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Program addresses childhood trauma in adults []

The CDC reports nearly two-thirds of adults have suffered childhood trauma. Cathy Fialon and Shenandoah Chefalo both know firsthand the impacts that trauma can have. Fialon first saw it working in the family division of the 13th Circuit Court and again working as a lawyer for youths impacted by trauma. Chefalo saw it working as an office administrator in criminal defense law. A twist of fate, and a childhood trauma webinar, brought the two together to bond over their frustration at the lack...

Michelle Kinder: Teach kids social emotional health by demonstrating it []

It is encouraging to hear Dallas ISD and districts across the country working hard to integrate social emotional health education back into our schools. However, without two key factors in place, these efforts will not succeed. There is no curriculum that is going to provide the reset that we are looking for in our schools (or in our country for that matter). The first factor that cannot be ignored is that as adults, we must practice what we preach. Explicitly teaching social emotional...

Judge allows father to meet newborn son for the first time in court []

A Kentucky man charged with burglary met his one-month-old son for the first time while in court, thank to the judge presiding over his case. James and Ashley Roeder are co-defendants charged in a February burglary case in Louisville. Judge Amber Wolf had issued a no-contact order for the couple, but upon realising Mr Roeder had yet to meet his newborn son, she made a temporary exception to facilitate the introduction. “I saw her try to hold the baby up when he came out for his case to be...

It's not surprising: CA home visitors, like other caregivers, have high ACE scores

Last week, at the California Home Visiting Summit , about 500 amazing front-line caregivers gathered to share their experiences and learn about the latest research and practice. I was invited to give a presentation about "the unified science of ACEs", which includes the epidemiology of adverse childhood experiences (the original CDC-Kaiser Permanente ACE Study and all the other subsequent ACE surveys), the neurobiology of toxic stress, the long-term biomedical and epigenetic consequences of...

UT Professors Create New Repository for Research into Education of Black Males []

To help researchers, journalists and policymakers locate available research on the education of black males, University of Texas College of Education Professors Louis Harrison and Anthony Brown launched The Black Male Education Research Collection , a new website. African American males face many obstacles in education: disproportionate dropout, expulsion and suspension rates, overrepresentation in special education, and underrepresentation in gifted education. Yet research on the issues...

Into the Fold, Episode 27: Child Welfare in Texas []

Last December, U.S. District Judge Janis Jack ruled that the Texas foster care system was inadequate to the point of being unconstitutional. Most everyone is in agreement on what the major issues are: poorly trained foster parents, overwhelming case loads, high staff turnover, low pay. Whether or not the political wherewithal exists to fix the problem is another matter. “Texas’s foster care system is broken, and it has been that way for decades,” Judge Jack’s opinion reads. On this episode...

7 Ambitions for a Mental Health Revolution []

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the future of mental health interview series. More than 110 interviews have appeared! You can find the complete roster with live links to the interviews here . If you’ve missed some of the interviews, do take a look at the roster: there are many valuable and eye-opening interviews to be had. In this post I’d like to provide a few concluding thoughts, including a few top tips for reducing mental distress. If you’d like to keep abreast of the future of mental health...

Tapping a Troubled Neighborhood’s Inner Strength []

[First of three articles] Ten years ago, Patsy Hite, 70, rarely left her home at night. “I heard a lot of sirens so I always kept to myself,” she said. Hite lives in the Highlands, a 40-block section in Longview, a city in Cowlitz County in southwestern Washington. The Highlands is home to about 5,000 residents. The neighborhood is adjacent to an industrial district, and was hit hard by the loss of jobs in the timber and manufacturing industries. Long-term unemployment has brought blight,...

New Study Shows Communities Can Reduce the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences [Mathematica Policy Research]

[ Ed. note: Following is a media release published yesterday by Mathematica Policy Research. This follows on the heals of the report, "Self-Healing Communities" that Laura Porter, Dr. Robert Anda and WHO wrote for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Both reports and executive summaries are attached to this blog post. Both reports are significant, because they show that community ACEs initiatives -- with "modest investments and limited staff" -- are solving some of our most intractable...

Foster care survivor forced to move 50 times during childhood; brings her story Downriver []

Social activist and former foster care youth Shenandoah Chefalo was forced to move 50 times during her childhood, and that experience coupled with her ideas to improve the foster care system that she survived resulted in her book, “Garbage Bag Suitcase.” The book, which took over four years of research and writing to complete, describes Chefalo’s dysfunctional upbringing and journey through the foster care system. She also offers insight into the problems and potential solutions surrounding...

The Data Can't Be Ignored: 'Stop and Frisk' Doesn't Work []

Three years ago, federal Judge Shira Scheindlin declared the New York Police Department’s “stop and frisk” operations unconstitutional . An audit of these stops found that black and Latino New Yorkers were approached and patted down by police at a far higher rate than white New Yorkers, yet they rarely were found to be in illegal possession of guns or drugs. As a result, then-NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly ordered the police force to wind down “stop and frisk” practices, which it did...

What if Addiction Is Not a Disease? []

T he Saturday morning after St. Patrick’s Day, 22 patients are locked up in a nondescript detox facility on the outskirts of a Midwestern suburb. A couple of the men and women checked themselves in; a few more arrived in a police car; the rest were brought here by a worried friend, partner, or parent. A trio of volunteers from a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous has just arrived to hold a meeting. Those willing to join the circle recite the Serenity Prayer, listen to someone read "How it...

Half of Wisconsin's Black Neighborhoods Are Jails []

17-year-old Lew Blank was fiddling around with the Weldon Cooper Center’s Racial Dot Map when he discovered something disturbing about Wisconsin, where he lives: More than half of the African-American neighborhoods in the state are actually jails . Not only that, but the rest of the black neighborhoods across the state are either apartment complexes, Section 8 housing, or homeless shelters—the lone exception being a working-middle class section of Milwaukee. Sharing this info on the Young,...

As a psychiatrist I've seen how culture affects views of mental illness []

“I am already dead! I have been buried.” said a young south Asian girl on the psychiatric ward. Prior to her admission she had stopped going to school, and instead isolated herself in her room spending hours on the internet searching for her grave. She was not eating much and losing weight. There had been occasions when she wandered off at night. With poor eye contact and slow speech, she added: “I can feel the worms crawling inside my body.” After an assessment she was found to have...

Using Film to Mobilize Action []

For years, Teri Barila had tried to coax newspaper reporters in Walla Walla, Washington , to write about brain science, ACEs, and resilience. They didn’t bite. Then, on a crisp December evening, 1600 people—many of them inspired by years of community organizing—crammed the town’s largest venue for a screening of Paper Tigers, James Redford’s documentary about the dramatic reboot of a local alternative school after its principal became an advocate of trauma-informed care. Suddenly, reporters...

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