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How Mortality Data Fails Native Americans []

It’s no secret that the Indian Health Service, the federal agency tasked with providing health-care services to American Indians and Alaska Natives, is underfunded and overburdened; Native Americans are more likely to die from liver disease, diabetes, homicide, suicide, and respiratory diseases than the general population in the United States. But a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds yet another variance in the death certificates of Native Americans: Their...

Holistic Approach May Aid In Dealing With Chronic Child Neglect []

A new study suggests Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers should use a more all-encompassing approach to improve how they respond to cases of chronic neglect. Researchers at the University at Buffalo discovered that neglect accounts for more than 70 percent of cases reported nationally to CPS. While the typical CPS response often focuses on a single case, which might not appear to be a matter of severe harm, a review of previous reports may provide a more comprehensive assessment of...

Partnership Will Evaluate Effect Of Trauma On Kansas City Community []

With legs bent like sprinters in starting blocks, arms thrust forward and necks twisted toward the fluorescent lights of the Kansas City Missouri Police Academy, a group of first responders was focusing on breathing and forgetting about work. In the world of emergency response, people are beginning to realize that victims and their families are not the only ones scarred by accidents and violent crime. The helpers themselves can suffer what is now known as “secondary trauma” from the stresses...

National Wellness Week is Coming - September 11-17

National Wellness Week is September 11-17 this year. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers free resources to support Wellness Week and promote Wellness. Here is a link to a 3-minute video on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness And a pdf is attached. Enjoy!

Mindfulness for Teens Struggling from Substance Abuse and Trauma

**A version of this blog post originally appeared on I am happy to be a part of this ACEs Connection community. I personally am a clinical psychologist and work with youth who have suffered from numerous ACEs in their lives. I also facilitate certification trainings for folks wishing to become mindfulness-based substance abuse treatment (MBSAT) certified facilitators and wanted to offer this blog post as some simple tips to engage youth with ACEs and who...

Who is Responsible?

Everyone wants to flourish in their own uniqueness because the ability to express our individuality is the point of origin to live a self-sufficient and fulfilling life. Our individual ability to feel safe to unplug from cultural norms is the beginning of our ability to thrive in a healthy environment. And no environment can be healthy for everyone until everyone feels safe to express their truth. And if one person lives in an unhealthy environment, everyone lives in an unhealthy...


We all do it. We take sides and the side we typically take is that of the victim. I recently posted a blog titled “ Angry Man. ” As I watched the interaction unfold, my mind wanted to support the poor theater manager being subjected to the tirade. I watched the manager try to protect the rest of us patrons from the foul language, the angry words and the loudness of his complaint. Empathy for the victim drives many of us to this state of empathy, one so powerful that we turn to hating the...

Mental Health Care For Prisoners Could Prevent Rearrest, But Prisons Aren’t Designed For Rehabilitation []

Mental health conditions are more common among prisoners than in the general population. Estimates suggest that as many as 26 percent of state and federal prisoners suffer from at least one mental illness, compared with nine percent or less in the general population. And prisoners with untreated mental illness are more likely to be arrested again after they are released. But prisoners’ access to health care, including mental health care, varies from prison to prison. This is partly because...

Future Baltimore Consent Decree Called Chance to Reform Police Interactions With Youth []

A scathing Justice Department report on unconstitutional police practices in the city includes a section not often seen in federal findings — a lengthy description of how the department has mistreated youth. The police force does not use best practices for engaging adolescents, which results in the use of unreasonable force and erodes trust within the community, said Justice (DOJ) officials in the report on Baltimore’s police force. An officer used a Taser on a young girl without probable...

Strategies, Tools for Educators to Dismantle School-to-Prison Pipeline []

Many educators view a new school year as an opportunity for improvement, a fresh start and a chance to reset, especially with respect to student discipline. Several years ago, as a public middle school math teacher serving disadvantaged students in a large metropolitan area, I quickly learned that even the first few moments of the first class were critical to establishing an appropriate environment for students to thrive. As educators everywhere prepare for a new school year and contemplate...

Over 450 diverse leaders gathered in College Park, MD to address Health Equity and Prosperity

Assembly attendees from A Better Chance/A Better Community of Halifax County, NC. Tiffany Shields is the third person in from the right. ____________________________ A young woman from North Carolina, Tiffany Shields, attended her first conference ever August 4-5 at the University of Maryland, College Park. She stood up and told the room that she was nervous about coming, didn’t expect people to be especially welcoming, and thought she’d probably be bored at least part of the time. Instead,...

"Joy in Work" - Resources to address burnout from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement []

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is taking a serious and close look at healthcare provider "burnout" and how to address it by fostering more joy in work. The most joyful, productive, engaged staff feel both physically and psychologically safe, appreciate the meaning and purpose of their work, have some choice and control over their time, experience camaraderie with others at work, and perceive their work life to be fair and equitable. Sound familar? Their collection of...

An Alternative Form of Mental Health Care Gains a Foothold []

Some of the voices inside Caroline White’s head have been a lifelong comfort, as protective as a favorite aunt. It was the others — “you’re nothing, they’re out to get you, to kill you” — that led her down a rabbit hole of failed treatments and over a decade of hospitalizations, therapy and medications, all aimed at silencing those internal threats. At a support group here for so-called voice-hearers, however, she tried something radically different. She allowed other members of the group to...

How the Baltimore Police Department Abuses African Americans []

The Baltimore Police Department routinely violated the constitutional rights of citizens, used excessive force, and discriminated against African Americans, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a detailed investigation released Wednesday. “The relationship between the Baltimore Police Department and many of the communities it serves is broken,” the 163-page report states . “Officers seemed to view themselves as controlling the city rather than as a part of the city. Many others, including...

It Could Take 2 Centuries For Racial Wealth Disparities to Dissipate []

It’s going to be a long haul for African-American families to catch up to where white families are today, economically speaking: exactly 225 years from now, if we’re being optimistic. That’s according to a new report by the Corporation for Enterprise Development and Institute for Policy Studies , which estimates future wealth disparities among U.S racial groups using data from the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF). The total amount of money in the average person’s pockets,...

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