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The Fine Line Between Safe Space and Segregation []

Colleges across the U.S. have been trying to do a better job of making students who have traditionally been underrepresented on campus feel welcome and included. But some of their attempts, however well-intentioned, garner as much ire as support. While many see the creation of safe spaces for black students, LGBT students, and other minorities as a positive step toward helping them navigate campus, others see it as resegregation and a step backward. Moraine Valley Community College on the...

Healing Families With Honest Role Modeling []

You can become a healthy role model for your child—even for your adult child. Obviously, the earlier on you model healthy emotions and behavior for your child, the better. A child who grows up with a parent who is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy will usually have a better chance of developing these qualities him or herself. But sometimes, being a role model is deeper than merely being a responsible, thoughtful adult. Children see everything, and are often able to read what we...

Sacramento Court Helps Kids By Healing Parents’ Addictions []

At 10 a.m. on a recent Wednesday, a line of parents pushing strollers filed into a conference room at the Sacramento County Courthouse. They sat at rows of narrow plastic tables, shushing their babies and gazing up at a man in a black robe. Hearing Officer Jim Teal sounded his gavel. “This is the time and place set for Early Intervention Family Drug Court,” he began, gazing sternly at the rapt faces of parents who sit before him. “Graduation from this court is considered a critical factor in...

When We Criminalize Students, It’s African-American Kids Who Suffer the Consequences []

During my first year as a classroom teacher, one of my supervisors told me that my students should not see me smile until Christmas. This is not new advice: It is an old saw that has been passed on to new teachers for years. The logic is that students will not take a friendly teacher seriously, and thus, in order to start the year off on the right foot, students should know unequivocally who runs the show. Our cultural preoccupation with punishment has had disastrous implications for our...

Universal Basic Income and the New Corporatist Democrats []

The power of populist politics in the 2016 election is forcing parties to take economic insecurity seriously, and to think of ways to soothe voter anger. Increasing the minimum wage or lowering taxes feel tired to voters, and thus more radical proposals to make Americans feel economically secure, like free college from Bernie Sanders (and now Hillary Clinton ) and tariffs from Donald Trump, are also now a part of the debate. One of the boldest ideas in policy circles is Basic Income, where...

Childhood Adversity Looms Large for Older Homeless Adults []

A new UC San Francisco report on an understudied population – older homeless adults – reveals that adverse childhood experiences have long-lasting effects. The researchers found that childhood adversities, such as abuse, neglect and parental death, have a strong association with mental health outcomes in a group of 350 homeless adults over the age of 50 in Oakland, Calif. The results indicate that early life challenges have a persistent ripple effect, even in an already challenged...

Women and “Assembly Line Justice”

I am a licensed attorney in Alaska, although I went inactive for my license a number of years ago and no longer actively practice law. But I have had experience practicing criminal law and being active in public policy issues surrounding criminal law for decades. A number of years ago, I noted that in addition to Alaska Native men being overrepresented in Alaska jails by almost 100%, women were becoming an increasing part of the population that was incarcerated. As this study indicates [...

Researchers Find High Rate of PTSD and Cancer in Firefighters, Paramedics []

New research shows that firefighters and paramedics experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the same rate as combat veterans. One Tallahassee Fire Captain is hoping to change how local firefighters mental and emotional health needs are being met. Researchers from the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) in Austin, Texas believed the traumatic situations stem from car accidents to mass casualty incidents. Captain Mike Bellamy of the Tallahassee Fire Department said it...

Building better mental health in cities from the ground up []

T he frenetic, isolating nature of city life can be a day-to-day struggle for millions of people. An environmental cocktail of densely packed streets and homes, cramped and lengthy commutes and noise pollution as well as significant pockets of poverty and deprivation can take their toll. As a result, mental ill health and urban life are inextricably linked. With urban areas expected to house two-thirds of the world’s population by 2050 and some cities, such as in China, undergoing...

Who Do You Call When Your Rapist Is a Cop? []

Last week, the Department of Justice released its most expansive investigation of a troubled police department to date. It is the first of its kind to probe an issue that some academics and advocates have been researching and talking about for over a decade with little traction: sexual predators within the ranks of police officers. In two pages of their scathing 163-page report on the Baltimore Police Department, federal investigators recount complaints from civilians that officers coerce...

Why Black Lives Matter Ought to Matter to Medical Students: A Familiar Message Revisited []

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” –attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. In December of 2014, one week after the non-indictment in the case of Michael Brown, in-Training published an article entitled “ A Lack of Care: Why Medical Students Should Focus on Ferguson .” In it, Jennifer Tsai argued that the systemic racism rampant in our law enforcement and criminal justice systems also permeates our health care system, affecting both...

Better Help for Child Abuse Victims []

It’s the crime no one wants to believe will occur — the sexual abuse of a child by a family member. Not long ago, it was a crime usually confined to a family’s darkest psychological corners, a secret few children talked about — partly because they lacked the ability to articulate acts that made no sense to them. Add threats by the perpetrator, often a person who is supposed to keep them safe, and it’s a wonder the crime ever got reported... ...

Doing double time: Chronic diseases a chronic problem in prisons []

Gregory Finney, then 37, felt extremely unlucky but in good physical condition when he arrived at Louisiana State Penitentiary in 2001. He had been shipped to the notorious maximum-security prison in Angola to serve 15 years for drug possession and shoplifting. Up to that point in his life, Finney hadn’t worried much about his health, in part because he was too busy scrambling to hold a job and avoid getting arrested. It turned out his health should have been a main concern. Not long after...

Many medical specialists accept shaken baby syndrome as valid medical diagnosis []

A University of Colorado School of Medicine researcher and colleagues have conducted the first-ever survey of physicians on the validity of "abusive head trauma" as a medical diagnosis. While shaking a baby has been recognized as a dangerous form of child abuse since the early 1970s, the validity of "shaken baby syndrome" and "abusive head trauma" has been questioned recently in some major media reports, court decisions and medical literature. In at least one case, a U.S. Supreme Court...

Shortened ACE questionnaire

Hi I am a family doctor in Toronto, and am interested in looking at our practice using the ACE questions. But I think the questions are too long and emotionally loaded for a busy family practice office. Does anyone know-Is there a shortened version i.e 2 questions that can be used as a screen, before proceeding to the full ACE? Bill Watson

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