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Children whose parents lack warmth more likely to grow up obese, study finds []

By Andrew Gregory, Photo: Anthony Devlin/PA, The Guardian, October 18, 2022 Children whose parents lack warmth are more likely to grow up overweight or obese, according to the first study of its kind. The effects of different parenting styles on children’s weight have been determined for the first time – and suggest parental warmth is key to a healthy weight, researchers at the International Congress on Obesity in Melbourne, the biennial congress of the World Obesity Federation, will say on...

National Family Caregivers Month: Caring for the Caregivers Virtual Summit 2022 Getting UNStuck: Moving From Languishing to Flourishing

Courage to Caregivers will host its third annual Caring for Caregivers Virtual Summit on Wednesday, November 16, and Thursday, November 17, 2022, from 9 am to 12:30 pm ET as part of National Family Caregivers Month. This year’s theme is Getting UNStuck: Moving From Languishing to Flourishing. The event is free for licensed professional caregivers and anyone providing care to a loved one with mental illness. All are welcome to attend one or both days. CEUs are provided for Ohio professionals.

Why is working with survivors of trauma no longer enough?

If you’re reading this, it is most likely because you are someone who has been impacted personally by childhood trauma. I wish we were most definitely connected for other reasons, but I’m also glad to be a resource and support to you in your healing journey. But lately …. well …. something has just felt like it was missing. And then fate/the universe decided it was time for me to own up to it. A little while ago, I did an interview in which I said something along the lines of: “Well, I don’t...

Natural Disasters are Traumatic: Urge Congress to Support Three Bills to Help Communities Heal

On September 18th, Hurricane Fiona made landfall on Puerto Rico, bringing massive rainfall, killing more than 30 people, and leaving 1.18 million people without power. Ten days later, Hurricane Ian hit Florida, killing over 100 people and displacing thousands whose homes were destroyed. The Mosquito Fire, which began in California on September 8th, is still active. So far, it has burned 80 thousand acres of land, evacuating 11,000 people and burning and damaging nearly 100 buildings. In...

Bob Doppelt to address Community Mental Wellness and Resiliency Act on Monday’s Resiliency Within Podcast

Bob Doppelt, the coordinator of the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) will discuss why community-based initiatives that use a public health approach to build population-level mental wellness and transformational resilience are important approaches to combat widespread harmful mental health and psychosocial problems generated by the climate emergency when he appears on the Resiliency Within podcast at 1 p.m. PT; 4 p.m. ET on Monday, Oct. 24. In September 2023 alone,...

An urgent and important request for year-end giving from PACEs Connection

During this upcoming season of giving, we are making a special appeal. We are in deep financial straits. In a most un-trauma-informed move, a major foundation which had assured us that we would receive a second year of funding unexpectedly reversed course shortly before we were due to receive a $500,000 grant from them. We’re fortunate t o have a couple of funders who are providing support from January through December 2023. But we didn’t have enough funding remaining this year to take us...

The 5-minute daily playtime ritual that can get your kids to listen better []

By Becky Harlan and Summer Thomad, Photo: Meredith Rizzo/NPR, National Public Radio, October 17, 2022 Do you remember what it was like to be a kid? So much of the day was directed by adults. Wake up. Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Eat your breakfast. Get in the car. Go to school. Sometimes kids listen to the instructions — and sometimes they don't. And when they don't, that can be very frustrating for parents. So how can parents get their kids to be more apt to comply? It might sound...

Adverse Childhood Experiences Led to Poorer Mental Health During Pandemic []

By Physician's Briefing Staff, Islander News, October 14, 2022 Experience of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was associated with poorer mental health and increased suicidal behaviors during the pandemic, according to research published in the Oct. 14 issue of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report . Kayla N. Anderson, Ph.D., M.P.H., from the CDC in Atlanta, and colleagues used data from the 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences...

An Uptick in Elder Poverty: A Blip, or a Sign of Things to Come? []

By Lydia DePillis, Photo: Mike Belleme, The New York Times, October 17, 2022 In the 1960s, more than a third of older Americans lived in poverty. With the aid of federal programs like Medicare to help the elderly, the situation improved significantly. But last year, the poverty rate for those 65 or older increased, even as it sank for everyone else . The uptick offers new evidence that elderly people haven’t fared as well as younger generations in recent years, and some experts worry that it...

Tomorrow! Interrupting the School to Prison Pipeline Using a Trauma-Informed Lens

Event Title: Interrupting the School to Prison Pipeline Using a Trauma Informed Lens Event Date: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 Event Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PST Event Facilitators: Porter Jennings-McGarity & Lara Kain Special Guest: Tia Martinez Join PACEs Connection’s trauma-informed education consultant (Lara Kain) and trauma-informed criminal justice consultant (Dr. Porter Jennings-McGarity) and special guest Tia Martinez for our first ever interdisciplinary collaborative event...

Inside the Global Effort to Keep Perfectly Good Food Out of the Dump []

By Somini Sengupta, Photo: Andri Tambunan/The New York Times, The New York Times, October 13, 2022 In Seoul, garbage cans automatically weigh how much food gets tossed in the trash. In London, grocers have stopped putting date labels on fruits and vegetables to reduce confusion about what is still edible. California now requires supermarkets to give away — not throw away — food that is unsold but fine to eat. Around the world, a broad array of efforts are being launched to tackle two...

Childhood Trauma Can Manifest Without Parents Even Knowing []

By Aristos Georgiou, Photo: Stock image, Newsweek, October 15, 2022 Childhood trauma occurs more often than you might think and if it goes unaddressed, the potential consequences can be devastating, affecting the individual's life well into adulthood. Nothing matters more to a parent or caregiver than their child's happiness and wellbeing . But dealing with a child who has been traumatized can be a challenging experience and often the the signs may go unnoticed. In her book, Has Your Child...

The University of Oregon will cover tuition and fees for in-state Indigenous students from any federally recognized tribe []

By Alaa Elassar, Photo: Kaite Staton, CNN US, October 16, 2022 The University of Oregon celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day by announcing a new program that will cover tuition and fees for Indigenous tribal members residing in Oregon. The Home Flight Scholars Program was launched Monday and will immediately allow the estimated 150 to 175 eligible self-identified American Indian/Alaska Native undergraduate students on campus to receive financial assistance. “The Home Flight Scholars...

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