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Adverse Childhood Experiences Can Be Overcome With Help []

Unfortunately, not all kids have the same experiences growing up. While some have a comfortable, relatively happy home life, others have to deal with situations like poverty, violence, or death of others at a young age. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris was the first to bring the term “adverse childhood experience” or ACE into the mainstream with her September 2014 TED talk that has received over two million views. She describes how too many stressors (especially those invoked by parents) as a child...

Releasing Prisoners Without Increasing Crime []

The idea that America has far too many people behind bars has become bipartisan, conventional wisdom . But actually releasing prisoners early remains a scary prospect due to fears that crime rates will rise once they’re back in their local communities. A new study that examines the effects of a large-scale prisoner release in California suggests such fears are largely unfounded. It finds a court-mandated 2011 law that reduced the state’s prison population by 17 percent “had no effect on...

Social Learning and Horizontal Violence

Social learning and analysis of cultural views on interpersonal violence have much to say about peer-to-peer bullying, vertical workplace microaggressions, and social horizontal violence. We generally agree that "microaggressions" are undesirable, yet some would suggest interpersonal aggressions are unavoidable. For some time professional development workshops and staff-focused social-emotional capacity training have focused on merely coping with microaggressions or assuming an assertive...

Children's Behavioral Health Workforce Development funding opportunity

Do you know anyone you could partner with to take advantage of this opportunity to influence the training of children's mental health professionals and transdisciplinary professionals to understand and utilize ACES science in their work? If so, share this link and begin a conversation about how you can partner. The goal of the funding opportunity is to increase the numbers of adequately prepared behavioral health providers entering and continuing practice with at-risk children, adolescents,...

Here's Exactly What The Administration Is Saying About Transgender Students []

On Friday morning, the Obama administration issued a "Dear Colleagues" letter to the nation's school districts spelling out what they can do to safeguard the civil rights of students at K-12 schools and colleges, based on their gender identity. The administration argues that Title IX, which outlaws sex discrimination for any school receiving federal funding, covers gender identity. The letter does not change any existing laws, but provides what is called "significant guidance." It explains...

Giving New Doctors the Tools They Need []

They say if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I wonder, then, why my toolbox often seems so inadequate for fixing my patients. I open one recent afternoon in clinic with a middle-aged man I’ve come to know well. He’s drunk. His breath smells of alcohol and he slurs his words. He tells me his brother’s in jail, his mother died, and he punched a neighbor who tried to steal his wallet. In the past year, he’s been admitted to the hospital countless times for everything from...

Immigration: deporting parents negatively affects kids' health []

As a pediatrician and advocate working with immigrant families, I see firsthand the deleterious toll on children who live under constant fear that the person who takes care of them could at any moment be taken away. A robust body of research shows that children who grow up with family instability, economic strain and chronic stress suffer poorer health, lower educational achievement and increased poverty and hunger. Indeed the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child...

It’s Mental Health Month. Check Out These Schools That Are Making Mental Health Services a Priority []

It’s Mental Health Month. Check Out These Schools That Are Making Mental Health Services a Priority It’s Mental Health Month. Check Out These Schools That Are Making Mental Health Services a Priority Statistics say that 50 percent of students battling mental health issues drop out of school. That’s why more and more schools and districts are recognizing the very real need to improve the kinds of mental health services offered to students in need. Massachusetts District Embarks on Journey to...

The Ongoing Need for Healthy Food in Corner Stores []

Across the United States, people who participate in WIC—the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children—overwhelmingly redeem their benefits at large retail stores, according to a recent USDA report that tracked the proportion of WIC benefits redeemed at various kinds of stores. Larger stores tend to have a much greater selection, which has been especially crucial to WIC participants since 2009, when WIC revised its food package recommendations to include a wider...

Depression Strikes, Stays With Many Caregivers of Critically Ill []

Caregivers for the critically ill often suffer depression that lingers long after their loved one's hospital stay ends, new research suggests. "Caregivers to patients who have spent at least seven days in the ICU [intensive care unit] commonly experience symptoms of depression for the full first year after ICU discharge," said study leader Jill Cameron. She is a researcher at the University of Toronto. "A large portion of them improve over the year, but a [sub] group does not," Cameron said.

After the Doors Were Locked []

After the Doors Were Locked: A History of Youth Corrections in California and the Origins of Twenty-First Century Reform By Daniel E. Macallair Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2015 350 pages In California and across the United States, youth corrections systems have often demonstrated an inability to shape their practices to meet children’s actual needs. While other countries have dramatically lower numbers of incarcerated youth or no incarcerated youth at all, the United States...

County Public Health to use $50,000 grant to measure adverse childhood experiences []

The Shasta County Public Health Department will use a $50,000 grant from Partnership HealthPlan to begin measuring adverse childhood experiences among Shasta County adults — the first time such a study has been conducted since 2012. Hill Country Health and Wellness Center, Shasta Community Health Center, and Mercy Medical Center's Maternity Center and Family Medicine programs will work on the project starting in June. Health care providers at those medical centers will ask patients whether...

So We Know Students Are Stressed Out ... Now Let's Talk About It []

Gaby Rabinovich remembers the first time she threw up while taking a test. It was a few months ago, early on in her freshman year at Marblehead High School in Massachusetts. She was sitting in biology class when, she recalls, she got so anxious that she excused herself to the bathroom. Rabinovich typically starts her day at 6 a.m. and gets to school at 7:15. On Mondays she runs a government club called Junior State of America. She's also running for class president, sits on the women's...

#IHMayDay16 – a cry for help on Indigenous mental health []

We are co-hosting @IndigenousX this week to highlight how much is going on around suicide prevention, families and communities in Indigenous Australia. On 5-6 May, the Inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference took place in Alice Springs, and 12 May is #IHMayDay16 – a day devoted to discussing Indigenous health. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and knowledge are fundamental to our wellbeing. It is important for individuals to be happy and...

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