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Rat Study Suggests Even Brief Stress Can Affect Brain []

New research now shows that even a brief period of stress can cause part of the brain involved in memory to start shrinking — even before changes are evident in behavior and memory itself. The region in question is the hippocampus, a pair of curved structures at the base of our brains. This brain region encodes memories of facts and events — names, phone numbers, dates, and daily events that we need to run our lives. “Until now, no one actually knew the evolution of these changes. Does the...

Why Narcissistic Parents Infantilize Their Adult Children []

One trait that nearly all narcissistic parents have in common is the need to infantilize their children. This can be as direct as making the child feel incompetent every time they try something new, or it can be as subtle as always stepping in and offering to do something they can clearly do for themselves. Unfortunately, this behavior rarely stops even after the child becomes an adult. In fact, it can sometimes become worse as the narcissistic parent fears their children’s growing...

I don’t need to “pray about it,” I need to go to therapy []

I told my grandmother that I started to going to therapy when I used to go a while ago, and the first thing she asked was, “What do you need therapy for?” I come from a background where family figures I admire don’t trust mental health professionals. I also come from a background where going to a professional is encouraged. But the side that doesn’t approve of therapy intimidated me the most and affected me the most. Just because one may experience depression and/or anxiety in their life,...

Personal Development for the OST Workforce: A Shift in Focus for a Growing Field []

Professional development in the out-of-school-time (OST) field has been on an evolutionary curve in recent times. There has been an emphasis on building a solid professional development system for OST that has all the components needed for high-quality professional development supports for practitioners. A professional development system includes established core competencies, training opportunities, training and trainer approval processes, a professional registry, a career framework with...

Adults Have Become Shorter in Many Countries []

Average adult heights in many countries appear to have peaked 30 to 40 years ago and have declined slightly since then, according to a new study that the authors say is based on the largest set of such data ever gathered. They combined results from 1,472 studies in 200 countries looking at the measured — rather than self-reported or estimated — heights of about 18.6 million people born from 1896 to 1996. The study was published in eLife. Dutchmen born before 2000 were the world’s tallest,...

‘The Wicked Boy’ and the Capacity for Criminal Rehabilitation []

In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that sentencing a minor to life without the possibility of parole was cruel and unusual punishment. The ruling divided the court in a 5–4 decision, and Justice Samuel Alito read his dissenting opinion from the bench . “What the majority is saying is that members of society must be exposed to the risk that these convicted murderers, if released from custody, will murder again,” Alito said, adding that the Supreme Court “has no license to impose our vision of...

Saved By A Siamese Cat

Have you ever been saved by an animal? Today I want to share how I was saved by a siamese cat and the value of animals to alleviate Childhood Toxic Stress when physical escape from trauma is not an option. From Appreciation and Love For 21 years I’ve shared my life with a sweet little squirrel of a Siamese (I like to call her), my Savannah. She is nearing the end now and there is no easy way to say good-bye. Because of my intense feelings around animals since childhood where the only relief...

Health officials are trying to curtail violence by treating trauma, but the people who need help most are not seeking it []

David Ross walks the halls of the University of Maryland's Shock Trauma Center dressed in scrubs. He waits for victims of stabbings, shootings, and assaults to recover from their injuries—and then makes his move. As those patients are stabilized and begin to feel better, Ross approaches. He begins somewhat informally, speaking to them like a friend, a guy the victim might bump into on the street. "When they are the most vulnerable, it's the best time to get them into service," said Ross, a...

Building Trust and Support for Homeless Youth in OST Programs []

At the after-school coaching programs run by the Orange Duffel Bag Initiative, the staff never shines a spotlight on the fact that many of their participants are homeless. Rather, they wait for a teenager or young adult to open up. Often the moment comes when the participants draw their chairs into a circle after a day of trust-building exercises. They talk about experiencing homeless, the foster care system or deep poverty. The OBDI organizers know their backgrounds. Counselors, school...

‘Ambassadors of Hope’ Trauma-sensitive schools understand the whole child []

Kindergarten teacher Erica Nunemaker ripped down the clip chart she used for behavior management in her classroom. Children moved their clip up for good behavior and down for bad behavior. Nunemaker realized the same students were moving down every day. The clip was a public display of the student’s failure, and children weren’t learning how to fix their behavior. “I’ve noticed that a lot of times we discipline them and tell them that’s not right ... but then we don’t give them a solution to...

The Story of Police Shootings, as Told by Health-Care Data []

A new study of police stops and arrests in the United States confirms what some have argued for a while: Police are not that much more likely to injure or kill African Americans once they’ve made a stop or arrested someone, but they’re much more likely to stop and arrest African Americans in the first place. If the result isn’t surprising—and at this point, it really shouldn’t be—the means by which Ted Miller and his colleagues at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation reached...

How Doctors Can Help Prevent Gun Deaths []

Two people died in a mass shooting in Florida this week , after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history happened at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando just 43 days ago, which itself was the 15th mass shooting in Florida this year. The frequency of mass shootings, while horrifying, obscures the banality of everyday gun violence in the U.S. Specifically, that far more people are killed in gun suicides and accidents than in homicides. Guns are primarily suicide machines. There were 21,334 firearm...

Turning Point: Criminal Justice to Behavioral Health []

For individuals entering the criminal justice system, the experience of incarceration can lead to disconnection from supportive relationships, weakened self-esteem, and additional trauma and violence. Those with behavioral health conditions have a particularly difficult time in jail and prison – not only do these environments impede recovery, they can make life even more challenging after release. Many justice systems, including police, corrections, and courts work closely with behavioral...

Redevelopment effort in Hill District targets effects of long-term trauma []

The 2900 block of Webster Avenue in the Hill District doesn’t look like it’s suffering. Most of the properties are in decent shape, and day in and day out, it’s fairly quiet. Rhonda Lockett, a lifelong resident except for a stint in Washington, D.C., said most of her neighbors go to church and many are educated and employed. Yet 75 percent of the block — 36 households — have agreed to open their doors and their lives to community organizers, medical and behavioral health professionals and to...

Maternal Health & Social Healing via Youtube!

I begin this channel to talk about maternal health & provide access to dialogs, conversations and education to people around the world. Motherhood is not perfect! Taking care of a human is hard! If you would like to contribute to the channel with a video. Please contact me here or visit our Facebook ( ) page to leave a voicemail message! Wishing you wellness in life & business Jaw;)

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