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About Module Five: Ancestral Double Binds

In this module, we will explore ancestral influences on individuation/connection, and merging dynamics. As the twin and multiple birth rate is continuing to increase this module also looks at twin pregnancy, the impact of losing a twin during pregnancy, and growing up as a twin.  I will delineate the difference between identical and fraternal twins and because more twins mean more breech positions for babies about to be born we will also look briefly at breech birth.

Adding Up the "Small Things": Columbia River Gorge MARC Update

At the recent Trauma & Resiliency Summit in the Columbia River Gorge, the sheriff of Sherman County (population 1700) approached Claire Ranit, MARC project director, to talk about creating a trauma-informed justice system. He wasn’t the only one seeking Ranit out that day. A woman with tears in her eyes also approached; inspired by discussions of resilience at the Summit, she’d texted her 20-year-old son, who has developmental disabilities, and praised his recent efforts to move into his...

Forward Promise: Empowerment Projects []

2017 Call for Proposals Release Date: April 5, 2017 | Application Deadline: May 02, 2017, 3:00 p.m. ET Purpose Forward Promise aims to promote opportunities for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) to heal, grow, and thrive in the face of chronic stress and trauma. Empowerment Projects seek to strengthen organizations that provide culturally relevant healing responses to trauma, and can partner with the youth-serving systems that touch BYMOC to advance new practices to prevent further...

Chicago schools try a new disciplinary tool: empathy []

Gigi’s freshman year at Amundsen High School started with a bang, for all the wrong reasons. She snapped at teachers, got into fights, was often late to class, and was a regular in detention. Before, just one of those transgressions at the 1,200-student school on Chicago’s North Side would likely have gotten her what it got most kids across America’s third-largest school district: a no-questions-asked 10-day suspension. But when Christian Pederson, the school’s restorative justice...

Five Elements of a Thriving Justice Ecosystem: Pursuing Deep Equity []

Introduction: Making Real Change We have reached a tipping point in our society where a critical mass of people is demanding a new social contract. Alongside this wave, our clients and partners have been expanding their focus of attention from their own organizations and single-issue coalitions to movement networks oriented around a shared vision and aligned action. Leaders are committing to nurturing movements over the long term and forging values-based relationships across issue areas,...

Mapping the New Urban Crisis []

America today is beset by a New Urban Crisis. If the old urban crisis was defined by the flight of business, jobs, and the middle class to the suburbs, the New Urban Crisis is defined by the back-to-the-city movement of the affluent and the educated—accompanied by rising inequality, deepening economic segregation, and increasingly unaffordable housing. [For more of this story, written by Richard Florida, go to]

Legal Financial Obligations Are the New Debtors’ Prison []

The day Tarra Simmons walked out of Mission Creek Correctional Center for Women in 2013, she owed $7,500 to Kitsap County in Washington state. These court-mandated fines and fees, known as legal financial obligations, or LFOs, included charges for “services” she had “rendered” — police, court, public defender , DNA collection — and some line items unrelated to her case, such as expert witnesses and victims’ services. (Her case had no named victim.) Simmons had spent the previous 20 months of...

COACH: A framework for empowering patients, and students too []

COACH is a method for developing authentic healing relationships with patients, encompassing the Camden Coalition’s tools, philosophies, and techniques for supporting patients with complex health and social needs in managing their health. Recently, we published our COACH framework as a manual with the help of our friends at the PolicyLab of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia . COACH is proving useful for not just health care providers: In Camden, the city’s school district is learning...

Agencies come together to train child abuse providers in trauma counseling []

Jo Poshard of the Poshard Foundation says more and more social service agencies are interacting and sharing information. She believes they are trying hard to take a team approach to serve the best interest of the child. “Trauma-focused training that we did and that we completed was a wonderful example of agencies coming together and working together,” Poshard said. Ginger Meyer, clinical director for the Children’s Medical and Mental Health Resource Network, said the training grew out of a...

Waiting for Health Equity: A Graphic Novel []

ABOUT THE PROJECT Today, we can accurately predict a Coloradan’s health outcomes and access to health care based on factors like their race, income, or ZIP code. This is unacceptable, because it means that people of color, Coloradans with less economic opportunity, those living in communities with fewer resources, and others, face increased barriers to good health simply due to their life circumstances. How did this happen? Colorado—just like the rest of the US—has a long, well-documented...

Exposure to Community Violence as a New Adverse Childhood Experience Category: A Summary of a New Study

The current adverse childhood experience (ACE) survey does not include exposure to community violence (ECV) as a category. A new study by Lee, Larkin, and Esaki (2017) point to evidence that ECV fits the World Health Organization (WHO)’s classification for an ACE category, that it must: cause biological stress response, be sensitive to policies, be common across societies, be able to be measured quickly and easily, and be proximal in respect to causality (WHO, 2011). Lee et al. (2017)...

“The most important thing I’ve learned about depression is to just keep going, no matter how hard it seems.” (

My depression emerged when I was only six years old. It started after my dad abandoned my mom, my sister, and me. He was abusive to my mom, but I was still devastated when he left because we’d been very close. He left us with months of unpaid rent. We didn’t have any food. Sometimes we would eat ice for dinner. I endured so much turmoil and suffering as a child. It was a level of trauma that made it hard for me to get through every single day. Meanwhile, I was being bullied in school. I...

This Simple Hack May Help With Anxiety []

Looking for a way to help manage anxiety ? Grab a pen. Logging your stressors in a journal might help mitigate those emotions, according to new research presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s 2017 conference. Researchers found that those who wrote down each event that caused concern, as well as an analysis of how the concern made them feel, experienced less worry over time . The results indicate that keeping a journal could be an effective tool as part of an overall...

4 ways mental health can equal better health []

When you go to a doctor’s office, do they ask you how you feel emotionally? Research suggests that they should, because physical health and mental health are connected. In a ten-year study, Intermountain Healthcare found important correlations in helping people heal better by using team-based practices with patients, including having mental health experts in the doctor’s office. The study was published in Journal of the American Medical Association and recently won the national Hearst Health...

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