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PACEs Research Corner — September 2022, Part 2

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Debelle G, Efstathiou N, Khan R, et. al. The Typology and Topography of Child Abuse and Neglect: The Experience of a...

Jeoff Gordon sees PACEs science, PACEs Connection playing a vital role in ‘relieving some of the most anguishing pain in our society.’

Note: PACEs Connection is in dire financial straits. We are asking for support, from you, our 57,586 members, to help cover the loss of foundation funding that was promised and did not come through. Pay and hours have been cut for our staff—most of us will be laid off for the month of December. Another grant will pick up in January, but we will still be underfunded. Since sounding the alarm this summer, we’ve raised about $26,000 . Thankfully, about 25% of new donors are making monthly...

History. Culture. Trauma. Encore podcast—Agnes Woodward—in honor of Native American Heritage Month

Tune into History. Culture. Trauma. – 1pm PT Thursday, November 10 – Encore of Agnes Woodward discussing murdered and missing Indigenous women. In honor of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women/Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIW/MMIP) movement and November being Native American Heritage Month, we will air an encore discussion between podcast host Ingrid Cockhren, CEO of PACEs Connection, and Agnes Woodward, indigenous activist, mother, artist, and survivor of generational...

Response to Audrey Stillerman about American College of Preventive Medicine response to routine ACE screening—Mike Flaningham

Dr. Mike Flaningham is a physician at the Siletz Community Health Clinic in Siletz, Oregon. I very much appreciate Dr. Stillerman's thoughtful response , as well as the work of her and her co-authors to advance PACEs awareness in the health care system (How cool is it that one of the authors is a PACEs Connection member?!?!). I furthermore appreciate the ongoing discussion here on the PACEs Connection forum, started by Craig McEwen's post on ACPM's recommendations, then spurred by Dr.

Do We Have The History Of Native Americans Backward? []

By David Treuer, Art work: Gilbert Charles Stuart/British Museum, The New Yorker, November 7, 2022 I remember when I first encountered what must be the best-selling book of Native American history ever published, “ Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ,” by Dee Brown. I was twenty years old, and had made my way from the Leech Lake Reservation, in northern Minnesota, where I grew up, to Princeton, in a part of New Jersey that seemed to have no Indians at all. Since “Bury My Heart” appeared, in 1970,...

Florida’s Voter Fraud Arrests Are Scaring Away Formerly Incarcerated Voters []

By Nicole Lewis and Alexandra Arriaga, Photo: Tampa Police Department, The Marshall Project, November 4, 2022 For years, Derrick Oliver has traveled across the state of Alabama helping register formerly incarcerated people to vote. Most often, he says he spends his time correcting the misinformation that any Alabamian with a felony conviction has permanently lost the right to vote. But this year he encountered an overwhelming barrier: fear. In August, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the...

Race Question in Supreme Court Adoption Case Unnerves Tribes []

By Jan Hoffman, Photo: Allison V. Smith/The New York Times, The New York Times, November 7, 2022 The little girl who will soon be known by the nine justices of the United States Supreme Court as Y.R.J. is now 4 years old. For much of her short life she has been living with Dr. Jennifer Brackeen and Chad Brackeen, a suburban Texas couple fighting with the Navajo Nation to adopt her. Y.R.J.’s birth mother is Navajo. The Brackeens are white. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments...

How mixed-race neighborhoods quietly became the norm in the U.S. []

By Ted Mellnik and Andrew Van Dam, Photo: Joshua Lott/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, November 4, 2022 Deep in the bowels of the nation’s 2020 Census lurks a quiet milestone: For the first time in modern American history, most White people live in mixed-race neighborhoods. This marks a tectonic shift from just a generation ago. Back in 1990, 78 percent of White people lived in predominantly White neighborhoods, where at least 4 of every 5 people were also White. In the 2020 Census,...

TIHCER November Zoom - ACPM Position Statement on ACEs with Dr. Kevin Sherin

Kevin has recently been active in leading a position statement on ACEs for the American College of Preventive Medicine and will present a short synopsis of the umbrella review that has been completed and published as a preprint in AJPM FOCUS journal: Kevin Sherin MD, MPH served as the Founding Program Director, of the AdventHealth Sebring family medicine residency until June of 2022, He is currently serving as a...

10 Things You Didn't Know Were Trauma Responses

Recognizing trauma responses is an important skill for trauma-informed leaders to learn—and knowing these common trauma responses is a great place to start. When we view the world with a trauma-informed lens, we can identify two distinct states of mind or headspaces. Of course, this is an overly simplified model—but it can help us easily identify when someone (including ourselves) is experiencing a trauma response. These two states of mind are “trauma brain” and “executive functioning...

In one state, every class teaches climate change — even P.E. []

By Caroline Preston, Photo: Caroline Preston/The Hechinger Report, The Washington Post, November 5, 2022 There was one minute left on Suzanne Horsley’s stopwatch and the atmosphere remained thick with carbon dioxide, despite the efforts of her third graders to clear the air. Horsley, a wellness teacher at Toll Gate Grammar School, in Pennington, N.J., had directed the kids to toss balls of yarn representing carbon dioxide molecules to their peers stationed at plastic disks representing...

‘I’m selling my blood’: millions in US can’t make ends meet with two jobs []

By Michael Sainato, Photo: Étienne Laurent/EPA, The Guardian, November 5, 2022 Millions of Americans are currently working two or more jobs in order to make ends meet, as global inflation and corporations jacking up prices have sent prices of food, gas, housing, health insurance and other necessities soaring in the past year. Cashe Lewis, 31, of Denver, Colorado works two jobs and is currently trying to find a third job to cover the recent $200 monthly rent increase to her apartment. She...

Students are resisting Black and LGBTQ erasure in one of California's whitest counties []

By Julia McEvoy, Photo: Unsplash (in site), National Public Radio, November 6, 2022 In one of the whitest counties in California, some students are trying to defeat school board trustees who've failed to stop racist and homophobic harassment. It's become their political awakening. AYESHA RASCOE, HOST : High school students in one of California's whitest counties are working to elect a new school board this Tuesday. They want to defeat those who have failed to stop racist and homophobic...

Free eight module "Childhood Trauma, Consequences and Essential Responses course for a limited period

In this free eight module course, participants will gain an understanding of how children’s earliest experiences and the nature and quality of their attachment to their primary care-giver can impact their ability to feel safe in the world, to regulate their emotions, to trust other people, to learn, experience good physical and mental health, enjoy positive, reciprocal relationships and behave in prosocial ways. In particular, participants will learn about: Human brain development Attachment...

Number of Youth in Foster Care Dropped Again in 2021 []

By John Kelly, Image: Screenshot from article, The Imprint, November 1, 2022 The number of youth in foster care dropped below 400,000 for the first time since 2012 last year, according to data released today by the Administration for Children and Families. There were 391,098 youth in foster care in 2021, according to today’s report from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System, which uses a point-in-time count from September 30 of a given year to track the nation’s foster...

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