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Intimate Partner Violence, Maternal and Infant Ill Health

Abstract Intimate partner violence (IPV) can include emotional, physical, or sexual violence. IPV during pregnancy is a preventable cause of injury and death with negative short- and long-term impacts for pregnant women, infants, and families. Using data from the 2016–2022 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System in nine U.S. jurisdictions, CDC examined associations between IPV during pregnancy among women with a recent live birth and the following outcomes: prenatal care initiation,...

Another School Shooting Common sense gun laws, absolutely! But… Most, if not all, of these shooters have personality disorders. Therefore, preventing personality disorders must play a part. Unsupportive and harmful parenting is highly correlated with personality disorders. If we want to put an end to this kind of violence ten, twenty, fifty years down the road, parenting education must be a significant part of the solution. Not conventional...

Developmental Timing of Associations Among Parenting, Brain Architecture, and Mental Health []

By Cleanthis Michael, Arianna M. Gard, Scott Tillem, et al, JAMA Pediatrics, Image: from Unsplash , October 28, 2024 Key Points Question Are there sensitive periods when parenting during childhood is associated with functional brain architecture during adolescence and, in turn, mental health during early adulthood? Findings This longitudinal cohort study of 173 youths demonstrated that associations between harsh parenting and brain architecture were widespread in early childhood, but...

Supporting Native Hawaiian Youth Mental Health Through Indigenous Culturally-Driven and Land-Based Healing Approaches []

By Cherry Y.E.W. Yamane, Jordyn Pourier, LaShai Jake, and Deana Around Him, Child Trends, Image: from article , December 3, 2024 Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) are the Indigenous People of the Hawaiian Islands. Their connections to the ‘āina (land) and moana (ocean) are deeply spiritual: ‘āina and moana are considered both ancestors—linked directly to Native Hawaiians through their genealogy and creation stories, and serving as a healer—and the foundation of Native Hawaiian identity and...

Better maternal diet boosts brain growth and IQ in kids []

Editorial: From mom’s diet to child’s big brain: in search of brain-optimal pregnancy diets . Image Credit: Saulich Elena / Shutterstock By Priyanjana Pramanik, Reviewed by Susha Cheriyedath, NEWS Medical & Life Sciences, In a recent editorial published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , researchers assessed how maternal prenatal diet quality affects brain structure and the intelligence quotient (IQ) of children between 10 and 14 years of age. Their findings indicate that...

These Native tribes are working with schools to boost attendance []

Nationwide, Native students miss school far more frequently than their peers, but not at Watonga High School shown on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024, in Watonga, Oklahoma. Credit: Nick Oxford / AP Photo By Felix Clary, EdSource, December 3, 2024 As the Watonga school system’s Indian education director, Hollie Youngbear works to help Native American students succeed in the Oklahoma district — a job that begins with getting them to school. She makes sure students have clothes and school supplies. She...

Building Evidence to Strengthen Nonprofit Programming []

By The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Image: screenshot from article , September 12, 2024 Com­mu­ni­ty-based pro­grams are crit­i­cal to the com­mu­ni­ties they serve. Often led by peers from the same cul­tur­al back­ground, they pro­vide acces­si­ble ser­vices to youth, espe­cial­ly chil­dren of col­or. This shared con­nec­tion fos­ters trust, enables tai­lored approach­es and ensures pro­grams effec­tive­ly meet needs. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, too many of these...

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute presents: CHATS- Connecting Humans and Telling Stories: An Overview

Please join the ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute as we welcome Megan Hamilton (Strong ACC), Ginny Moorer (Mt. Rogers Community Services) and Leah Wilson (Emory and Henry University), our guest presenters at the January Resilience Presentation Series on January 9, 2025, at 12 p.m. (Eastern). They will present CHATS- C onnecting H umans a nd T elling S tories : An Overview. This Zoom presentation is free; however, registration is required. At the heart of helping others recover from...

The mediating role of frequent mental distress in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and cognitive disability in emerging adults []

By Yanyan Sun, Shifang Qu, Zhiyao Li, et. al., Nature, Image: from Unsplash on Crowdstack ,November 29, 2024 Abstract Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) may have an impact on cognitive disability through multiple pathways. Frequent Mental Distress (FMD) could result in cognitive disability through different aspects, but the potential mediating role of FMD in the associations remained unclear. So we aimed to investigate not only the association between self-reported ACEs and cognitive...

Libraries are offering free health and wellness classes across the US []

By Devi Shastri, Associated Press, Image: screenshot from site , November 29, 2024 The Aurora Health Care Mobile Medical Clinic team waited patiently at a table in the main hallway of the Milwaukee Public Library’s sprawling downtown branch, a blood pressure cuff and mental health questionnaire at the ready as they called out to patrons who paused: “Do you have any questions about your health?” On this Tuesday afternoon, one man did. His joints were bothering him, he told Carolyn McCarthy,...

Growing up in a heteronormative world is enough to cause deep-seated trauma in LGBTQ+ youth []

By Chris Tompins, LGBTQ Nation, Image: screenshot from site , December 1, 2024 The following is an excerpt from “Raising LGBTQ Allies: A Parent’s Guide to Changing the Messages from the Playground” by Chris Tompkins We cannot fully address the increase in anti-LGBTQ legislation, queerphobia, bullying, shame, and their effects without exploring trauma. When we think of trauma, most of us think of a rape, murder, death, catastrophic event, or natural disaster. And while these are unequivocally...

Mum was always overprotective – I found out why on my 18th birthday []

Chloe is the director of The Taste of Mango (Picture: Alice Aedy) By Chloe Abrams, METRO, December 1, 2024 *Content warning* As a teenager, I felt trapped by my mum’s rules. Boyfriends were forbidden. She rarely let me go out alone. And I was never allowed to go for sleepovers. I was 14 when I finally convinced her to let me stay at a friend’s house, but in the middle of the night she had to come and pick me up. I pretended I was homesick to hide my real reason for not being able to sleep –...

The snippet generation []

Illustration: Allie Carl/Axios By Erica Pandey, Axios, November 29, 2024 Long-form entertainment is out and snack-sized media is in for the next generation of kids, teens and young adults. Why it matters: Smartphones, social media and constant internet access have changed the way we think — and that’s eroding young people’s willingness to focus. "Boredom comes much easier now," says Bonnie Nagel, a behavioral neuroscientist at Oregon Health & Science University. Driving the news: English...

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