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Letter to my Classmates on our 40th Reunion (

So why the outrage? This is how my career unfolded. To a casual observer, the narrative of modern psychiatry is that it has undergone a remarkable evolution in the past 30 years. We have shuttered most of our large mental hospitals and the common wisdom is that this was due to the powerful and effective drugs psychiatrists prescribe. These drugs have helped not only those who, in another era, might have been institutionalized but also those who were functioning — in some cases quite well —...

How to Heal From PTSD

Child abuse causes PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). In its simplest terms, healing from PTSD is all about finding a healthy way to manage “overwhelm.” Trauma is anything that impairs your ability to cope. Trauma manifests as an instant feeling of overwhelm. What happened to you or what was done to you or what was said to you when you were an abused child overwhelmed you, destroyed your sense of safety, and shifted your natural fight/flight/freeze response into high gear. The problem...

Hey, you've got a little racism stuck in your teeth []

"Recently, there was a news story claiming there’s no evidence that flossing actually does anything. I fell on the ground weeping with joy. Yes, complete exoneration! Take that, you dentists and dental hygienists, with your judgy eyes above your mouth covers. Now, I just need to find a study that says exercise is completely useless, and I can keep lounging on the couch, watching Veep and gnawing on an ear of corn and not feel any guilt. (What, like your Saturday nights are sooooo much more...

Where Public Defenders Go to Church []

The lawyers convene behind closed conference-room doors at the back of the University of Mississippi’s Grisham Law Library . A long table has been removed, leaving only wooden chairs, a dozen of which are arranged in a semi-circle in the middle of the open floor. At one end, Charles Luskin leans forward in his seat, bony right elbow propped on bony right knee, bearded chin resting in his palm. He listens intently, periodically reaching down to sip from a Coca-Cola can on the floor between...

Trump Administration Could Target Central American Teens []

After 18 days on a bus to the Mexican city of Reynosa, five days walking through the desert to Texas and two months living in Long Island, the fate of 18-year-old Axel Caballero of Honduras rested in the hands of an immigration judge who hovered above him inside a federal immigration courtroom in downtown Manhattan. He sat in silence on the morning of Feb. 23 as the judge read the details of his case in a language he had only begun to learn. A lawyer for U.S. Customs and Immigration...

Teachers, Parents Struggle To Comfort Children Of Color Fearful Of Targeted Raids []

In early December, Joann Lee and her family were crossing the street in front of The Los Angeles County Museum of Art. A white van was stopped at the light. Out of nowhere, Lee says, the driver of the van, a white woman, said to Lee's 7-year-old daughter, "You are the most disgusting girl in the whole world. Your family killed my family so you could enjoy a day at the museum." Lee was shocked. Her daughter Terin was confused. "It wasn't overtly racist, but there were overtones. ... We were...

Vote for your favorite innovative behavioral health idea today!

The Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2017 Scattergood Innovation Award Clifford Beers Clinic's Whole-Family Approach to Child Behavioral Health Care Hopeworks Youth Healing Team PeerTECH: Peer and Technology-supported Self-management Intervention Positive Parenting Program to Improve Problem Behaviors in Pre-School Age Children (PriCARE) StreetChange The winner of the Scattergood Innovation Award and the $25,000 prize will be...

Thich Nhat Hanh on the Power of Compassion (

If you are filled with anger , you create more suffering for yourself than for the other person. When you are inhabited by the energy of anger, you want to punish, you want to destroy. That is why those who are wise do not want to say anything or do anything while the anger is still in them. So you try to bring peace into yourself first. When you are calm, when you are lucid, you will see that the other person is a victim of confusion, of hate, of violence transmitted by society, by parents,...

Adults With The Most Costly Problems Could Be Spotted In Preschool []

A detailed analysis of the lives of nearly a thousand people from birth to age 38 shows that a small portion of the population accounts for the lion’s share of social costs such as crime, welfare dependence and health-care needs as adults. Just one-fifth of the study population accounted for 81 percent of criminal convictions and 77 percent of fatherless childrearing. This fifth of the group also consumed three-quarters of drug prescriptions, two-thirds of welfare benefits and more than half...

Philadelphia ends practice of billing parents for the time their children spend in detention []

The city of Philadelphia announced Friday that it will stop billing parents for the cost of their children’s incarceration, just hours after a front-page Marshall Project story in The Washington Post highlighted the practice in the city and across the nation. Heather Keafer, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia Department of Human Services, said the decision to stop charging parents will go into effect immediately. The agency already said late Thursday it plans to end its contract with Steve...

Phone-Based Primary Care Can Ease Anxiety, Mood Symptoms []

A phone-based collaborative care program designed to treat panic and generalized anxiety disorders in primary care was found to be much more effective in lowering symptoms and increasing health-related quality of life than typical care, according to new research at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Collaborative care, or integrative care, refers to primary care treatment that also offers mental health, behavioral health, and substance use therapies. “While dozens of clinical...

I Thought Strong Black Women Didn't Get Depression []

This story was published on The Mighty by Briana Wilson , a platform for people facing health challenges to share their stories and connect. There’s beauty in the struggle; that’s what creates a strong black woman. The strong black woman complex is something that has distorted my view of mental health for years. Prior to being diagnosed with major depression and anxiety , I just figured the pain was a part of my lifestyle. Mental health was never brought up in my environment. It wasn’t until...

The Death of Community and the Rise of Trump []

In 2016, 57 percent of white Americans who voted chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, according to exit polls. More white men voted for Trump than women. A plurality of young white people voted Trump, as did roughly two-thirds of white people without college degrees. While these stats may seem to tell a simple story about race and partisanship in the United States, they conceal demographic shifts among white voters that will be significant in future elections. White Americas, especially...

500 Cities: Local data for better health []

The 500 Cities project is a collaboration between CDC, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the CDC Foundation. The purpose of the 500 Cities Project is to provide city- and census tract-level small area estimates for chronic disease risk factors, health outcomes, and clinical preventive service use for the largest 500 cities in the United States. These small area estimates will allow cities and local health departments to better understand the burden and geographic distribution of...

3 Ways to Get Out of Maintenance Mode and Fight for Yourself []

Eat well. Exercise. Do your best to get enough sleep. Don’t smoke or drink too much. Do all these things and you can maintain your psychological and mental health. These are the messages we all hear every day from the medical and mental health community. They are all based on the assumption that as long as you avoid engaging in damaging behaviors, you will remain emotionally strong. I can’t take issue with any of these important suggestions, of course. But lately, I’ve been realizing that...

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