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SAMHSA’S GAINS Center seeks experienced trainers to participate in trauma-informed responses train-the-trainer event for Individuals

This notice is from SAMHSA's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation. SAMHSA's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, operated by Policy Research Associates, Inc., is known nationally for its work regarding people with behavioral health needs involved in the criminal justice system. Each year, the GAINS Center provides its trauma-informed responses training, How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses , to the field via...

ACEs-informed Interventions that work in early childhood

A Report from the 2016 California Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference At the 2016 California ACEs Conference, First 5 Executive Director Moira Kenney moderated a panel October 20 on Early Identification and Promising Interventions in Early Childhood (focus on ages 0-5). The conference was hosted by the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco and sponsored by the California Endowment, Kaiser-Permanente, and Genentech. Public Health Professor Christina Bethell, who also directs the...

'NYC Well' Is NYC's New 24/7 Mental Health Hotline []

As part of its $305 million plan to "change the culture" around mental illness , NYC now has its own round-the-clock mental health hotline called NYC Well . First Lady Chirlane McCray said, "No matter where you live or how much money you make, you can reach out to NYC Well with a call, text or chat. If you are a spouse worrying that drugs or alcohol are taking over your partner’s life; a parent concerned about changes in your teenager’s behavior; so stressed that you can’t work or so sad and...

Public Comments Requested to Improve Health Equity

Issues for Comment: With this Notice, OMB is seeking comments from the public on: (1) The adequacy of the current standard in the areas identified for focused review (see detailed descriptions below); (2) specific suggestions for the identified areas that have been offered; and (3) principles that should govern any proposed revisions to the standards in the identified areas. Question Format & Nonresponse: Although many respondents report within the race and ethnicity categories specified...

Study Links Disasters to Dementia []

Earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters may raise dementia risk for seniors forced to leave their homes, a new study suggests. "In the aftermath of disasters, most people focus on mental health issues like PTSD," said study author Hiroyuki Hikichi, a research fellow at Harvard University's School of Public Health, in Boston. "But our study suggests that cognitive decline is also an important issue," Hikichi said in a university news release. Relocation to a temporary shelter after a...

Community Leaders Tell Their ACEs Success Stories at 2016 ACEs Conference in California

(l to r) Teri Barila, director of the Children's Resilience Initiative; Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell, assistant professor in Loma Linda University Preventive Medicine and Pediatric Depts. (Photo: Jennifer Hossler) _________________________________ Sauntering on stage to the beat of Everyday People by Sly and the Family Stone, four “heroes” of the ACEs movement took their seats for a panel on trauma-informed and resilience-building communities on October 21, the last day of the 2016 Adverse...

The Realities of Sea-Level Rise in Miami's Low-Income Communities []

This story originally published in Spanish on our sister site, CityLab Latino . MIAMI—The water rose quickly. At noon on a brilliantly sunny day here, several blocks from the beach, a lake of salt water suddenly appeared in the street, filtered up from the porous limestone that resides underneath the whole county of Miami-Dade. On the corner of 79th Street and 10th Avenue in the Shorecrest neighborhood, people wandered outside their apartment buildings to stare at the rising water, sloshing...

Lacking Motivation? Try This []

“There’s so little time and so much to do,” are lyrics from Grammy award winner jazz singer and composer Louis Armstrong. As a charismatic trumpet player, his career spanned five decades beginning in the 1920’s. While his can-do philosophy probably inspired the lyrics for the song So Little Time, even people who lack motivation feel the pressure of time and work. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not like a person doesn’t know what needs to be done or lack something to do. Rather it is that...

I don't own my child's body []

My daughter occasionally goes on a hugging and kissing strike. She's 7, and she's been holding these wildcat strikes since she was 3 or 4. Her parents can get a hug or a kiss, but many people who know her cannot, at least not all the time. And I won't make her. "I would like you to hug Grandma, but I won't make you do it," I first told her three years ago. "I don't have to?" she asked, cuddling up to me at bedtime, confirming the facts to be sure. No, she doesn't have to. And just to be...

Family Media Plan helps parents set boundaries for kids []

It can be overwhelming for parents to manage all of the media options available to children and adolescents around the clock and sort out the pros and cons of screen time. While media use can help build kids’ social skills, it also can put them at risk of obesity, lost sleep, bullying, addiction and violence, according to new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). To help families navigate the digital world, the AAP has developed a Family Media Plan. Parents and children can...

Central American migrants showing record levels of mental health problems []

Central American migrants are suffering from record levels of mental health problems, amid a rise in violent attacks after a US-sponsored immigration crackdown forced them to use more perilous routes through Mexico . Two-thirds of migrants interviewed at shelters across the country reported suffering at least one violent attack – such as assault, rape or kidnapping – during their journey, according to a survey conducted by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and shared exclusively with the...

Why so serious? The untapped value of positive psychology []

All we can ever hope to do, Sigmund Freud once wrote, is “to change neurotic misery into common unhappiness”. This pessimistic statement from arguably the most influential psychological theorist of modern times captured the mood that prevailed in psychology through most of the 20th century. That is, most psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts were essentially guided by a model of the patient that was based on what was wrong with people, and how to deal with these deficiencies. It...

Parents Need Flexible and Affordable Child Care []

I remember how it felt when I returned to work after the birth of my first son. Trying to figure out child care was confusing, overwhelming, and downright stressful. Of course I wanted the very best care for my baby, but I didn’t know what “high quality” really looked like. Our first arrangement was with a nearby woman who cared for a few other children in her home. Pretty quickly, I decided it wasn’t the right fit. I cobbled together a mix of family and part-time care while searching for a...

A different kind of California ACEs summit

At the first ACEs summit in California in 2014, it seemed as if participants were still becoming familiar with the import of ACEs science. This year’s 2016 Conference on Adverse Childhood Experiences, which brought 450 people to the Park Central Hotel in San Francisco, reflected an ACEs movement that’s got enough history, data and evidence under its belt to become unstoppable. The first day of the conference, which had swiveled from focusing only on California in 2014 to take a more national...

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