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Passive/Public Parenting Education

It seems to me that if we want to reduce adverse childhood experiences we must work to improve the quality of parenting in communities. Visit to learn about a small nonprofit organization pioneering passive/public parenting education.

Conference Marks Growing Aspirations for ACEs Movement []

To hear pediatrician and activist Nadine Burke-Harris tell it, the movement to address the epidemic of childhood trauma has come a long way in the past two years. “When I first started talked about this eight years ago, I would get into a room of a thousand people and I would ask how many folks had heard of adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress,” Burke-Harris said at a conference last week organized by her organization, the San Francisco-based Center for Youth Wellness (CYW). “Three...

Mental health services in situations of conflict, fragility and violence: What to do? []

Armed conflict and violence disrupt social support structures and exposes civilian populations to high levels of stress. The 2015 Global Burden of Disease study found a positive association between conflict and depression and anxiety disorders. While most of those exposed to emergencies suffer some form of psychological distress, accumulated evidence shows that 15-20% of crisis-affected populations develop mild-to moderate mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic...

New Cook County clinic aims to keep mentally ill out of jail []

One young woman, who is delusional, frequently ends up in Cook County Jail for trespassing. Another man often is arrested when he becomes agitated at home, throwing and breaking things. They're among a number of people with mental health issues who too often end up in jail when they should receive appropriate care elsewhere, said Dr. Kenya Key, chief of psychology at Cermak Health Services, a division of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System that provides health care at the jail. A new...

Revolutionary Training Website to Help Doctors Tackle Implicit Bias, Provide Better Care to Black Gay Men []

NASTAD ( National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors ) is excited to announce the launch of a new online training platform, , to help doctors, nurses, and medical professionals identify and unlearn racial biases that create barriers to good care and elevate the quality of healthcare for Black gay men and other Black men who have sex with men. The barriers for Black gay men in search of medical care are high. Even though most medical providers want to give good...

Nurturing Childhood May Pay Off Decades Later []

Older men raised in caring families might have more secure marriages in late life, researchers say. "Our study shows that the influences of childhood experiences can be demonstrated even when people reach their 80s, predicting how happy and secure they are in their marriages as octogenarians," said Robert Waldinger, of Harvard Medical School in Boston. Waldinger and his colleagues looked at data on 81 men in the United States who took part in a long-term study, beginning when they were...

Hope greater than despair []

CrossWay Church, Hockinson Community Church, Landmark Church, Starting Grounds Church and Cherry Grove are coming together with a common goal in mind: ending teen isolation and suicide. To do so, the series will help attendees better understand Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). ACEs is a 20-year-old study that shows, depending on if one’s ACEs score is high or not, if one is more likely to have negative outcomes in their life, from physical, emotional, social, and employment issues. An...

Suffer the children []

Are the kids all right? As a child of Holocaust survivors, it’s a question I ask myself as an adult. Both the question and the answer attract increasing attention today, now that we understand more about the nature of trauma, and how it can be transmitted from one generation to the next. Ever since the Holocaust, and every year during Holocaust Education Week, from Nov. 2 to 9, we remember our parents’ stories of the unspeakable horrors they endured and the courage it took to survive them.

The Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle launches its first showcase in November []

Founded earlier this year, the Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle is a local organization committed to celebrating independence and diversity in film. The group's first annual film showcase takes place November 5 and 6 at the Gene Siskel Film Center and Wilmette Theatre and will feature talkbacks with filmmakers after each screening.

 Resilience is a fascinating documentary that explores the notion of how traumatic childhood experiences have been linked to medical diseases and...

Be Alert for PTSD After Pregnancy Loss []

Post-traumatic stress disorder can develop in women after pregnancy loss, a new British study finds. Women who suffer a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy should be routinely screened for PTSD and receive mental health support, the researchers said. "We were surprised at the high number of women who experienced symptoms of PTSD after early pregnancy loss," said study lead author Jessica Farren, of the department of surgery and cancer at Imperial College London. "At the moment, there is no...

Inside the Battle Over the Dakota Access Pipeline []

Front Line Camp, Highway 1806, Outside Cannon Ball, North Dakota, October 27, 2016 A woman’s voice cries out: “We cannot let them cross! For our children and our grandchildren!” “Stand in prayer!” a man warns, as a call and response rings out: “Black Snake Killers! Black Snake Killers!” “We are going to stop this pipeline!” a youth boldly declares. A female elder proclaims firmly in Lakota: “Mni Wiconi!” Water is life. The voices of hundreds of Native Americans and their allies, punctuated...

Creating Good Harbors: A Journey of Unknowns

There are less than 60 days left in 2016, and soon another year will descend. I always feel reflective this time of year: looking back at my intentions for the year, relishing in the goals that I accomplished, reexamining the ones that I missed, wondering if there is time to cram in and complete another one before the end of the year (dieting at the holidays … no thanks). But this year has been one of accomplishment for me. After four long years of sitting on my “to do” list I finally...

Elementary school launches in-house therapy for at-risk students []

Bay City's Washington Elementary is one of the first schools in the state to launch an in-house health center to address medical and behavioral issues for its large population of at-risk students. Earlier this year, the public school, in partnership with the Bay County Department of Health and Human Services, Bay County Public Health Department, Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health and Probate Judge John C. Keuvelaar, secured a $300,000 grant to create the Washington Elementary School Family Health...

Adults who suffer adverse childhood experiences are more likely to get ill later in life []

CHILDREN whose parents split up when they are young are more likely to become seriously ill in adulthood, a new Wales-wide study has found. Research among 2,000 Welsh adults showed that stressed youngsters who undergo "adverse childhood experiences" (ACEs) are at greater risk of a range of long term health problems. The splitting up of parents is regarded as one of the worst impacts on children's long term health, as are bullying and abuse. Children who have been affected by four or more...

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