Parents of Adult Narcissistic Children []

There is a an old story dating approximately 4,000 years ago about how God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac on an altar. Abraham and his wife Sarah waited decades for their only son together and since human sacrifice was prohibited, this request seemed unusual. The story talks of the faith that Abraham had as he placed his son on the altar only to find that God had given him a lamb in replacement. With great relief, the lamb was sacrificed instead. [For more of this story, written by...

Ava DuVernay on Queen Sugar and Her Hollywood Journey []

It’s been a busy five years for Ava DuVernay. Since winning the Best Director Award at Sundance Film Festival in 2012, she has accrued many “firsts”: becoming the first black female director to have a movie (Selma) nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, to be nominated for a Golden Globe Award, and now to helm a film with a $100 million budget (Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time). DuVernay’s work goes beyond feature movies, to include 13th, the award-winning documentary on mass incarceration, a...

The Uneven Health Toll of Sleep Deprivation []

Compared to whites, African Americans are more likely to suffer from a constellation of health problems referred to as “cardiovascular and metabolic diseases:” high blood pressure , diabetes , and stroke. Things like diet, exercise, and smoking contribute to those conditions, but when researchers control for those behaviors, the disparity persists. Now scientists are examining an unexpected factor that could be driving these disparities in heart disease: sleep. [For more of this story,...

Child Welfare Ideas from the Experts #11: Connecting Aging-Out Youth to Behavioral Health Services []

The Chronicle of Social Change is highlighting each of the policy recommendations made this summer by the participants of the Foster Youth Internship Program (FYI), a group of 12 former foster youths who have completed congressional internships. The program is overseen each summer by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. Each of the FYI participants crafted a policy recommendation during their time in Washington, D.C. Today we highlight the recommendation of Justin Abbasi, a...

Growing up in disadvantaged areas may affect teens’ brains, but good parenting can help []

New research has found growing up in a disadvantaged neighbourhood may have negative effects on children’s brain development. But for males, at least, positive parenting negated these negative effects, providing some good lessons for parents. Living in a disadvantaged neighbourhood (where there are more people who have low income jobs or are unemployed, are less educated, and have less access to resources) can cause stress, and has been linked with psychological and social problems in...

Digital games improve mental health of refugees []

Ankara - Digital platforms can help refugee children to better assimilate into a new society, helping with language and education, and also in addressing the mental health issues that inevitably accompany the traumas of escape. A new study, from New York University, has looked at Syrian refugees children in Turkey. The children, sometimes with their families, have experienced the plight of fleeing a war-torn area and many experience post-traumatic stress disorder. Add to this, few of the...

New Data: County Health Rankings []

Data and maps from the 2017 County Health Rankings are now available on Community Commons. Search the Map Room for the term “CHR 2017” to view the full list of County Health Rankings data. What are County Health Rankings? The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program is a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute . These organizations work together to produce annual rankings for 30+ indicators. County Health...

How To Be With Sadness

The thought of going to a funeral used to be a terrifying prospect for me. Walking into a room filled with sadness and grief evoked — well — an intense desire not to go. Anxiety was all I could feel. It obscured the emotions I wanted to have like sadness and compassion. And, I secretly felt ashamed that I didn’t have “the right feelings." It was not death itself that bothered me--it was being in the presence of grief. Why did sadness make me so anxious? Why did it turn me into a vibrating,...

Inspiration and lightheartedness—Jack Kornfield, Al Franken and Michael Jordan

As Jack Kornfield describes how mindfulness practices empower you to carry on through difficulties in “ Guided Meditations for Difficult Times: A Lamp in the Darkness ,” he includes a wonderful quote from Michael Jordan: “I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my basketball career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life but I still keep going out on the court. And that is why I...

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