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The Nurtured Parent Revolution: Transforming Trauma through Love, Healing, and Social Justice Activism

Many family courts across the nation routinely fail the most vulnerable in our society: mothers and their children in crisis seeking a life free from abuse. In 2012, the U.S. Department of Justice released the Saunders Report , a study that found the standard and required domestic violence training received by judges, lawyers, and custody evaluators, does not adequately prepare them to handle abuse cases. Inadequately trained professionals tend to believe the myth that mothers frequently...

Teens With Autism More Likely to Land in ER, Study Finds []

U.S. teens with autism are four times more likely to visit an emergency room than those without the disorder, a new report says. The Penn State College of Medicine researchers said the likelihood of an ER visit for a teen with autism increased five-fold from 2005 to 2013. The findings suggest that young people with autism may require better access to primary and specialist care, the researchers said. "We believe if their regular medical and behavioral specialist services served them better,...

Texas, Missouri Debate Next Step on Raise the Age []

Brett Merfish had a list of reasons why Texas should raise the age of criminal responsibility to 18. She pointed to research showing that states that had already adopted the practice saw crime and recidivism reduced and better outcomes for the juveniles and their families. She also noted that short-term expenses associated with the change were far less than forecast, and that, over the long term, spending on treatment and intervention is far more cost effective than throwing teens behind...

Kids Who Suffer Hunger In First Years Lag Behind Their Peers In School (

It's been a long time since I was in school but I still remember the free breakfast, lunch, snack and milk I got for many years. It made school a place I loved going. Kids can't focus or succeed as well when hungry, which I think most of us know even without a study. But, here's an excerpt from a recent study on how early hunger impacts early education. The new study, published in the latest issue of the journal Child Development , suggests that such early experience of hunger in the family...

The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death []

Last September, a very twenty-first-century type of story appeared on the company blog of the ride-sharing app Lyft. “Long-time Lyft driver and mentor, Mary, was nine months pregnant when she picked up a passenger the night of July 21st,” the post began. “About a week away from her due date, Mary decided to drive for a few hours after a day of mentoring.” You can guess what happened next. Mary, who was driving in Chicago, picked up a few riders, and then started having contractions. “Since...

Tillamook School District teaches Gov. Brown about trauma informed work []

On March 15, Gov. Kate Brown visited Tillamook to hear about the work that Tillamook Schools are doing around trauma informed care and Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs. Gov. Brown, along with Chief Education Officer Lindsey Capps, met with the Tillamook School District leadership team to discuss the innovative work that Tillamook Schools have taken on. The District used presentations from student Brandon Reichow, teacher Kimberli Callahan and student-teacher, Tania Flores, who each told...

'Trauma-informed' communities focus of movement []

Dillon folks are hard at work creating a healthier community. The Beaverhead County ACEs Task Force — going gangbusters since February 2016 — has coalesced into a driving force for the wider trauma-informed community movement taking hold across the state. “We have been moving and working like mad,” said Melainya Ryan, task force chairwoman. “Our community is ripe.” ACEs stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences that affect health and wellness across the life span, as Helena-based expert Katie...

It’s About Results at Scale, Not Collective Impact []

t’s easy to see why collective impact —the commitment of a group of important cross-sector actors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem—caught fire in 2010. During an economic downturn, when few new resources were available, a voice said there was a way to do more with what we already had. The concept offered hope for achieving results at the scale we desired, even though we were feeling constrained. And thank goodness. Collective impact both validated work that had been...

Most Smokers Left in US in Most Disadvantaged Groups []

Tobacco use is now concentrated among the least advantaged socioeconomic groups in society, according to a new study at the Colorado School of Public Health at University of Colorado (CU) Anschutz. The findings show that most remaining smokers in the United States have low income, no college education, a disability or no health insurance. [For more of this story, written by Traci Pedersen, go to ...

Native Youth Sex Offenders and Victims Not Hopelessly Broken []

“Beyond losing your child, hearing that they have been acting out sexually against other children is the worst news you can get,” says Janet Routzen, executive director of the White Buffalo Calf Woman Society (WBCWS) on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. In addition to providing services and shelter to victims of domestic violence , sexual assault and stalking, the White Buffalo Calf Woman Society provides sexual assault advocacy services, conducts education and outreach among...

What Your Therapist Doesn’t Know []

Big Data has transformed everything from sports to politics to education. It could transform mental-health treatment, too—if only psychologists would stop ignoring it. Grace was a heroin addict who had been clean for about six months; I was a 34-year-old therapist in training. When we started psychotherapy, in 2006, Grace had a lot going against her. She was an unemployed single mother who had been in a string of relationships with violent men and was addicted to drugs. Yet despite these...

Suburban Sprawl Stole Your Kids' Sleep []

When Ameen Al-Dalli was a sophomore in high school in 2014, each weekday before sunrise he would walk the quiet, tree-lined streets of Fairfax, Virginia, to the school bus stop. Because Ameen’s public school, about five miles away, started at 7:20 a.m., the bus came early. “I feel drowsy and just like, ugh, I want to go home,” he told National Geographic filmmakers during his walk in the gloom. This wasn’t always the case for high schoolers. A few generations ago, the bell rang around 9 a.m.

Substance Abuse Taxes the American Workplace []

Substance abuse exacts a heavy toll on the American workplace, a new analysis shows. Employees who struggle with drinking and drug addiction miss many more days of work, have higher health care costs and are less productive than those without these disorders, researchers report. An analysis revealed that employees with substance use disorders miss nearly 50 percent more work days than their colleagues, and up to six weeks of work a year, according to the National Safety Council, NORC at the...

Organizations That Provide Creative Escape From Prison Start to Connect []

Life prospects appeared bleak for 17-year-old Terrance Williams on a quiet Saturday in the spring of 2013. He was facing years in prison on charges of armed burglary. This was just the latest setback in a rough and tumble Philadelphia childhood that had taught him that the only way to make a living was by hustle and crime. Then Terrance noticed a bit of ruckus coming down the hallway of the Philadelphia jailhouse where he awaited his day in court. Someone was shouting that people should get...

Alcohol Misuse in the Family? If Only My Doctor Had Asked

It was October 2012. I had been invited to give a lecture on secondhand drinking (the negative impacts of a person's drinking behaviors on others) to Stanford Medical School students enrolled in Dr. Stanley Fischman's Eating Disorders and Addiction Rotation. Dr. Fischman asked me to speak with his rotation students on a regular basis given my decades experience with loved ones' alcohol misuse, my own eating disorders, and my relevant work experience. He wanted his students to understand the...

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