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Delayed High School Start Times Benefit Students []

From prior research, educators and psychologists have long suspected that starting the school day a little later in the morning would greatly benefit students. In America, most secondary school days start between 7:30 and 8:30 am — meaning that children and teens have to get up pretty early each morning to make homeroom on time. The problem is that children — and teenagers especially — forgo sleep in order to make these early start times. Because sleep is so vitally important to both our...

The California Doctors Who Found a Way to Quit Overprescribing Opioids []

On a summer afternoon in 2009, eight Kaiser Permanente doctors met in Pasadena to review the HMO’s most prescribed drugs in Southern California. Sun blasted through the windows and the room had no air conditioning, but what unsettled the doctors most were the slides a pharmacist was presenting. “We were doing so much work treating people with hypertension and diabetes, we thought those drugs would be on the list,” said Joel Hyatt, then Kaiser's quality-management director in Southern...

Outrage at rural Idaho charter school after teachers gave graphic sex survey to students as young as NINE []

A charter school in rural Idaho has found itself in hot water after giving students as young as nine an explicit sexual abuse survey intended for adults. Several outraged parents at Heritage Academy in Jerome have since pulled their children from the school over the graphic questionnaire mentioning anal and oral sex. Some are even considering pursuing legal action in order to bring school officials to account. On February 8, children enrolled in grades one through four at the charter school...

T2's third "Rage, Reflection & Restoration Circle" on March 15

Trauma Transformed's third "Rage, Reflection & Restoration Healing Circle" event will take place in Oakland, CA, on March 15. Information embedded below, and a PDF is attached for download. Trauma Transformed supports the the San Francisco Bay Area Trauma Informed Systems of Care Initiative, which focuses on centralizing and building a regional trauma-informed Bay Area system of care and improving the ways we understand, respond to and heal trauma.

International Women's Day & the Feminist Origins of Child Trauma Work

Today is International Women's Day, an appropriate day to take note of and honor the decades of feminist-led research and activism that preceded the ACE study and built the foundation for so much of the trauma and resilience field of work. While the high percentage of people experiencing child sexual abuse may have been unfamiliar to the medical field prior to the ACE study, feminist researchers, anti-violence activists, and community leaders had been studying, writing, and b reaking the...

States That Raise the Age See Less Recidivism, Cost Savings, JPI Report Says []

More states are getting rid of laws that automatically bump teenagers from juvenile courts when they reach a certain age, abandoning a model of punishment proven to be expensive, ineffective and not flexible enough to improve outcomes for offenders or society, a new study says. The Justice Policy Institute focused on national trends and on what it called positive results in states that have most vigorously adopted policies designed to help teenagers and not send them to adult prisons.

The Forgotten Ones: New Jersey’s Locked-up Girls []

Have you heard of the Bordentown School ? Founded by the Rev. Walter Rice, Bordentown — officially named the New Jersey Industrial and Manual Training School for Colored Youth — was a co-ed public boarding school for black students, run by the state of New Jersey between 1886 and 1955. Dubbed the “ Tuskegee of the North ,” after Booker T. Washington’s Tuskegee Institute, the exclusive school focused on preparing young black men and women to be future leaders, emphasizing vocational training...

Funding Opportunity! National Title IV-E Roundtable Conference in Phoenix

Arizona State University's Center for Child Well-Being has invested in helping organizations increase their training budgets through taking advantage of federal funding. The National Title IV-E Roundtable conference which will be held in Phoenix, AZ May 23-25th . 2017 marks the 21 st year of this event and our theme of Examining Efficiency and Increasing Access Across Systems through Collaboration is timely given the changes occurring at the federal level. 20 states will be represented so...

Three Ways the Workplace Isn’t Equal for Women []

Organizers around the world have called for women to strike today. Work walkouts and demonstrations are planned for more than 50 countries, according to the International Women’s Strike USA website . The strikes are supposed to show the “enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socio-economic system — while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity,” according to the call to action posted...

ACEs in the Workplace

Raising awareness about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - often referred to as childhood trauma - and the ACEs Study in the workplace offers companies and agencies an incredible three-fold opportunity to: help employees understand the root origins of their physical and emotional health concerns (ACEs) in general and as they relate to their alcohol misuse and/or secondhand drinking-related physical and emotional health impacts (if applicable), reduce the ACEs-related impacts on worker...

Sonoma Charter tackles social-emotional wellbeing []

As you walk through the courtyard of the Sonoma Charter School (SCS) sounds of stomping feet, clapping hands, and children’s voices singing “round and round” and “shake shake” pour from the performing arts space called the Playbox. Inside, 10 first-graders wearing silk tunics, holding brightly colored fabric pieces, wriggle on the floor like worms, jumping like kangaroos, then gently throw feathers from an imaginary bird in the air. You’ve stepped into the world of Rainbowdance, part of a...

Death by Mismanagement? []

In “Case in Point,” Andrew Cohen examines a single case or character that sheds light on the criminal justice system. An audio version of Case in Point is broadcast with The Takeaway , a public radio show from WNYC, Public Radio International, The New York Times, and WGBH-Boston Public Radio. The story of Nicholas Glisson’s premature death in an Indiana prison begins with just two pills, two Oxycodone painkillers. Glisson had the pills because he was a survivor of laryngeal cancer, which had...

Editorial: Standing Together With One Voice Against Domestic Violence []

As a survivor of domestic violence in my family as a youngster, I know firsthand how important it is to talk about this issue, to have a non-stop national dialogue aimed at ending this physical and psychological horror that leaves so many lives shattered. That's why I want to encourage you to get involved this week—March 5-11— NO MORE Week 2017. The purpose of this week is to raise awareness by talking about domestic violence and sexual assault. The more we talk, the more people learn; and...

How New York City Killed Kalief Browder []

Americans are hyper-sensitive right now to videos and images of the split-second police killings of African Americans in the streets. We’re less sensitive, or less aware, of the slow killings of African Americans that happen in jails, prisons, and penitentiaries every day. The story of Kalief Browder may change that. Browder was arrested on highly questionable charges of stealing a backpack when he was 16 years old, then sent to the New York City’s notorious Rikers Island jail to await a...

Meditators Have Younger Brains []

We’ve long known that normal aging is accompanied by a decrease in brain size . This decrease in brain size is due to age-related loss of connective tissue in the brain , often referred to as brain shrinkage , and affects memory, emotional regulation, and executive function. New research from the UCLA School of Medicine’s Department of Neurology shows that long-term meditators have younger brains, with higher concentrations of tissue in the brain regions most depleted by aging. In other...

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