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INSPIRE: Breaking The Cycle Of Violence []

As a society, we have unanimity about few things, but one of these is that no child should be harmed by violence. And yet, every five minutes a child somewhere in the world dies a violent death, and half of all children in the world — a billion kids — experience violence each year. Violence — emotional, physical, and sexual — is rampant in high-income countries, including the U.S., as well as in low- and middle-income countries, and across ethnic and racial groups. Three seminal studies the...

Media Ignore What It Means to Have a Real Conversation About Race []

Let’s start with how not to have a conversation about race: Here’s the July 11 Minneapolis Star Tribune : “Minneapolis cops working Lynx game walk out over player comments, warm-up jerseys. Police union leader says walkout is justified.“ The Lynx are Minnesota’s high-flying WNBA basketball team. An accompanying photo shows two players wearing black T-shirts bearing the words, “CHANGE STARTS WITH US. JUSTICE & ACCOUNTABILITY.” According to the caption, the Lynx players “observed a moment...

How Much Can Better Training Do to Improve Policing? []

Philando Castile was shot by a police officer during a traffic stop. His girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, broadcast the aftermath of the shooting live on Facebook. The video leaves a trail of questions about the sequence of events, and the actions that led to Castile’s death. It also reinforces a broader question: How can police better train and equip officers to serve and protect the public? In search of some answers, I turned to some people who have deep expertise in these matters. Two of them...

Gun Deaths In America []

This interactive graphic is part of our project exploring the more than 33,000 annual gun deaths in America and what it would take to bring that number down. See our stories on suicides among middle-age men, homicides of young black men and accidental deaths, or explore the menu for more coverage. [For more go to]

Mental Health Resources for Black Teens []

The brutalization of black bodies is now a form of repetitive trauma. The highly publicized killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, recorded and shared on multiple social media outlets (many of which include autoplay on videos), only reinforced the onslaught of violence and made it inescapable. For young black people, the visibility of this violence only reinforces the idea that the black body is up for consumption. It can be viewed, manipulated, desecrated, and even legally...

Childhood violence and the Whac-A-Mole effect

Whac-A-Mole players (photo by Laura ) _______________________________________________ Many people and organizations focus on preventing violence with the belief that if our society can stop violence against children, then most childhood trauma will be eradicated. However, research that has emerged over the last 20 years clearly shows that focusing primarily on violence prevention – physical and sexual abuse, in particular – doesn’t eliminate the trauma that children experience, and won’t...

Events like the Dallas police shootings hurt our mental health. There is a great way to feel better. []

On television screens, social media posts and the pages of newspapers, it is impossible, it seems, to escape the relentless bombardment of images of last week’s fatal shootings in Dallas, Minnesota and Louisiana, and it is affecting people’s psychological health, experts said Monday. “We have a nation that is extremely impacted,” said Dr. Andrew Williams, mental health services program manager for Riverside University Health System-Behavioral Health. And to cope with the disturbing...

Movement-Making in Buncombe County (NC): Opportunity-Based Narrative and Creation Spaces

Mobilizing action can be intimidating. Creating a movement even more so. John Hagel provides the following definition of a movement: “an organized effort mobilizing a large number of independent participants in a grassroots effort to pursue a broad agenda for change.” He indicates that there are two key ingredients in movement making: 1) compelling narratives and 2) fostering creation spaces. In Buncombe County, we are experimenting with both of these notions. Opportunity-based Narrative A...

Why It's 'Self-Reg,' Not Self-Control, That Matters Most For Kids (

Great article by Barbara J. King. An excerpt: The biggest lesson that I've taken from Self-Reg is that when a child insists that a teacher's voice is harsh, or a restaurant or classroom is unbearably bright or loud, we need to recognize (even though we might not experience things that way at all) that the child is very probably not lying, exaggerating or trying to be oppositional. Instead, the child's biological sensitivities may make her exquisitely reactive in a way that triggers a...

What Is No Shame Day? The Siwe Project Erases Mental Illness Stigmas One Tweet At A Time []

July is National Minority Mental Health Month. The stigma surrounding mental health issues is one of the biggest barriers between people and the help they need, and there is reason to believe that people of color are less likely to receive treatment for mental illness, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Spoken word artist Bassey Ipki created the nonprofit Siwe Project to combat the stigma surrounding mental health treatment among those of African descent. Named...

Mental health services available after trauma — even for those who can't pay []

Local mental health care providers want residents to know that services are available to help people cope with last week's shooting — even for those who may not have the ability to pay. "In this incident, we don't want to turn away folks. We want to encourage everyone to come regardless of their ability to pay," said Charlene Stark, vice president of marketing and development for Metrocare Services, which has nine mental health clinics throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area. "We want to help...

Tonette Walker lauds La Crosse County for trauma-informed care strides []

Back in 2010, after Tonette Walker became Wisconsin’s first lady, she went to a workshop with other new first ladies from other states, a kind of orientation. One of the topics there was choosing causes to champion. “They were talking to the first ladies about ‘pick what you love, do something you love so you can make a difference,’” Walker recalled Tuesday morning during a visit to La Crosse as part of the Walker administration's two-day Cabinet on the Road event. Walker, who became first...

The CDC and WHO are teaming up to end the ‘contagious disease’ of child violence []

The world can be a dark place for many children: the "lost boys" from Sudan, refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria, child sex workers in Brazil, baby girls abandoned in China, kids pulled into gang drug wars in the United States. Such suffering by children is more common than most people might think and represents what some believe to be one of our biggest public-health crises of all time. A study published in January in the journal Pediatrics puts that violence into stark perspective by...

Why Does America Invest So Little in Its Children? []

“He was very angry. He was scratching his face, kicking, and screaming,” Carrie Giddings, a preschool teacher, said of one of her students during his first days in her class at Kruse Elementary School in northern Colorado. The boy’s father had been in and out of jail, Giddings said. She thinks the 3-year-old had witnessed abuse at home before he enrolled in preschool at Kruse. His family was poor. For a while, they had lived with relatives, unable to afford their own place. “Everything that...

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