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Hope greater than despair []

On Oct. 30, some local churches began a series called Hope > Despair. CrossWay Church, Hockinson Community Church, Landmark Church, Starting Grounds Church and Cherry Grove are coming together with a common goal in mind: ending teen isolation and suicide. To do so, the series will help attendees better understand Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). ACEs is a 20-year-old study that shows, depending on if one’s ACEs score is high or not, if one is more likely to have negative outcomes in...

The Crisis Within []

The white casket is low enough for most of Jamyla Bolden’s elementary school classmates to gaze directly into the face of their friend, her eyes closed, her lashes long. A childish angel adorns the interior satin lid just above the fine profile of Jamyla’s face and gazes down wide-eyed on the children. A message beneath it reads, “You shall fly with new wings.” The children have come to the wake at Wade Funeral Home on an August evening to say goodbye to Jamyla, a fellow fourth-grader at...

Two New Probation Chiefs for Los Angeles Will Find Full Plate []

Los Angeles County’s newly chosen chief probation officer and her new second in command, who will both take over in January, are entering LA’s troubled probation department at a pivotal moment. For the top position, LA’s Board of Supervisors selected former Assistant LA County Sheriff Terri McDonald who until recently was in charge of LA’s massive jail system. She had been brought in to put in place reform recommendations following a series of public scandals. To head the juvenile side of...

Anxiety, Depression and the Modern Adolescent - Kids are overexposed!

Intermountain (the founding organization of ChildWise Institute that started the movement, Elevate Montana ) was honored to be a source for a TIME cover story this week: "Anxiety, Depression and the Modern Adolescent." From the article: "Daniel Champer, the director of school-based services for Intermountain in Helena, Mont., says the one word he'd use to describe the kids in his state is overexposed. Montana's kids may be in a big, sparsely populated state, but they are not isolated...

Notes from Wicked Problems: Big Data on Trauma, Solution-Based Casework, and More []

It was a big week in Chicago. The Cubs finally broke through and won the World Series, and all of the intractable problems with child welfare were fixed. Okay, only one of those happened. But the city did play host to the sixth forum held by the Wicked Problems Institute (WP), which featured leaders who are laying the seeds of child welfare reform with more and better data. A project of the University North Carolina School of Social Work (UNC) and the Children’s Home Society of America...

A Large Proportion of California Parents Were Abused as Children []

A new survey has found that 1 in 5 California adults cohabitating with children were physically abused in their youth. One in 10 report having been sexually abused as children. Accurate data is essential to interventions in cycles of abuse. It’s difficult to get solid numbers on child abuse, since so much goes unreported, and child welfare advocates will sometimes file neglect reports to remove children from dangerous situations with allegations that are easier to prove . The data was...

Snohomish County group seeks to lower student expulsion rates []

Marysville, 814 kids. Mukilteo, 665. Everett, 625. Edmonds, 545. Lake Stevens, 294. Snohomish, 257. Stanwood-Camano, 174. Granite Falls, 167. Monroe, 165. Arlington, 137. Sultan, 87. And Washington? In all, 44,655 public school students statewide were given out-of-school short- or long-term suspensions or expulsions in 2015. That’s according to discipline-rate statistics on the state’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website. Just numbers? No. They are lives. They are futures...

The Roots of Route 66 []

No other road has captured the imagination and the essence of the American Dream quite like Route 66. The idea behind the “Mother Road” was to connect urban and rural America from Chicago all the way to Los Angeles, crossing eight states and three time zones. With more hope than resources, Dust Bowl migrants and others escaping poverty caused by the Great Depression could motor west on Route 66 in search of a better life. This 2,440-mile “Road of Dreams” speckled with romantic and...

Anna Deavere Smith Contains Multitudes []

Halfway through the first act of Anna Deavere Smith’s new one-woman show, “Notes from the Field,” Smith, whose plays are made up of what she calls “portraits” of Americans, takes on the persona of the Reverend Jamal Bryant to deliver, word for word, the eulogy he gave at New Shiloh Baptist Church for Freddie Gray, the twenty-five-year-old man who died last year after being transported in a police van in Baltimore. By this point in the play, Smith has already played a handful of other...

The Cognitive Benefits of Being a Man-Child []

In a time when college graduates return to live under their parents’ roofs and top careers require years of internships and graduate degrees, the age of adulthood is receding, practically into the 30s. Adolescence, loosely defined as the period between puberty and financial independence, now lasts about 15 years, twice as long as it did in the 1950s. Part of this is due to the declining age of puberty in both males and females, but most of that extension appears in the 20s, when an...

Can Mindfulness Help Parents and Preteens Have Better Relationships? []

Adolescence can be a stressful period for the parent-child relationship. Could mindfulness help? A new pilot study took an innovative approach to the problem, combining classes for both preteens and parents with brain scans of the parents and reports from their children on how mom or dad were doing. Previous studies found that mindfulness practice can lessen stress, depression, and anxiety in parents of preschoolers and children with disabilities —and that mindful parenting is linked to more...

NY Times article about "Schools That Work" misses the mark

This morning I was moved to write a letter to the editors of the New York Times, after reading the opinion piece "Schools That Work" in the Sunday Review section. The article begins with the story of a now high-school age African American student, Alanna Clark, who has a reading disability. Alanna's mother managed to find her a spot in a charter school "outside her neighborhood," after she "repeatedly asked the school for help, without success."

School, Troubled Kids, Trauma, the Brain and Pain Based Behaviors

The majority of teachers, administrators and other educators have very little experience recognizing "pain based behaviors" in kids. Pain based behaviors look like disrespect, disobedience, willfulness, moodiness, excessive anger, not being able to sit still, and a whole host of behaviors that are "punished" in our schools. So we continue to use the more politically correct term of "consequences" as our most troubled children behave in a manner that seems to leave very little options for the...

There Is No Health Without Addressing The Mental Health Of Our Nation []

The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrated its seventh annual World Mental Health Day on October 10. The organization uses this date to call attention to the need for the entire world to recognize the international impact of mental health disorders on the global economy and human rights. To support this initiative, the WHO created a 2013-2020 Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan with four major objectives: strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health; provide...

Safe From Boko Haram But At Risk Of Sexual Abuse []

In 2015, Masui Segun was conducting research for a report on attacks on teachers and students in camps for internally displaced people in northeast Nigeria. She's the senior researcher for Nigeria for Human Rights Watch , an international nongovernmental group that publishes about 100 reports a year on human rights issues. The people she met wanted her to look into a different topic. "People walked up to us and asked why we were not researching the violence against women in the camps," she...

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