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Honoring Dr. King with Anti-racist Policy []

By, The HOPE Team, 1/17/23, This week, we are reflecting the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., starting with observing the holiday on Monday. Dr. King was a multi-faceted leader, with far-reaching impacts, including policy advocacy. Those of us who work in child and family services are familiar with how much children need the concrete supports that stabilize family life. Throughout his life, Dr. King advocated for concrete...

The Four Pillars of Emotional Intelligence

If you read last week’s blog, you might remember that we touched on social-emotional learning , which is closely tied to emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a core idea in the trauma-informed model. In fact, it is one of the 7 Commitments identified in Sandra Bloom’s Sanctuary model. If we want to make understanding, healing, and growth possible (and build trauma-informed communities), then we must embrace the importance of emotional intelligence. But how can we pin down what...

CTIPP’s Monthly Washington, D.C. Update: January 2023

Updates from the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) on White House, Agency, and Congressional action to prevent trauma and promote resilience. Recapping An Eventful 2022 WE SUPPORTED LEGISLATION Fifty-six percent of the bills that CTIPP-endorsed passed Committee and/or a chamber of Congress. Twenty-two percent became law. Two-thirds of CTIPP-endorsed legislation was introduced bipartisanly, with sponsors and original cosponsors from both Democrat and Republican parties.

2021-2022 Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) Impact Report

We are happy to announce that the 2021-2022 Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) Impact Report is now available for review! This report is crafted in direct response to the data shared with Zero Abuse Project from the CAST community. The report highlights enrollment metrics, major/departmental integration patterns, student demographics, program deployment pathways, and much more. This report allows Zero Abuse Project, as worldwide facilitators of the CAST curriculum, to better review major themes...

Register now for CTIPP CAN Call Jan. 18th; mobilize around 118th Congress to #TakeOnTrauma.

This month’s CTIPP CAN call will help you develop tools to grow our advocacy footprint as we mobilize around the 118th Congress to #TakeOnTrauma . CTIPP's Whitney Marris will present on assessing your strengths for advocacy, and Jen Curt will recap messaging guidance from Iowa ACEs 360 and discuss the art of policy persuasion. Breakout rooms will discuss/share 1) defining successful advocacy, 2) self-assessing your advocacy wins/goals and 3) practicing the crafting of persuasive messaging.

More than a day, we are and have been building a moral fusion movement []

By The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Jan. 14, 2023 - The Poor People's Campaign - This Martin Luther King Day, we must continue a campaign for social, political and economic rights, not simply to commemorate a man. This nation needs a different kind of Martin Luther King Day. More than a day, we are and have been, building a moral fusion movement. We need a movement led by poor and low-wage workers pushing for a Third Reconstruction and declaring that we don’t...

Letters from and American []

By Heather Cox Richardson, Jan. 15, 2023 - Letters from an American - You hear sometimes that, now that we know the sordid details of the lives of some of our leading figures, America has no heroes left. When I was writing a book about the Wounded Knee Massacre, where heroism was pretty thin on the ground, I gave that a lot of thought. And I came to believe that heroism is neither being perfect, nor doing something spectacular. In fact, it’s just the opposite: it’s regular, flawed human...

Opinion: Why Martin Luther King Jr.’s sharpest question remains unanswered []

Associated Press King blasted his era’s version of White “allies,” confessing to being, “gravely disappointed with the white moderate.” King challenged the moral equivalency of his day, which found White political and civic leaders at times castigating both the practitioners of Jim Crow segregation and the civil rights activists who protested against this unjust system. This kind of political handwringing is reflected in parts of today’s political climate, where White moderates hesitate to...

Floating: Interview on new and effective Trauma Therapy

A wonderful interview about Floating has been published today. Trauma therapist Debbie Murad, California and German trauma therapist Gopal Norbert Klein are discussing current therapy approaches and how Floating comes into play. It’s really fun watching it: I had also already written a blog post recently about Floating, in case you need further information:...

Social Determinants of Mental Health

Social and environmental factors contribute to a person’s mental health and well-being. There are many determinants but here is a closer focus on the lack of opportunities for education and traumatic childhood experiences as the main social risk factors of mental health. Education A study by Kondirolli & Sunder (2022) on the role of education as a determinant of mental health showed that, “an extra year of education led to a lower likelihood of reporting any symptoms related to...

Criminalization vs. Care: How the 20 Largest US Cities Invest Their Resources []

Among the key findings: Each of the 20 largest US cities is spending at least hundreds of millions of dollars per year on the criminal legal system, with the vast majority of those resources going to the police. Many cities and counties spend in the billions, with New York City the largest at $7.7 billion in 2022. In total, these cities and their counties are spending $37.9 billion on the Mass Criminalization System in 2022. 16 out of the 20 cities invest more on the Mass Criminalization...

Job Opening! Director of the New Trauma and Resilience Collaborative, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

We are pleased to provide a career opportunity at Florida State University , located in Tallahassee, FL. FSU is recruiting a Director for the new Trauma and Resilience Collaborative (TRC) . The Director of TRC will identify, harness, and promote the university’s trailblazing multidisciplinary expertise on trauma and resilience. This is a Faculty I 12-month salaried position. The Director will be responsible for the growth of TRC programs and end users by successfully recruiting partnerships...

[Event] Join the Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma and Elaine Miller-Karas on Jan 24th

Join us for our inaugural Speaker Series event with the Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma! Tuesday, January 24 th , 2023 from 12-1pm ET Register Here. Event is free and open to the public. Learn about Elaine’s Community Resiliency Model to prevent and heal trauma, supporting our mission to build safe, trusting, engaged, diverse, equitable, inclusive, and healthy communities where children and families thrive. Elaine Miller-Karas is the Co-Founder and Director of Innovation of the Trauma...

A Call to Action: Promoting Health & Wellbeing in Policy

Join the Center for Community Resilience and our partners on Wednesday, February 8, as we unveil the 2023 national policy agenda to promote health and well-being across the lifespan. This comprehensive agenda focuses on the building blocks for health and well-being to promote social and economic equity for America's children, families and communities. Register at Read more about the agenda here . Presented in partnership with the Institute for Women's Policy Research...

2023 HOPE Summit - Workshop Highlights []

By Laura Gallant, 1/12/23, The 3 rd Annual HOPE Summit – Practicing HOPE will take place online, March 29-30. Register now to get $50 off the regular ticket price, this special ends Sunday, January 15 th . During the two-day Summit , attendees will get to select two of the over 15 workshops offered. All workshops will also be recorded and available to watch after the summit for attendees only. These workshops range from topics like, applying HOPE...

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