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County staff unveils plan for Juvenile Resource Center []

A new plan unveiled by Elkhart County staff Wednesday calls for a major reconfiguration in how children, particularly those with potential health issues, should be treated in the county’s juvenile justice system. The project calls for building a Juvenile Resource Center, which would screen and assess youth accused of delinquency to determine the most appropriate intervention. Those actions could include anything from requiring mental health treatment to detention. The goal, however, is to...

Why It's 'Self-Reg,' Not Self-Control, That Matters Most For Kids []

As parents, it can be natural enough to conclude that when our kids act up or act out — at home, at school, away at the beach or park on family summer vacation — we should tell them to calm down and be sure they follow through. After all, isn't it our job to teach our kids to learn some self-control? But what about the kids who not only can't calm down, they have no idea what it means to calm down? What about the kids who are continuously over-aroused, stressed to the point where their...

The Physical Damage Racism Inflicts on Your Brain and Body []

GIVING OUT PARKING tickets in New York does not usually inspire goodwill. If anything, it inspires a steady stream of insults from angry drivers. So several years ago, Elizabeth Brondolo , a psychologist at St. John’s University, came to counsel the city’s traffic agents, most of whom were African-American. “We could do standard behavior therapy things about being called a ‘fat pig’ or ‘get a real job,’” says Brondolo. Her team ran through relaxation exercises and skits, which usually...

The Need for Gentle Leaders in Brutal Times []

Americans crave leadership so much and see so little of it that the smallest example is celebrated. No, it’s more than that—the briefest glimpse of inspiration is treated like the last drop of water on a desert march: It is cherished. Dallas Police Chief David Brown is an accomplished crime-fighter and expert in community policing, which seeks to build trust between police and citizens through transparency and accountability. After five of his officers were slain Thursday night by a...

COLUMN: Numerous endeavors hope to make our communities violence free []

There are many different types of adventures that await us in life. For example, last summer my family and I had ourselves quite an adventure when we embarked on a vacation that took us to 13 states and included the southern Appalachian Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, Universal Studios, the mighty Mississippi River and East Texas. We visited with family, frolicked in the ocean, threw pottery, rode the Hogwarts Express, endured 100-plus-degree temperatures and overcame a mini disaster...

Israeli Groups Start a Culture Project Against Rape and Harassment []

Orit Sulitzeanu, director-general of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, says an important effort is underway here to address the barrage high-profile cases of sexual harassment and rape. “This is the first program of its kind in the world, teaching those in power – who are mostly men – to recognize their responsibilities towards their subordinates, who are mostly women," Sulitzeanu tells Women's eNews. The program involves a collaboration between the Association of Rape Crisis...

Why Mental Well-Being Matters In The Workplace []

Mental health is one of the last remaining taboos in the workplace. Yet one in six workers in the U.K. experience depression, anxiety or stress which is a significant portion of the workforce. It also appears as if attitudes towards mental health in the workplace remain in the dark ages: 56% of employers say they wouldn’t hire someone with depression, according to a mental health report published this year. H.R. plays a critical role in tackling the stigma surrounding mental health as well...

Submit a Presentation Proposal for the Midwest ACE Summit!

The Midwest ACE Summit will take place in Minnesota on November 10th and 11th. We hope that you will join us for this opportunity to connect and learn with others across the state and region! We are currently inviting presentation proposals from folks across the Midwest who would like to facilitate workshop (breakout) sessions. The deadline for submissions is August 1st . For more information, please see the attached RFP form. Please share this form across your networks! For more information...

The Near Impossibility of Moving Up After Welfare []

Is it possible for Candace Vance to find a good job? Vance, 31, is a single mother of two who hasn’t worked for more than a year. She’s on Wisconsin’s version of welfare, called Wisconsin Works, or W-2, which provides her with $650 a month. In order to receive that money, Vance is required to look for a job, and if she doesn’t find one, she’ll eventually lose her benefits. The challenge, for Vance and for millions of people like her, is that the jobs available to her don’t provide much of a...

The people taking care of American children live in poverty []

The people paid to watch America's children tend to live in poverty. Nearly half receive some kind of government assistance: food stamps, welfare checks, Medicaid. Their median hourly wage is $9.77 — about $3 below the average janitor's. In a new report , researchers at UC Berkeley say that child care is too vital to the country's future to offer such meager wages. Those tasked with supporting kids, they say, are shaping much of tomorrow's workforce. "Economic insecurity, linked to low...

Busting Myths About Mental Illness []

When Annie Powell, 35, was in the midst of a 72-hour manic episode in February 2013, she felt like Superwoman: productive and energetic. “I went to the gym for a 5:30 a.m. class, worked all day, came home and went to the gym again with my family. Then, I stayed up all night and organized my office, worked more, cleaned the house and did laundry,” says Annie. But once the 72 hours ended, she crashed and fell into a deep depression. “I sat in the basement and stared at the wall for hours,”...

The inheritance of crime []

In 1871, while performing an autopsy on a notorious bank robber, the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso saw something unusual. It was a small hollow at the base of the skull, under which lay an enlarged section of the spinal cord. The feature was rare in Europeans, but he had seen it in lower apes and certain ‘inferior races’ of South America. Eureka. ‘At the sight of that skull,’ he later wrote, he understood the biological nature of the criminal – ‘an atavistic being who reproduces in...

The Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act: a good start []

Legislators July 6 passed the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (H.R. 2646) by an overwhelming 422-2. The bill - originally introduced three years ago by Reps. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) in the aftermath of the 2012 Newtown tragedy reflected the frustration of many who know we can and should do better when it comes to people with serious mental illnesses. Families left without support to care for loved ones, law enforcement officers who too often are...

Is Gentrification Really A Problem? []

At the Golden Globe Awards, in January, Ennio Morricone won Best Original Score for his contribution to “The Hateful Eight,” the Quentin Tarantino Western. Accepting the award on Morricone’s behalf was Tarantino himself, who brandished the trophy in a gesture of vindication, suggesting that Morricone, despite all the honors he has received, is nevertheless underrated. Tarantino proclaimed Morricone his favorite composer. “And when I say favorite composer,” he added, “I don’t mean movie...

It Takes Zero Intelligence to Still Support Zero Tolerance in Schools []

On the first day of kindergarten every year, public school teachers and administrators stand at their school portals with arms opened wide to embrace every child. Teachers comfort every student readying their cerebral blank slate to be filled with the three R’s — reading, writing and arithmetic. There is only one problem. Kids don’t come to kindergarten with a tabula rasa mind, a blank slate of perceptions, ideas, thoughts and emotions. This may be true for the three R’s, but the experiences...

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