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So many resilience surveys, so little time. What resilience survey or scale are you using?

Photo by Chris Campbell ___________________________________________________________________ To continue our build-out of the ACEs Connection Resources Center, this week we're focusing on resilience surveys. Resilience surveys and scales measure different aspects of our ability to adapt or deal with life events. Many focus on five characteristics of resilience -- purpose, perseverance, self reliance, equanimity, and authenticity. Some look at the resilience factors we had as children, others...

Interrupting the Bully Game

Cappy's Boxing Gym, Seattle WA, is a community hub devoted to health through boxing, self awareness and expression. Not only do people come to this gym for stress release, to get in shape and learn how to box, but also to learn more about how the punch path heals past trauma. Simplistically, if you deliver a punch at a target, you will punch according to who shows up to throw it. A bully throws a different punch than does the bullied or the bystander, who throws nothing. It takes three to...

The Tenth Man Principle

When I was a boy, my mother would give me and two of my sisters a quarter to go to the movies at the Northern Lights Theater in Cordova, AK. We were a divorced family at the time and I had a stepdad in the home. I was unaware of the trauma we had gone through, alcoholism and domestic violence, that led to my dad’s absence. The trauma was building up in the three of us, and Saturday movies were a treat we could look forward to. A quarter bought us admission, popcorn and a soda. For a couple...

Sacramento region stands to gain ‘tens of millions’ for homeless people []

Sacramento Mayor-elect Darrell Steinberg watched last week from the back of the state Senate floor as his former colleagues passed his $2 billion plan for homeless housing, potentially providing him with the issue and money to extend his influence beyond the city. Steinberg said he hopes to see “tens of millions” of funding locally in the next few years for permanent homes through the legislation, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed last week. Some of that money could arrive early next year,...

Sonoma West Medical Center snags grant to extend care for patients []

Sonoma West Medical Center has been awarded a $3,750,000 federal grant for developing partnerships to keep people healthy after they’ve left the Sebastopol hospital. The funds, to be used over a five-year period, will be used to create processes and services that essentially track and support patient care, beginning with the emergency room or inpatient setting and continuing all the way to the home. The hospital’s potential partners include West County Community Health Centers, home health...

The Church Camps That Aim to Bridge Race Relations []

Many American Christians still grieve something Martin Luther King Jr. articulated more than 50 years ago: Churches are among the most segregated spaces in America . King imagined a universal, all-inclusive sisterhood and brotherhood with an equitable distribution of resources—a “Beloved Community” where there is peace because there is justice. Plenty of religious people have felt a duty to help bring this dream to life, yet most have failed to racially integrate their own congregations.

ATN's First Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training a Success

June 2016. ATN’s Trauma-Sensitive Schools (TSS) Initiative hosted our first Professional Development Training June 27 & 28 in Somerville, NJ. The Superintendent of Somerville Schools, Dr. Tim Purnell was the keynote and spoke on the importance of viewing things through a different lens. Then ATN’s TSS trainers Melissa Sadin and Jen Alexander provided a full day of training to enable educators to realize the impact of early childhood trauma; recognize traumatized children in their...

Beyond Paper Tigers: The Heart of the Matter

Graphic artist Anne Nelson created this visual roadmap during the partner showcase, capturing the "heart of the matter" for each community member Teri Barila, co-founder and CEO of the Children’s Resilience Initiative and the igniting force that brought change to a quiet corner of southeast Washington, kicked off last month’s Beyond Paper Tigers Conference by sharing one of her “aha” moments. In 2007, she attended a conference in Winthrop, WA, where Dr. Robert Anda spoke about the CDC-Kaiser...

An unlikely antidote for a tough news day? A coloring book page. (

It's a rough world out there right now. But artist Andrea Pippins has a solution. An adult coloring book! But this isn't just any coloring book. Instead, it's art that allows people to, as Pippins says, " see the beauty and light in themselves." Pippins created the Freedom coloring-book page to take therapeutic coloring to a new level. The page is made to help us deal with tragedies, process our emotions, and think about how to move forward. "I strongly believe that when we allow ourselves...

Why We Should Teach Empathy to Preschoolers []

In the fall of 1979, Yalda Modabber had just moved from Iran back to her birthplace in Boston. Her timing was bad: Just weeks later later, a group of armed Iranians took more than 60 U.S. citizens hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Iran. As a result, her fellow students bullied her ruthlessly. Golestan Education's Yalda Modabber “It was nonstop for two years,” says Modabber, who has dark curly black hair and a warm smile. “That period in my life was so hard that I blocked it out. I don’t even...

Your 3-Step Formula for a Stress-Free Approach to Email []

Shut off inbox notifications.” “Only check email once in the morning and once in the afternoon — no more, no less.” “Set an ‘out of office’ response to let people know you’re focusing on work and not checking email.” Email management advice like this is commonly espoused by work and career experts who warn that the inbox is the ultimate productivity-killer . And it’s true: One of modern business’s most ubiquitous tools has become one of its greatest drawbacks. To focus, we need to limit our...

We Already Know How to Reduce Police Racism and Violence []

After being pulled over for a busted taillight on July 6, Philando Castile informed a Minnesota police officer at his window that he owned a gun and had a license to carry it. As he reached for his license and registration, his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter then watched as the police officer fired four shots into Castile’s body. He died in the driver’s seat. Castile was one of 137 Black people in the United States killed by a police officer this year. Another Black man, Alton...

'Unbroken Brain' Explains Why 'Tough' Treatment Doesn't Help Drug Addicts []

Tough love, interventions and 12-step programs are some of the most common methods of treating drug addiction, but journalist Maia Szalavitz says they're often counterproductive. "We have this idea that if we are just cruel enough and mean enough and tough enough to people with addiction, that they will suddenly wake up and stop, and that is not the case," she tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. Szalavitz is the author of Unbroken Brain, a book that challenges traditional notions of addiction and...

AAP Announces New Initiative to Confront Violence in Children's Lives []

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) today announces a new initiative in the wake of the recent killings of two black men in St. Paul, Minn., and Baton Rouge, La., and of five police officers in Dallas. The AAP will convene a group of pediatrician experts to identify new approaches to protect children, adolescents and young adults from the epidemic of violence occurring in their everyday lives. The initiative's members, agenda and goals will be shared in the coming days, and will address...

'It's Not Us vs. Them' []

From the tiny town of Kenyon, Minnesota, Police Chief Lee Sjolander has a message for the 12,000 other police districts across the country. Writing from his department’s Facebook page this morning, he advocates a humble role of public servitude that is antithetical to the toxic masculinity with which some police departments have been infected. “If I were your chief,” he writes, “and we worked for the same agency, serving the same great community, I would attend roll call, and here is what I...

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