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This Chart Shows How the Safety Net Helps Working-Class White Americans []

Earlier today, Congress confirmed Mick Mulvaney, President’s Donald Trump’s nominee for budget director. Mulvaney, a Republican from South Carolina, has, in the past, proposed dramatic cuts to programs like Medicare and Social Security. Judging by a new report from the the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive think tank, those cuts would be especially detrimental to white, working-class Americans. [For more of this story, written by Dwyer Gunn, go to ...

5 Relationship Red Flags: What You Should Know []

Do you ever get the feeling that something is really wrong with your relationship — but can’t put your finger on it? Not all red flags are obvious. Of course, things like physical abuse or infidelity can be easy to recognize. But many signs of trouble are harder to spot. As a relationship therapist, I’ve seen a lot of serious problems. And they often have common underlying themes. Of course, partners can change, and therapy is a great place to start. Sometimes, though, it simply won’t get...

Sonoma County’s group homes for kids adapting to state changes []

The Valley of the Moon Children’s Home, an emergency shelter for children removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect, is poised for a major transition that would dramatically reduce the number of days youths could be housed there. The change will limit stays to 10 days and require the shelter to respond more quickly and appropriately to a child’s trauma, with an emphasis on promoting physical, psychological and emotional safety. Each one of the shelter’s 93-member staff, from cooks...

The Failure of Race-Blind Economic Policy []

After Donald Trump’s presidential victory, many left-leaning politicians and commentators started considering what sort of message would help them regain political power. Given the clear racial subtext to the 2016 campaign—Trump stereotyped Mexican immigrants and Muslim families , and Hillary Clinton spoke openly about systemic racism—and who ultimately won, some concluded that Democrats should stop using so-called “identity politics” to try to win elections. The argument went that this...

Helping Young People in Crisis, One Text at a Time []

It began with a shocking text message that left the staff at deeply shaken. The non-profit organization was originally created to promote youth volunteer and social action opportunities. It uses texting—the primary way in which teens communicate —to send thousands of daily messages alerting members to clothing drives, health fairs, park clean-ups, and more. Responses have been common. In addition to the usual sign-up requests, texters have also sought advice on how to handle...

Dovetail Learning's TOOLBOX a resource for schools seeking to be trauma-informed

Bryan Clement, Dovetail Learning, gave a compelling presentation to the ACEs Connection community coalition in Sonoma County, CA, in late January. He began with a video showing how kids are putting social and emotional skills into action in their school settings (English and Spanish versions embedded below): TOOLBOX clearly offers great tools for strengthening relationships between folks of all ages. It also provides the language and framework creating a strong relationship-based foundation...

Trauma Matters Winter Edition 2017

The Connecticut Women's Consortium and the Connecticut Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services posted the 2017 winter edition of Trauma Matters. Articles include: The Bond that Harms: The Impact of Trauma Bonding on Human Trafficking Victims Trauma in Women Experiencing Homelessness Ask the Experts: A Conversation with Sebern Fisher ART: An Emerging Evidence-Based Therapy for Treatment of PTSD and Related Comorbidities It's attached here for download.

WEBINAR: Using a Mindfulness-based Social Emotional Learning Program with K-2 Students, Teachers, and Parents in Chicago Public Schools

WEBINAR: Using a Mindfulness-based Social Emotional Learning Program with K-2 Students, Teachers, and Parents in Chicago Public Schools Tuesday, February 28 1:30pm-2:30pm The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative is pleased to present this exciting webinar illustrating ways to build resiliency within the educational system. Dr. Amanda Moreno and Erikson Institute doctoral student Kandace Thomas will present features of the Calm Classroom K-2 project, a large randomized controlled trial of...

What Do Caregivers Do?

This story occurred in the early part of the AIDS epidemic. In 1991, I was part of a coalition working to develop local home care options for AIDS patients. This was before the first AIDS treatment drugs became available, so the prognosis for someone with AIDS was not good. They got sick. If they recovered, they were likely to get sick again soon. Back then, HIV disease was still an unfamiliar and frightening illness, even for medical personnel. The general public was concerned about...

MARC Welcomes Wendy Ellis to Advisory Committee

Wendy Ellis wanted to know what made some children thrive and others suffer, even when both had been exposed to the same cascade of adversities. She yearned to unlock that mystery on the population level. It was the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study Ellis stumbled upon while board president of Childhaven, a childhood trauma treatment program in Seattle, that began to shape her inquiry. “The science gave me a vocabulary, a way to understand certain things I had seen in childhood. I...

Trauma-Informed Care Environmental Scan Released

As recognition of the widespread impact of trauma increases, the desire to provide trauma-informed care is at the forefront of a movement to build resilience and prevent and mitigate the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Given the growing momentum for change and the need to bolster awareness of promising practices in trauma-informed care, the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative researched over 300 programs to develop this Environmental Scan Report. The goal of the Scan was to...

The Raising of America User Survey

From California Newsreel : Dear Friends and Colleagues, Will you take The Raising of America User Survey? We want to hear from those who have used The Raising of America to broaden the conversation around early childhood! With thousands of events and screenings across the nation, it is time to evaluate how the series is being used -- what's working, what isn't -- and the impact it is having. The survey is 35 questions, will take about 20 minutes to complete, and is anonymous. Please take the...

Sesame Street Plans Social-Emotional Learning Program for Refugee Children []

The Sesame Workshop hopes the friendly faces of Sesame Street characters will help refugee children navigate the complex social and emotional effects of trauma and displacement. The organization is teaming with the International Rescue Committee, a global humanitarian organization, to "deliver transformative early learning and social-emotional support to millions of refugee children in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria," it said in a news release Thursday: "Of the 65 million displaced people...

4 Ways Trauma Can Complicate Mental Health Treatment []

Do you have a history of trauma (i.e., abuse, neglect, psychological or emotional chaos growing up, etc)? Trauma can include a host of experiences, too many to name here. But trauma is a powerful consequence of emotional and psychological chaos. What I mean by this is that despite whatever the traumatic situation entailed, the result is often chaos in the mind and emotions of the person who experienced the traumatic event. In fact, our perceptions of the event itself could lead to symptoms...

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