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Power Causes Brain Damage []

If power were a prescription drug, it would come with a long list of known side effects. It can intoxicate. It can corrupt. It can even make Henry Kissinger believe that he’s sexually magnetic. But can it cause brain damage? When various lawmakers lit into John Stumpf at a congressional hearing last fall, each seemed to find a fresh way to flay the now-former CEO of Wells Fargo for failing to stop some 5,000 employees from setting up phony accounts for customers. But it was Stumpf’s...

Preventing Early Childhood Adversity Before It Starts: Maximizing Medicaid Opportunities []

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life are a critical window for cognitive, physical, and social development. Exposure to adverse experiences during this period and beyond in early childhood dramatically increases the potential for lifelong poor health and social outcomes. This in turn can result in substantially increased health care costs across an individual’s life span. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — including neglect, abuse, exposure to violence, family dysfunction, etc. — also...

Meditation, Yoga Can Reverse DNA Stress Reactions []

Mind-body interventions (MBIs), such as meditation, yoga and tai chi, don’t just relax us. According to a new study, they can reverse the molecular reactions in our DNA that cause ill health and depression . The research, published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology , reviews over a decade of studies analyzing how the behavior of our genes is affected by different MBIs, including mindfulness and yoga. Researchers at Coventry University in the U.K. and Radboud University in the...

Op-ed: Philly schools must prioritize trauma-informed learning []

Powerful and surprisingly prevalent horrors are blocking access to education and ravaging children’s lives. Sadly, they remain the elephant in the classroom: adverse childhood experiences . Adverse childhood experiences include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, including bullying; physical and emotional neglect; a missing parent, due to separation, divorce, incarceration, or death; witnessing household substance abuse, violence, or mental illness; and witnessing environmental violence.

A Trauma-Informed Toolkit for Providers in the Field of Intellectual Disabilities

Research has shown that people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) are at significantly more risk of ACEs and other forms of abuse and neglect than is the general population. This toolkit, attached here for free downloading, addresses a number of areas designed to support people with IDD who may have experienced trauma. The toolkit begins with a preface by Dan Tomasulo, who has been instrumental and groundbreaking in developing clinical approaches in IDD/Trauma work. This is...

3.3 million children would lose health insurance under the AHCA - Act now

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that if the American Health Care Act (AHCA -- the repeal and replace healthcare bill passed by the House) were enacted, there would be a 50% increase in uninsured rates for everyone 18 and younger. Within 9 years, between 2.7 and 3.8 million children would lose insurance! Read the full report here:…/d…/files/atoms/files/6-14-17health.pdf and contact your Senators.

The View Out the Window and In the Mirror

Daily, we throw gobs of money down into an abyss...pause, then repeat. Not figuratively, either, at least not the dollars part. It's real dollars, every day, all day long, because we attempt to find solutions to our most challenging issues by focusing on and band-aiding the symptoms — what is in our face. What's in my face these days? Personally, it's feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of our challenges — child abuse, domestic violence, climate change, veterans coming home severely...

WEBINAR: Creating Healing Communities

Join the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative on June 28th for a free webinar on "Creating Healing Communities." Lynn Todman, Ph.D., M.P.C. and Collaborative member Elena Quintana, Ph.D. will illustrate the link between the social determinants of health, wide spread trauma and emotional unrest, and inequality in Southwest Michigan. The discussion will underscore a need for basic education on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which can lead to changes in thinking, and promote policy and...

For Father’s Day From the Inside: Dear Dad … []

"In Caddo Parish, in Shreveport, Louisiana, four out of five kids don't come back [to juvenile court]," said Henry Walker of Caddo Parrish Juvenile Services. "The one of out of five who do come back, come back constantly." According to Walker, the youth who do avoid regular run-ins with the law do so because they have mentors. At the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative's April 2017 convening in Orlando, Florida, youth workers reflect on the proactive impact mentors can have on the...

Community Organizing: Resistance and Resilience (MARC Brown Bag Webinar, 6/20)

Register for the MARC Brown Bag Webinar with Kathryn Evans Madden , Community Organizing: Resistance and Resilience (June 20th, 12-12:45pm ET). **Only a few seats left** VISIT: While you're there, check out the video and slides from the Brown Bag Webinar on June 14th with Sandra Bloom , Healthy Systems are Trauma-Informed and Trauma-Responsive , and see the line-up for more great sessions! Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) is a learning...

The Case For Hiring Ex-Offenders []

Beleaguered former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was in the news again recently when a excerpt from her 1996 book It Takes a Village turned up on Twitter. In the selected passage, Clinton described prison labor in questionable terms during her time living in Arkansas’s governor’s mansion in the 1980s: View image on Twitter Jeanette��Corbynista @JeanetteJing Maher said "house n*" and Clinton used prison labor at her mansion for ten yrs bc it was "a longstanding tradition which kept...

Donald Trump Is Waging a War on Children []

“This is a war against normal life.” So said CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward, describing the situation at this moment in Syria, as well as in other parts of the Middle East. It was one of those remarks that should wake you up to the fact that the regions the United States has, since September 2001, played such a role in destabilizing are indeed in crisis, and that this process isn’t just taking place at the level of failing states and bombed-out cities, but in the most personal way...

How to Build Relationships across Difference []

At a recent retreat I facilitated focused on social change, a diverse group of people gathered, from company and foundation executives to grassroots activists and public housing residents. Their goal? To confront their own biases, form relationships across differences, and start to rebuild trust in their community. In our politically polarized society, the authentic conversations they had about race, religious differences, and our country’s often painful history were rare, courageous, and...

Teen courts help to keep kids out of juvenile court system []

In mock courtrooms supervised by a local judge, first-time teen offenders face a jury of their peers and receive sentences that often keep them in school and out of the juvenile justice system for minor crimes. Combined with other statewide efforts such as promoting restorative justice techniques in schools and eliminating zero tolerance policies, youth courts are helping to reduce the number of incarcerated teens in California charged with minor crimes. “We catch these kids early, and it’s...

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