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A Personal Account: Mental Health Awareness, Peer Support, and Vicarious Traumatization []

Law enforcement has found itself adrift within the “perfect storm” of public mistrust, increasingly violent encounters, and the one-dimensional social media soapbox. The struggle to maintain our bearing, for the purposes of establishing some semblance of order and trust amidst such disdain is taking its toll. The vast majority of law enforcement professionals are just that…professional. It is because of these professionals that I am honored to be a part of an internal system tasked with...


On June 21, 2007, two guards at a jail in Baltimore assaulted an inmate named Shaidon Blake, a gang leader who had been convicted of second-degree murder, earlier that year. The guards, James Madigan and Michael Ross, had been ordered to move Blake to solitary after a supervising officer complained that he was starting trouble—“commandeering” the television and using the phone out of turn. According to court documents, Madigan and Ross walked Blake from his cell to a nearby corridor, where...

Why Some Cultures Frown on Smiling []

Here’s something that has always puzzled me, growing up in the U.S. as a child of Russian parents. Whenever I or my friends were having our photos taken, we were told to say “cheese” and smile. But if my parents also happened to be in the photo, they were stone-faced. So were my Russian relatives, in their vacation photos. My parents’ high-school graduation pictures show them frolicking about in bellbottoms with their young classmates, looking absolutely crestfallen. It’s not just photos:...

Are You Sabotaging Your Brain? []

It does not take much to rob your brain of its essential vitality. Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned psychiatrist, has spent his entire career trying to understand the ways we can preserve or sabotage our brain health. In his book,Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Amen explores the root of these essential brain robbers. The good news is that because the brain is highly plastic, any good habit that forms over time can replace short-term damage. [For more of this story, written by Emily Waters,...

How much a decent apartment costs you in every county []

A decent two-bedroom rental today will cost you on average more than you could afford working full time on the local minimum wage everywhere in America — in every state, every county, every metropolitan area. No matter how you draw the geography. Whether you live in Sioux Falls or San Francisco. What the government considers to be a local "fair market rent" for a two-bedroom would eat up more than 30 percent of a minimum-wage worker's earnings. This fact, from updated data annually compiled...

Girl Scouts: Still Mostly White []

Hillary Clinton. Madeleine Albright. Barbara Walters. * These powerful women have all shaped the course of the United States. And they have something else in common: They were all Girl Scouts. The girls’ leadership organization has more than 2 million current scouts and 59 million living alumnae. Nearly half of all American women have been Girl Scouts at some point in their lives. Their uniforms, badges, and cookies are synonymous with what it means to be an American girl. Or at least a...


When I first met Ayub Mohamud, he was preparing a lesson for the next period at Eastleigh High School, a boys’ secondary school in Nairobi, Kenya. The school is in Eastleigh, a working-class residential and commercial district nicknamed Little Mogadishu because of the mostly Somali immigrant population there; a good number of the school’s students are Somali or Somali-Kenyan, and many are Muslim. Mohamud, who teaches Islamic studies and business, jogged up a flight of stairs in the school’s...

Midwest High School Gets A in Trans Acceptance []

When sophomore Tony Leppert, 16, started telling his friends and family to start referring to him using male pronouns, like “he” and “him,” the transgender sophomore faced some pushback. “I’ve had people look at me and tell me they are never going to use my preferred name/pronouns because I will ‘never be a man',” he said. “It's definitely been hard but if it means I might be comfortable with myself someday then it’s totally worth it.” The challenge of coming out transgender in a...

Trauma: A Reoccurring Theme in Girls’ Lives (Webinar: OJJDP) June 7th

This free webinar will discuss trauma and the need for gender-responsive trauma services. The webinar will review the guiding principles of gender-responsive services and the core values of trauma-informed care, both important guidelines for juvenile justice settings serving girls. Register here OJJDP Policy Guidance - Girls and the Juvenile Justice System

More Young Children with ADHD Could Benefit from Behavior Therapy []

More young children 2 to 5 years of age receiving care for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) could benefit from psychological services – including the recommended treatment of behavior therapy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) latest Vital Signs report urges healthcare providers to refer parents of young children with ADHD for training in behavior therapy before prescribing medicine to treat the disorder. ADHD is a biological disorder that causes...


I entered foster care in Los Angeles when I was five years old. I spent the majority of my time in care with a foster parent whose adopted daughter was like a little sister to me. In the five years I lived with them, many other foster children came and went, but this foster sister was always there. We did everything together at home, but that wasn’t so easy when we left the house. When the family went on vacation, I was not allowed to go with them because of foster care agency restrictions.

“The forces that are driving inequality are pretty powerful right now”: Paul Tough talks race, poverty and how we really fix our schools []

Salon: Your new book “Helping Children Learn” is subtitled “What Works and Why.” But if I may, I’d like to suggest a different subtitle: “Just About Everything We’re Doing to Low-Income Kids in School is Wrong and Here’s the Neuro-Biological Research to Explain Why.” Was it just me or does the research you write about upend some pretty fundamental assumptions? Paul Tough: I was struck by that too. Some of the basic principles we have, in terms of discipline, in terms of pedagogy and how we...

Lincoln County residents voted to United Way’s Board of Directors at annual meeting []

Connie Jones of Boothbay was elected chair of United Way of Mid Coast Maine’s Board of Directors. “We’ve set a great course for the future,” Jones said. Jones founded Boothbay Region Senior Services and currently serves as Community Liaison for Miles and St. Andrews Home Health and Hospice at LincolnHealth. Bruce MacDonald of Boothbay, former state legislator, was newly-elected to United Way’s Board of Directors. He has a special interest in their early childhood work. Also elected was...

MacArthur 'Genius' Angela Duckworth Responds To A New Critique Of Grit []

Grit has been on NPR several times recently, not to mention front and center on the national education agenda . The term expresses the idea that a crucial component of success is people's ability to pick a goal and stick with it. That's the main thrust of research by Angela Duckworth at the University of Pennsylvania, which has earned her a MacArthur "genius" grant, national acclaim and, this month, a best-selling book. [For more of this story, written by Anya Kamenetz, go to ...

Why Ashoka is Investing in Children's Wellbeing []

Did you know that a playground for elephants needs water, plants, and rhino playmates ? Or that ‘Frogtown,’ the Kermit-friendly analog, needs a rainforest canopy to enable sound sleep and protection for eggs? At least, that was the case during an empathy exercise at Ashoka’s “Bring Your Child to Work Day”. Even at a young age, children understand the multiple facets of wellbeing: safety and physical fitness, but also emotional attachment. As caregivers for the imaginary animals that...

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