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In Flooded Louisiana, Spaces for Play and Learning Help Children Cope []

“I was able to dance today, and it helped me with my stress,” an 11-year-old girl told Sarita Fritzler, an emergency team leader for Save the Children , which is providing flood assistance in Louisiana. The child and her family were among more than 5,000 people who turned to emergency shelters in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after flooding damaged or destroyed more than 60,000 homes in the state in mid-August. The family found shelter at Baton Rouge River Center, which on Tuesday still held more...

Shaheen visits Manchester police to discuss program to help traumatized children []

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team is the first of its kind. The team responds to a crime scene where a child is involved and determines the next steps to be taken for the child’s well-being. U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen stopped by the police department Tuesday to learn more about the program. “It sounded to me like such a great way to respond to what you so often see, which is the violence, the difficult times in families, and to be able to have a positive response is really...

Want to Get Troubled Teens on the College Track? Figure Out Why They Misbehave []

Swearing at teachers, throwing chairs in a classroom, getting into fights on campus, or ditching class—those kinds of behaviors are sure to get students suspended, expelled, or handcuffed in the back of a squad car at most American high schools. But instead of responding with the typical punitive, zero-tolerance disciplinary tactics , what would happen if teachers and administrators started asking kids who act out what’s really going on in their lives? In Paper Tigers—a documentary that...

Childhood conditions affect adults, but pediatrics professionals can help []

Diphtheria, scurvy, rickets, rheumatic heart disease, tetanus ... these are the diseases of history that killed and maimed tens of thousands of children every year in America during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Now those of us who work in pediatrics face different, but no less serious challenges. Back then, images of wasted babies and street urchins in tattered clothes are often conjured when the lives of children in early America are described. In the early days of modern medicine,...

Recovery High Schools: Interview with Lori Holleran Steiker, Ph.D. []

[Episode 105] Today's Social Work Podcast is about Recovery High Schools. I spoke with Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker, Distinguished Professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Social Work, and author of the 2016 book, Youth and Substance Use: Prevention, Intervention and Recovery . We talk about risk factors for addiction, adolescent brain development, how to think about addiction from a biopsychosocial-spiritual perspective, why recovery or sober high schools fit an essential gap...

Why Aren't U.S. Police Departments Recruiting More Women? []

The message is chillingly clear: If you’re raped or sexually assaulted in Baltimore these days, don’t expect much from the police. Earlier this month, a Department of Justice investigation found the Baltimore Police department has been shockingly negligent in responding to sex crimes, including leaving the majority of rape kits untested and ignoring evidence. It described a culture of hostility towards victims, including officers who called women “whores” who are trying to “mess up guys’...

PAPER TIGERS Broadcast Premiere Tonight PIVOT TV

In honor of this announcement, we are offering 15% off any PAPER TIGERS purchase when you check out. Simply use the code "PIVOT15" in the cart to receive the discount. Offer expires October 15, 2016. We are proud to announce the film PAPER TIGERS will be premiering on Pivot tonight, Wednesday, August 31, 7:00pm ET/4:00pm PT*. PAPER TIGERS follows a year in the life of an alternative high school that has radically changed its approach to disciplining its students. It is now a promising model...

The Future in California Lies in Investing in People, Not More Prisons []

Who are we and what do we stand for in criminal and juvenile justice reform? Against the backdrop of a contentious election season and robust conversations about justice reforms that have included proposals to build private prisons, the Children’s Defense Fund-California (CDF-CA) is taking a pause to revisit and rearticulate the values that guide our work as youth justice advocates. What are the values that guide us in creating better alternatives to broken justice systems for youth? What...

Many Depressed Adults Not Getting Treatment: Study []

Most American adults who suffer from depression aren't getting treatment, a new study finds. After screening survey data on more than 46,000 people, researchers found that 8 percent had depression, but only a third were being treated for the mood disorder. The reasons why were varied. "Some adults who experience depressive symptoms do not believe they are significant and require medical attention, or that they could benefit from treatment," said lead researcher Dr. Mark Olfson. For others,...

Inside North America’s Only Legal Safe Injection Facility []

Addiction, Sharon David says, can seize you any time. Hers began in her mid-30s, after she had already navigated what many might think were the shoals of her life. She spent her adolescence on a First Nations reserve on an emerald stretch of Canada’s Long Island, off the coast of British Columbia. She lived with her grandmother, whom she says was emotionally and physically abusive. When she was 16, after a cousin’s boyfriend tried to rape her, she ran away from home. That escape eventually...

The Beginning of the End for Private Migrant-Detention Centers? []

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it will look into whether it should end its relationship with the private companies that run migrant-detentions centers, a move that would signal a major shift in policy and likely appease immigrant-rights advocates. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made the announcement Monday, and said the review should be finished by the end of November. The U.S. government has depended heavily on private contractors to run its migrant-detention centers, and...

Someone to Talk to Upon Returning From War []

The physical and psychiatric effects of war can linger long after veterans return to American soil. Last weekend, a 76-year-old veteran committed suicide in the parking lot of a veteran’s affairs medical center, where he had been a patient. According to The New York Times , Peter A. Kaisen was “unable to see an emergency-room physician for reasons related to his mental health.” The hospital, however, reportedly said there was no evidence that Kaisen sought treatment at the hospital prior to...

Op-ed: Early childhood experiences could be partly to blame for the heroin problem []

Too many youth feel sad, hopeless, nervous, and depressed as a result of their life experiences. In fact, one in 10 tenth-grade students in Northern Kentucky has self-reported attempting suicide . Sometimes these feelings grow in intensity. Mental illness often becomes evident by the age of 14 . And youth are looking for ways to cope with these feelings -- the average age of first use of alcohol is 13. The culmination of childhood experiences, both positive and negative, shape the way...

A Call for Action in OST as Gay Teens Face Violence, Many Other Risks []

About 8 percent of high school students are lesbian, gay or bisexual, according to the first nationwide survey asking teens about their sexuality. The survey results released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this month found that these teenagers face a shockingly high level of violence compared with their straight peers. The report is a call to action for adults who care about youth, said Debra Hauser, president of Advocates for Youth , a nonprofit focusing on the...

Staying Afloat: Lessons From Hurricane Katrina for the Children Affected by the Flooding in Louisiana []

The great Louisiana Floods of 2016 have led to the closure of at least 22 of the state’s 70 public school districts , with additional districts calling off classes as a precaution given the immense devastation. This means that as many as one-third of the state’s public school students were out of school last week, and potentially for many weeks to come. That equates to more than 241,000 children who are not in classrooms where they belong; and these figures do not even account for the many...

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