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Philly doctors are now prescribing park visits to city kids []

In a darkened room at CHOP Primary Care, Cobbs Creek, physician Chris Renjilian set up a projector and debriefed doctors, nurses, and other staff on a new intervention that the office will begin offering to patients in its care. The medical breakthrough in question? Prescription-strength outdoor play. “As primary-care pediatricians, one of our goals is to help children get more active. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 60 minutes a day of outside play,” he said. “This is...

What the All Blacks can teach athletes about accepting mental vulnerability []

You probably know the New Zealand All Blacks – one of greatest and most successful of all sporting team identities – for their impressive on-pitch skills, or their practice of performing the traditional war cry, the haka , before each rugby match. The team of bulky, imposing men stamping their feet and slapping their arms is one that few would forget. What you may not know is that the team is as strong in mental health as they are in physical: a culture of acknowledgement, disclosure and...

A year after slayings, Dallas police train in 'mindfulness' []

Only hours after the ambush that killed five Dallas law enforcement officers, mental health experts began thinking ahead, searching for ways to ease the long-term effects of the attack on the men and women who patrol the nation's ninth-largest city. Police psychologists in Dallas were quickly joined by counselors from the Houston and Los Angeles police departments, the FBI and the federal air marshals service. As she watched the July 7, 2016, assault unfold on the news, Dallas philanthropist...


ebate all you want whether Donald Trump is bad for women, but there's no disputing this: He is great for the women's movement. The election of a president whom detractors view as misogynistic and backward-thinking has done nothing less than spark a wholesale resurgence of feminism. His defeat of the first woman who might have been president -- coupled with his incendiary comments about women and his divisive policies on reproductive rights and other issues -- lit a fire under a movement that...

Generational Trauma: How We Can Heal Our Selves Through our Ancestors []

The idea that emotional trauma can be passed from generation to generation has intrigued me for years. Undoubtedly, being the daughter of two Holocaust survivors played a huge role in my lifetime work of helping adults heal from childhood trauma. My parents’ generation was a stoic one; They were neither driven nor inclined to explore (let alone discuss) the painful experiences of their own early lives. A colleague of mine once suggested that a good portion of my professional journey has been...

National Education Association action gives traumatized student education a big boost

NEA President Lily Eskelsen García and Robert Hull, member of the Maryland NEA delegation _____________________________ Delegations to the National Education Association (NEA) Repres entative Assembly s ummer meeting from California and Maryland combined forces to secure approval last week of a new business item on educating traumatized students. Approximately 7,000 delegates participated in the Boston meeting. Robert Hull from Maryland and a group from California put the new business item...

Michael Skinner (

Note: We know there is a strong relationship between ACEs and suicide but we don't always hear survivors of ACEs and suicide attempts speaking so clearly and directly about that connection. Here's an interview done by Des of the Live Through This Project with Michael Skinner who is a musician and an advocate. Michael is an advocate and all about breaking through shame and silence. Des: Tell me more about the ways in which it is difficult, specifically for a man, to talk about any of these...

The Decline of Empathy: A Hopeful Solution (

Here is an excerpt from a recent blog post by Dr. Claudia M. Gold. Pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton was among the first to recognize the tremendous capacity of the newborn for complex connection and communication. Developmental psychologist Ed Tronick, drawing on this observation, designed the famous Still-Face Experiment to show the devastation, for both parent and baby, when they struggle to connect. Extensive research at the interface of developmental psychology, neuroscience, and...

Confronting the Myths of Suburban Poverty []

There’s nothing new about suburban poverty, but in the popular imagination, it’s often not regarded as much of a problem . Instead, the “ inner cities ”—code for poor, black urban communities —receive the brunt of the attention (if not the resources). While some communities have grappled with local solutions , by and large, the rising poverty in the American suburbs has been allowed to fester and grow , catalyzed by the Great Recession . At the same time, who lives in the suburbs has...

Brittany S. Bruggeman and Zach Spoehr-Labutta: Partnering for resilience in Gainesville []

Pupils widen. The heart pounds. Stress hormones flood the body. Lungs expand, and every muscle sits on the verge of action. This describes the stress response, a normal reaction to a normal emotion. However, when a child experiences this response in a strong, frequent or prolonged way due to adversity, without the support of an adult, it can cause health consequences lasting into adulthood. This phenomenon is called toxic stress. As a pediatrician at UF Health, helping children grow and...

The Tragedy of Debbie Daley []

On a sweltering day in July of 2014, a van departed from the Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women and headed toward the University of Virginia Medical Center in nearby Charlottesville. The van carried an inmate named Debbie Daley, who was midway through her three-year sentence. The sun bore down on the pavement, but Debbie, a blond-haired, blue-eyed 49-year-old, was feverishly cold. Her blood pressure had plummeted, her heart rate was spiking. As the prison van lumbered ahead, the tumor on...

The College Students Who Are Starving in Silence []

The image of the hungry college student is a familiar one, with late-night ramen meals nearly as ubiquitous as the infamous all-nighter study session. But that scene is a comparatively benign one: Many of these students are unaware they have classmates who regularly skip meals because they lack the funds to buy food. The 2017 " Hungry and Homeless in College " report from the Wisconsin HOPE Lab indicates that up to two-thirds of college students aren't eating enough food. Though schools are...

Why Aren't We Talking About Postpartum Mood Disorders in Immigrant Women []

About six weeks after she gave birth to her first son, Jaya, an immigrant from India to the United States, began to suffer feelings of inadequacy as a mother. She felt sad, helpless, useless to her newborn and husband. She imagined her death and described it to her mother over long-distance calls. "I told her that I felt reckless," she says. "I didn't feel the need to be careful about myself and my safety." Jaya (not her real name) began to cross busy intersections with less caution, hoping...

To understand mental health, start teaching at an earlier age []

A patient manifests symptoms of loss of appetite, dramatic weight loss, body pains, and intense lethargy. Is it a severe infection? Is it cancer? Is it depression? Is there a difference? Medically, yes. But in the way that the general populace thinks of these three conditions, there shouldn’t be. They are all severe diseases that respectively affect millions of people worldwide. And if you believe that depression is “all in your head,” then it may be surprising to hear that the cost of...

Center brings hope to traumatized children []

Beginning this week, The Center for Family Justice plans to bring a safe, healthy and fun summer camp experience to approximately 40 local children who have been adversely impacted by the generational cycles of domestic and sexual violence and child abuse. Camp Hope Connecticut launched on June 26 as the first summer camp and mentoring program in New England for children who have experienced primary or secondary abuse and trauma. This groundbreaking camp, which offers a clinically-proven...

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