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Kids in Cuffs: Why Handcuff a Student With a Disability []

School isn't usually tough for Kalyb Wiley-Primm, a smart, soft-spoken kid who likes science and robotics. But one day in second grade, Kalyb said, some bullies made it a nightmare. Upset by the bullies' taunts, he began to cry and yell. "I was like, 'I didn't do anything to you!'" he recalled. When a school security officer at George Melcher Elementary found Kalyb crying and screaming in the classroom, he asked Kalyb to come with him. Out in the hallway, Kalyb, still crying, refused to...

You’re an Adult. Your Brain, Not So Much. []

Leah H. Somerville, a Harvard neuroscientist, sometimes finds herself in front of an audience of judges. They come to hear her speak about how the brain develops. It’s a subject on which many legal questions depend. How old does someone have to be to be sentenced to death? When should someone get to vote? Can an 18-year-old give informed consent? Scientists like Dr. Somerville have learned a great deal in recent years. But the complex picture that’s emerging lacks the bright lines that...

Policy and Practice Changes Form Around National Strategy to Reduce Fatalities and Improve Child Safety []

When the President and Congress asked the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities (CECANF) to develop a national strategy to eliminate child maltreatment fatalities in 2014, we knew the task would not be easy. There was little in the way of evidence-based programs from which to learn. The myriad of policies at the federal, state and local level for defining, counting and addressing fatalities made the task all the more complicated. However, as we concluded our two years of...

The Development of Technology for ACEs (part 3)

Following off of the work I did in part two of our blog post series on the development of technology for ACEs, where I tried to map out some of the possible needs and areas of functionality we could consider, the next step should be to try and build early-stage mockups and prototypes addressing some of these needs; and validate that the needs are indeed addressed in useful ways. About a year or so ago, I built a working prototype of a subset of the functionality I envisioned could be useful...

Stressed Brains Can’t Learn: Paper Tigers, A Documentary Film By James Redford On Trauma-Informed Education []

Eastern Montana CASA GAL Inc., along with Fallon County Tobacco Prevention, and SMART, will be hosting a screening of Paper Tigers, a film that captures the pain, danger, beauty and hopes of struggling teens – and the teachers armed with new science and fresh approaches that are changing lives for the better. The documentary film, directed by James Redford and Executive Produced by Karen Pritzker, will be screened on March 2, 2017 at 4 p.m. at the Baker High School ITV Room and is open to...

New report identifies neighborhoods in need of behavioral health services []

At first glance, Philadelphia zip codes 19148 and 19120 might seem to have little in common. The 19120 zip code is on the northern edge of the city, bordering Cheltenham Township and including parts of the Olney, East Oak Lane and Lawncrest neighborhoods. The 19148 zip code is along the Delaware River in Southeast Philadelphia, just below the Pennsport neighborhood and bisected by I-76 before it links to the Walt Whitman Bridge. But what these two areas have in common, according to a new...

How Going to Jail Changed My Life Path, Part 2 []

Three years have passed since I first went to jail. I often think back to the bumpy, almost dangerous, ride over the bridge to Rikers Island. My classmates and I would hold onto our belongings and the handles of the van as we swerved to avoid potholes and bumps in the road, crossing from freedom to a caged environment. After the first few trips, I found myself focusing less on the obstacles of the road and more on the emotions bumping around in my head: the usual nerves to face a corrections...

2017 The 500 Cities Project: New Data for Better Health []

For the first time ever, the CDC and CDC Foundation are providing city and neighborhood level data for 500 of the largest U.S. cities, making it possible to identify emerging health problems and effective interventions. Old Colony YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts recently discovered something startling: a single neighborhood more burdened by poor health such as asthma, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol than surrounding areas. Most surprising, however, was that this particular area...

Threat Of Obamacare Repeal Leaves Community Health Centers In Limbo []

Treating people for free or for very little money has been the role of community health centers across the U.S. for decades. In 2015, 1 in 12 Americans sought care at one of these clinics; nearly 6 in 10 were women, and hundreds of thousands were veterans . The community clinics — now roughly 1,300-strong — have also expanded in recent years to serve people who gained insurance under the Affordable Care Act. In 2015, community health centers served 24.3 million people — up from 19.5 million...

Louisville Confronts Its Redlining Past and Present []

The phrase “sold down the river” came from Louisville, Kentucky , where the enslaved were traded in one of the largest slave markets of the 19 th century. The Louisville Slave Pens, located in the city’s downtown, held and exported enslaved black laborers to large plantations in the Deep South via the Ohio River. As the website for the new online mapping project Redlining Louisville states, “These slave pens represent the origins of the black residential experience in Louisville.” By the...

Developing resilience in children []

Life for most of us in our modern society takes a toll on our emotional, psychological and physical well-being. Harvard psychologist Robert Kegan asserts that we do not have the mental framework and associated mental capacities, to adequately to meet the overwhelming demands of modern life. This inadequacy leaves most people with increasing and growing levels of anxiety, depression, disconnected to their experiences of joy, love, happiness and inner peace, and lacking a sense of purpose in...

Private Prisons Are Back in Business []

It was only a matter of time before Attorney General Jeff Sessions backtracked on the Department of Justice’s earlier plans to phase out the use of private prisons. Indeed, the American Civil Liberties Union has been concerned about the former senator’s ties to the private prison lobby since October, when Geo Group—one of the biggest private prison corporations—hired two of Sessions’ former aides, David Stewart and Ryan Robichaux. On Thursday, Sessions issued a memo overturning the one put...

What Happened to Involving the People in Policy Making? []

Before Donald Trump took the oath of office, Washington’s chattering classes were abound with speculation about how the then president-elect might govern. As a secret moderate? As a foil to Congressional Republicans? As an authoritarian? Less than a week into his term, the new president made his intentions clear — he plans to govern as he campaigned. The problem for the American people is that candidate Trump’s campaign promises flowed from bias, stereotype, and “alternative facts.” As...

The Federal Government’s Reversal: Let the States Deal With Transgender Kids []

The Trump administration issued a new letter on Wednesday: The federal government will no longer stand behind Obama-era guidelines requiring schools to accommodate transgender students based on their gender identity. The new administration is withdrawing two letters, written in 2015 and 2016, in order to “further and more completely consider the legal issues involved.” The Departments of Justice and Education believe “there must be due regard for the primary role of the States and local...

How Going to Jail Changed My Life Path, Part 1 []

The first time I went to jail, my professor sent me there. Before I could think too much about what I had agreed to do, I piled into a beat-up 12-passenger van with 11 others. I was unsure if my nerves were from my concern that the van wasn’t going to make it the 15 miles across the city or my fear of what awaited me on the other side of the bridge at Rikers Island, New York’s main jail complex. If I’m being honest, it was a bit of both. I peered out the window and watched as my city...

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