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The Healthy-Lifestyle Curriculum []

At Perea Preschool in Memphis, Tennessee, a teacher introduces mango to a circle of 16 4-year-olds for the first time. Another day, the children discover pumpkin during a play activity. Most of these children come from impoverished families where lettuce is considered a luxury item. According to Vicki Sallis Murrell, a professor of counseling, educational psychology, and research at the University of Memphis, parents are making tough choices between a $1 head of lettuce and five boxes of...

Invitation to apply for emerging leaders in public health initiative -- deadline Feb. 20 []

Emerging Leaders in Public Health is designed to develop local public health leaders in pairs. This team of leaders challenge and support each other, and build skills and competencies together. Each team is composed of a health officer, the top leader in the organization, collaborating with a co-leader identified as an emerging leader from the same organization. In addition to receiving leadership coaching and development, each team receives a grant up to $125,000 to develop and implement a...

Unmasking the Wounded Healer Video & Commentary

"...The wounded healer in all its many forms will do this one act over and over and over again.... it will create an ally ship between the body, the soul, the mind, the heart and the spirit, in order that the body consort be healed. It will create an ally ship. The wounded healer will not leave any part out. The wounded healer takes all into account.. ....Scar clan includes those who have suffered being in the midst of others suffering and yet they managed to maintain strength and sanity and...

Updated Refugee & Trauma webpages - National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

New information has been added to the refugees and trauma webpages of These pages offer guidance for providers in schools, primary care, mental health, and those who work with immigrant, refugee, or migrant children. Resources on refugee rights, trauma experienced by refugees, core stressors refugees endure, and a link to the core stressor assessment tool can also be found here. To access the Refugee & Trauma webpage, please visit;

Stress hormones underlie Indigenous health gap, linked to racism in Australia []

James Cook University scientists have made a disturbing finding about some young Indigenous people's biological reaction to stress, but one that could help close the health gap for indigenous people. The researchers have found young adult Indigenous people they tested show impaired secretion of the stress hormone cortisol and that their biological stress response is linked to the racial discrimination they experience. Professor Zoltan Sarnyai led the team of scientists from the Australian...

Youth trauma conference, UC Berkeley!

We are organizing a conference on March 4 at UC Berkeley called: Contextualizing and Understanding Youth Trauma and Cultivating Resilience. It's aimed at bringing together people who don't usually get to share knowledge: community practitioners, researchers, students, scientists and educators. We want to understand the biology and the social-contextual factors of trauma and its impact on youth.

From Hell to Healing: A Survivor's Journey

It was a sweltering day in the summer of 1987 in Limestone County, Alabama. The air, thick with humidity, sapped what little strength remained from already heat-wearied bodies, the chittering of bush crickets rising as the sun sank. Following 11 hours of clearing hillside with a sling blade at the Elk River State Park, I let my thoughts wander while resting my right arm on the window frame of my father’s pickup truck, grateful for the air rushing against me. He and my stepmother, Louise,...

The Yellow Door of Palmyra []

In 1985, Ala Sarraj went to sleep in Damascus and dreamed of a big yellow door nearly 300 kilometers away, in Palmyra. He was 22 and one of the top-ranked students in Syria, studying medicine at the prestigious Damascus University. In the dream, the door’s outlines were vague, its color diluted by hints of gray. The grinding and screaming of torture could be heard behind it. Ala would dream again of the door after his older brother, Abdul Rahman, fled Syria for Chicago that same year; again...

High Estrogen Levels Might Epigenetically Protect Women From a Traumatic Event []

Whether a woman’s estrogen level is high or low could determine if she may be susceptible to developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) , according to recent research. Estrogen has been found to epigenetically change gene activity in the brain and could even protect a woman from emotional numbness, flashbacks, and difficulty sleeping – all symptoms of PTSD – after a shocking or traumatic situation. Researchers analyzed an epigenetic mark called DNA methylation , which is known to turn...

America the Stuck []

Our ability to move to opportunity—our mobility—is a key factor in our own and our nation’s economic success. But the mobility of Americans has reached record lows, according the latest data from the U.S. Census. Just slightly more than one in ten Americans (11.2 percent) moved between 2015 and 2016, almost half the 20.2 percent rate back in 1948, when the Census began tracking American mobility. Mobility was once the cornerstone of the American Dream, but today Americans move less often...

Parenting Education a Necessity

I'm new to the ACEs Connection and therefore find myself reading many of the post to sort of catch up. Much focus is on the necessity to recognize the impact that ACE has had on our children and then seek ways to effectively intervene. This must continue. I continue to believe that in order to get ahead of this problem we must make parenting education a priority within our school systems. Most of our schools staff Family Consumer Science teachers that offer courses like parenting and child...

Recent events provide renewed opportunities to ensure the safety of American Muslim youth

Recent events provide renewed opportunities to ensure the safety of American Muslim youth: There are several actions adults can take to help Muslim young people feel safe, valued and affirmed As people across the United States continue to respond to the executive order on immigration signed by President Trump on January 27, it’s important to keep in mind ways that these reactions may affect the safety and well-being of Muslim youth across the country. There are about 3.3 million Muslims...

A Nation Triggered: Using Powerful Questions to Coach Ourselves to Bi-Partisanship

It’s official: in the United States we have a new president. Along with it, lots of questions … for me, mostly unanswered questions which bring about uncertainty, triggers my past traumatic events, and my anxiety begins to flare up. I’ve have mostly tried to ignore the coverage, but you almost have to have your head in the sand to not hear some of what is going on. But every time something gets through my “no news for the moment” safeguards, I find myself asking the same question, “What does...

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