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The Departure of the 'Turnaround Principal' []

It wasn’t long into Damon Holmes’s tenure as the new principal of Malcolm X Shabazz High School this fall that Sharon Cook, an administrator at Shabazz, knew the school and students were going to be okay under the new guy. Cook was having a meeting with Holmes in the principal’s office when he suddenly stopped talking. In mid-sentence. Cook wondered what prompted the dramatic pause—until she glanced around and saw a student hovering outside. Holmes had interrupted his meeting with a key...

The Cultural Roots of Crime []

Barry Latzer is that rare academic with both practical and theoretical knowledge of his subject matter. He prosecuted and defended accused criminals while teaching at the City University of New York graduate center and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. His new book, The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America , makes use of more than a century of crime statistics to sum up the wisdom of a long career studying why crime waves rise and fall. It’s a book that does not shy from the...

The Question I Never Want to Hear: The Story Behind Storiez The caterers bustle about in the luxurious conference room, arranging utensils and igniting food warmers. I drop my bags beside the media cart and acquaint myself with the electronic equipment, fiddling with buttons and cords. My presentation slides appear on the massive projection screen. I smile. I have never presented in a room this large. I look around at the vacant tables that will soon be filled with...

What other ACE surveys have additional questions?  We know of seven.

We’ll start to populate the new Resource Center next month. One of the sections lists ACE surveys that have additional questions. The CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study revealed that ACEs contribute to most of our major chronic health, mental health, economic health and social health issues. It measured five types of abuse and neglect: physical, verbal and sexual abuse; physical and emotional neglect. And five types of family dysfunction: a family member with mental...

Mapping Where the Gap Between Richest and Poorest Is Widest []

Nationwide, the income gap could be more accurately described as a chasm: at $1,153, 293, the average yearly income of the top 1 percent of earners is 25.3 times that of the bottom 99 percent, who bring in $45,567. But a new report from the Economic Policy Institute —the the first to include data at the metropolitan and county level—found that in nine states, 54 metro areas, and 165 counties, those numbers are even more disparate. The problem is a national one. While New York is the most...

The Science Behind Banning Body-Shaming Advertising []

London’s mayor announced this week a ban on advertisements appearing on the city’s subways and buses that “could reasonably be seen as likely to cause pressure to conform to an unrealistic or unhealthy body shape.” The prohibition was inspired by protests over an ad that showed up in the London Underground last year, featuring a slim woman in a bikini surrounded by the words “ARE YOU BEACH BODY READY?” The ad was for weight-loss supplements by a company called Protein World. Mayor Sadiq Khan...

To manage the stress of trauma, schools are teaching students how to relax []

One morning before math, the fourth-graders took a little vacation. To soft music, they walked through woods, climbed a mountain and lifted off with imaginary wings, flying over an ocean, a gentle breeze on their faces. One student saw a school of fish; another spotted a rainbow. “I see it!” the others piped in, their eyes squeezed tight. “I see it, too!” With the sound of a chime, they were back in their yellow-and-blue school uniforms in a classroom overlooking a blighted neighborhood that...

Troubled. Quiet. Macho. Angry. The volatile life of the Orlando shooter. []

After a lifetime of angst and embarrassment, Omar Mateen was on the verge of realizing a longtime dream in the spring of 2007. He was about to graduate from a Florida training academy that would put him on a path to being a police officer. He had left behind his youth as a pudgy, often-bullied kid to become a bulked-up bodybuilder. He was learning how to shoot a gun. Now it was all about to fall apart. At a class barbecue, Mateen told a fellow cadet he was “allergic” to pork, and he got...

Why Homicides Rose in 2015 []

When law enforcement leaders convened one October day, it was to draw attention to the alarming rise in violent crime in cities across the U.S. They announced a new report, “A Gathering Storm,” which warned that FBI crime stats had “confirmed our concerns and those of police chiefs that violent crime had dramatically risen,” and “that this trend was ... expanding into other parts of the country.” However, this uptick in crime happened within only one year, which does not a trend make. The...

Why Are Health Studies So White? []

Illyasha Peete spent the first years of her son’s life listening to his whistling breaths on the pillow next to her. “I was always afraid that he was going to stop breathing at night, so for two years, he slept in the same bed as me,” she said. As a single mother of an asthmatic son in Memphis, Tennessee, Peete worked hard to provide her child with the medical care he needed. Her son took medications, received allergy shots, and used a nebulizer, a machine that pumps vaporized medicine into...

The Complicated Task of Identifying Homeless Students []

The number of homeless students in the United States has doubled in the past decade. During the 2013-14 school year, more than 1.3 million students were homeless, a 7 percent increase over the previous school year, according to a new report by the advocacy group Civic Enterprises and the polling firm Hart Research Associates. A disproportionate number are students of color or identify as LGBT. As alarming as those numbers are, the fact that figures on homeless students exist at all is a step...

Corrective Actions []

F or the second day in a row in mid-October, René Bross got a call from Ridgeview Elementary about a problem with her 10-year-old son. She feared it was another altercation with his teacher, like the day before. When she arrived this time, she found her son, who is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, face down on the ground, with the principal and a teacher's aide on top of him. Bross took him away and told the school he was never coming back. She was notified shortly after that her son...

Toxic Mom? Going No Contact? 5 Things You Must Realize []

In cultural mythology—the bedrock of which is that all women are instinctively maternal, and that all mothers are loving—the daughter who goes no contact and cuts her mother out of her life is deemed selfish, immature, and ungrateful. I know this firsthand, having divorced my mother at the age of 38; I did not see her again before she died, some thirteen years later. I’ve seen people adjust how they view me —among them, doctors who ask about my mother’s medical history and the look on their...

Death Made Him Safe to Love: Father's Day for the Rest of Us

I love having a dead dad. For the first time in my life I know where he is on Father’s Day. He is not homeless, alcoholic, absent or violent. He is no longer wandering the streets. He's not cold or hungry. He isn’t drunk and baking in the heat on a sidewalk. He's not in pain. He’s not causing pain. He can't break hearts or bones or promises. He is not a question mark, a threat or a worry. I have always hated Father’s Day. Having a homeless father is hard. Having a dead one is much easier.

Teaching Kids About Genocide []

Public schoolchildren in Michigan are now required to learn about the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide as part of their social studies curriculum, according to a law Governor Rick Snyder signed on Tuesday. While most students in Michigan no doubt learn about the Holocaust already, the new law would require teachers in public schools to spend a certain amount of time on these topics. Between eighth and 12th grades, schools must spend a combined six hours on genocide education, specifically...

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