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Number Of Hungry U.S. Kids Drops To Lowest Level Since Before Great Recession []

It's rare to get good news when it comes to hunger. But the government says there was a big drop last year in the number of people in the country struggling to get enough to eat, especially children. Overall, 15.8 million U.S. households, or 12.7 percent, experienced what the government calls "food insecurity" at some point during 2015. That's compared to about 17.4 million households — or 14 percent — in 2014, according to a new report by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research...

Trauma-Informed Care focus of programs []

Community members will have the opportunity to learn about Trauma-Informed Care and be part of a conversation about heroin use and its impacts. Several events related to these topics will take place in Waupaca and area communities next week. They are being sponsored by the Waupaca County Department of Health & Human Services, the Waupaca Community Health Action Team (CHAT) and ThedaCare. “It’s different opportunities at different times so all people can come to at least one event and...

Homelessness, affordable housing addressed during Tuesday Council meeting []

The topics of homelessness and affordable housing were common themes during Tuesday night’s Edmonds City Council meeting. The council heard from Lynnwood City Council President M. Christopher Boyer on what Edmonds’ neighbor to the north is doing to address those issues and had a joint discussion with the Edmonds Planning Board about council priorities for housing during the next several years. The Lynnwood City Council formed a task group on homelessness and “we began by listening to city...

We're Ready for October -- Resilience Month in Walla Walla, WA

[Ed. note: This blog is cross-posted from the Walla Walla Valley, WA, group, about how the Children's Resilience Initiative wanted to reach a new audience for their work. This new 15-second video ad they created will be shown before every movie in the local 12-theater complex, for a total of 1,642 times during October. It plays with other ads, such as those from the local hospital.] Effectively communicating a message in 15 seconds can take hours to formulate. After spending weeks, months...

Meditation and vacation effects have an impact on disease-associated molecular phenotypes []

Abstract Meditation is becoming increasingly practiced, especially for stress-related medical conditions. Meditation may improve cellular health; however, studies have not separated out effects of meditation from vacation-like effects in a residential randomized controlled trial. We recruited healthy women non-meditators to live at a resort for 6 days and randomized to either meditation retreat or relaxing on-site, with both groups compared with ‘regular meditators’ already enrolled in the...

How Geography Affects Low-Income Americans []

In the United States, geography affects everything from economic mobility to lifespan. In a paper published earlier this year , the economist Raj Chetty and a number of co-authors explored the life expectancies of the rich and poor. They found not only a staggering rich-poor life expectancy gap, but also that the life expectancies of the poor vary greatly depending on location, with low-income people in certain cities living approximately five years longer than those in other cities. The...

Airbnb Challenges Its Hosts to Be Less Racist []

Plagued by very public allegations of user bias , Airbnb, the polarizing , popular home-rental platform vowed to enact tougher measures against hosts who discriminate against potential guests. In a sweeping internal report released on Thursday , the San Francisco company formally reckoned with the claims. “An increasing number of Airbnb hosts and guests have voiced their concerns about being discriminated against when trying to book a listing because of their race, sexual orientation or...

Hugs, Not Drugs, May Help Ease Kids' Pain in the ED []

[Photo by Juhan Sonin ] Non-pharmacologic strategies and tactics to ease a child's pain may help expedite treatment and improve care in this challenging population, clinicians said here. With both increased pressure to decrease waiting times in the ED and minimize the use of pharmacologic therapies due to the opioid abuse crisis, providers have been forced to get creative, according to presenters at the annual Pain Week conference. This may mean turning to certain behavioral and...

Mental Illness And Teens: It Impacts Every One Of Us []

It could be any of us. Any of our kids. Any of our nieces or nephews. Our grandkids. The students in our class. Our friends' kids. Our neighbours' kids. Our co-workers' kids. The list goes on... The fact is, mental illness impacts more of us than we realize. The reality is, one in five Canadians will experience mental illness in their lifetime. Did you know that 10 to 20 per cent of Canadian youth are affected by a mental illness or disorder? Sadly, only one out of five children who need...

When It Comes to Fighting Obesity, It Takes a Village []

When the Reed family  — Becca (51), James (57), and their son Drew (26) — decided to re-gain their health through a radical change in diet and exercise, they entered into their project with cautious optimism. Honestly, they didn’t have much to lose. But they never could have imagined how quickly results would follow. In just two months, despite several challenges in the gym , Becca and James have each lost over 25 pounds. Drew, who is still recovering from the gastric bypass surgery he had...

Bruce Springsteen talks about how depression left him 'crushed' []

With more than 500 pages to work with in his upcoming autobiography, “Born to Run,” legendary rock artist Bruce Springsteen found room to speak about both his continued struggles with depression as well as the shadow mental illness has cast over his life. “I was crushed between sixty and sixty-two, good for a year and out again from sixty-three to sixty-four,” Springsteen details in his book. “Not a good record.” Springsteen expounds on mental illness, both his own and within his extended...

Teachers, SROs Must Learn to Manage Students Without Using Justice System []

Having law enforcement officers in schools is not a new concept. The first school resource officer (SRO) was assigned to a school in Flint, Michigan, in the 1950s. But after several high-profile acts of school violence, such as what occurred at Columbine High School and Sandy Hook Elementary School, SROs are more commonplace than ever before. In 2003, there were nearly 20,000 SROs. The National Center for Education Statistics recently estimated that in 2013 there were as many as 30,000. As...

DA’s pretrial diversion program to expand with mental health services []

McLennan County leaders are creating a new position aimed at getting individuals with mental health issues the help they need and reducing costs associated with processing them through the judicial system. After the start of the fiscal year Oct. 1, county commissioners will vote to move $50,000 into a fund for a coordinator position that would expand District Attorney Abel Reyna’s pretrial diversion program. Anticipating the potential expansion, commissioners included a $1 placeholder in the...

As a mental health provider, I ask all my patients about guns. Here’s why. []

Few topics stir more controversy in this country than guns. Mass shootings and urban gun violence inflame public passions. Gun control measures divide our political leaders, and elections often hinge on candidates' views of guns. I struggle with issues related to firearms every day, but in a different way. To me, it's not about politics or elections. It's part of my daily job. As a mental health provider, I have to ask all my patients about guns. I spend many of my days and nights caring for...

Data-driven Strategies to Guide the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Approaches by Stacy Overstreet

Stacy Overstreet, PhD., will be discussing Data-driven Strategies to Guide the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Approaches at the Resilience Summit, November 2-3 in Chicago. Abstract: Successful implementation of trauma-informed schools must build consensus for trauma-informed approaches and establish organizational capacity for and commitment to such approaches. The presentation will describe the implementation and impact of professional development training on teacher attitudes toward...

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