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Homeless Encampment Sweeps May Be Draining Your City’s Budget []

By Rudy Perez, Photo: D-VISIONS/Shutterstock, Housing Matters, January 4, 2023 Amid rising inflation and lack of available, affordable housing, homelessness has been increasing to crisis levels in the United States . According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness , between 2016 and 2020, there was a 6 percent jump in rates of overall homelessness. During this period, unsheltered homelessness rates increased by 20 percent . Unsheltered homelessness was especially prominent on the West...

Video: How Rapper Darryl “DMC” McDaniels Is Helping Kids Grow By Embracing Their Emotions []

By Bekah McNeel, The74, January 4, 2023 Rapper Darryl “DMC” McDaniels has had just about every kind of success a person can have. As part of the groundbreaking group Run-D.M.C. McDaniels racked up a formidable list of “firsts” in the hip-hop world, with multi-platinum albums, Grammy awards, rock’n’roll crossovers, sold out stadiums, a Rolling Stone cover, and hip hop’s first major apparel endorsement. But McDaniels, who had been creative and introspective since childhood, also battled...

California police more than twice as likely to use force against Black people – report []

By Sam Levin, Photo: Justin L Stewart/ZUMA Wire/REX/Shutterstock, The Guardian, January 3, 2023 California police were more than twice as likely to use force against Black residents than white residents during traffic and pedestrian stops in 2021, according to a new report on racial profiling. The annual report from a state board also found that law enforcement searched Black people at 2.2 times the rate of white people, and that Black youths ages 15 to 17 were searched at nearly six times...

Why Other States Should Be Studying ‘Blueprint for Maryland’s Future’ []

By Kalman R. Hettleman, The74, January 4, 2023 Maryland touts the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future , its all-encompassing school reform legislation chiefly enacted in 2020, as a “ bellwether for the rest of the country .” The blueprint’s main architect, Marc Tucker, then head of the National Center on Education and the Economy and an expert on comparing the performance of U.S. schools to those in high-performing countries, called it “ revolutionary .” Yet, a recent article in The 74 observed...

Omnibus Bill Will ‘Move the Ball Quite Substantially’ in Behavioral Health []

By Chris Larson, Photo: Caleb Fisher/Unsplash, January 3, 2023 The $1.66 trillion omnibus funding bill touches nearly every aspect of the behavioral health industry. Advocates in the space weren’t shy about praising the bill even though it didn’t include some long-sought reforms. A quick tally of funding for the most germane items finds that the federal government is putting at least $10 billion into behavioral health in fiscal 2023. The bill, which was signed by Pres. Joe Biden on Dec. 29 ,...

Resources to Practice the HOPE Framework and PCEs []

By The HOPE Team, 1/5/23, In the past year, many organizations and individuals have focused on practicing HOPE in their daily work. Over that time, we have created resources as guides and suggestions on what HOPE in practice can look like, depending on the culture and needs of each person, community, and organization. Our many different resources range from fact sheets offered in different languages to guides on how to screen for positive...

The Intersection of the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)

Trauma-informed care is like an umbrella that encompasses the social determinants of health, social-emotional learning, and actionable solutions to create real change. I think a lot of people don’t understand this yet. Understandably, when people hear “trauma-informed,” they’re confused. If you’re not already informed about the impacts of and solutions to widespread trauma in our society, it’s hard to imagine what type of information relates to trauma. So, let me frame it with language that...

White contractors wouldn’t remove Confederate statues. So a Black man did it. []

By Gregory S. Schneider, Photo: Parker Michels-Boyce/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, January 2, 2023 Workers in bright yellow vests circled up in the morning chill. Some clutched cups of Starbucks coffee, a last comfort before beginning the hard work of dismantling a statue of Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill in the middle of an intersection. As a small group of Confederate heritage defenders assembled nearby — at least one of them armed — city safety coordinator Miles Jones lectured the...

At this Texas school, every student is a teen mother []

By Angelica Casa, British Broadcasting Corporation, December 29, 2022 At the end of a year in which motherhood has been at the centre of impassioned debate in the US, a school in Texas for teenage mothers shows how young lives are being supported - and reshaped. It was early 2021, and Helen had been eating more than usual. The soon-to-be 15-year-old couldn't explain why her appetite had seemed to grow so much. "Is this normal?" she asked her older sister. It could be, her sister suggested.

Maternal deaths in the U.S. are staggeringly common. Personal nurses could help []

By Laura Benshoff, Photo: Rachel Wisniewski/NPR, National Public Radio, December 27, 2022 In 2020, Lauren Brown of Upper Darby, Pa., had a high-risk pregnancy. She was past 35 years old, had high blood pressure, and had a previous blood clot that could have been deadly. Plus, the COVID-19 pandemic was raging. When it came time to give birth in December of that year, Brown, 40, needed an emergency C-section to deliver her daughter, Bella. All of these factors contribute to a deadly trend in...

Self-care is not a luxury. It’s a matter of survival []

By Sophia A. Nelson, Photo: PeopleImages/iStockphoto/Getty Images, CNN Opinion, January 1, 2023 It’s the start of another year, and we are still working our way through a once-in-a-generation, life-changing pandemic almost three years after it began. We’ve all been affected by Covid-19’s scourge of sickness, hospitalization, death, loneliness, isolation, work dislocation and family disruption. Perhaps, like me, you even got sick with the coronavirus and are living with its long-term effects.

If ‘permacrisis’ is the word of 2022, what does 2023 have in store for our mental health? []

By André Spicer, Photo: Cole Burston/AFP/Getty Images, The Guardian, December 30, 2022 I n 1940, as the Nazis were closing in on Paris, Walter Benjamin, the German Jewish literary critic and avid collector, knew he had to flee the city. Before leaving, he entrusted one of his most treasured possessions to his friend Georges Bataille, who hid it the archives of the French national library. This was a work titled Angelus Novus , by the artist Paul Klee. The print is of a small angel, wings...

💗 Get A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD

Hi Everyone! The good news is after seven years, with a five-year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it: It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21 st , 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of people this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and how to qualify to get a free copy this week.

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