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Nurses Say Stress Interferes With Caring For Their Patients []

Jordin Purcell-Riess has worked as a registered nurse at the emergency department at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, Conn., for three years. She describes her workplace as phones going off, voices everywhere, every room full. "You look around and the hallways are full of patients on stretchers; you walk out to the waiting room and you can see on our board that there's 15 people signing in," she says. "The second you can get your ICU patient upstairs, there's another one waiting for you."...

WesternU’s Austin Lecture Focuses on Link Between Childhood Trauma and Adult Health Problems []

An obese woman comes into a doctor’s office, and the doctor thinks he is helping her address her problem by putting her on a diet. She loses 150 pounds, but then quickly regains the weight. Confused by this outcome, the doctor delves deeper and learns this patient was molested as a child. She ate food to feel better, then discovered that obesity reduced sexual notice, providing her with a sense of protection. Sometimes, what presents as the problem may in fact be somebody’s attempt at a...

It’s Alcohol Awareness Month: So What Does It Do to Your Insides to Live With an Alcoholic? []

[Photo by Alberto Abouganem Stephens ] April is “Alcohol Awareness Month.” On the surface this appears to be about alcohol, its use and abuse, it implies that we need to learn more about why a person might drink alcoholically or, by extension use other substances to their detriment. But there is a much larger story here. It’s the story of all of those mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles and cousins who care about and are concerned about this person who is abusing alcohol. And...

#FightingACEs Initiative Incorporates Mental Health Counseling with Community Education to Combat the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences []

Center for Child Counseling (CfCC) has received a $200,000 grant from Quantum Foundation to expand services in Palm Beach County for families and caregivers struggling with “toxic stress” from Adverse Childhood Experiences in children. Palm Beach Gardens, FL (PRWEB) April 14, 2016 Center for Child Counseling has received a two-year grant from Quantum Foundation, the largest health funder in Palm Beach County, to support their "Fighting ACEs" initiative, a trauma-informed model based on...

20 Diverse Communities Receive MacArthur Support to Reduce Jail Populations, Improve Local Systems, and Model Reforms for the Nation []

MacArthur today announced nearly $25 million in support for ambitious plans to create fairer, more effective local justice systems across the country. The Foundation is awarding 11 jurisdictions grants between $1.5M and $3.5M over two years to reduce their jail populations and address racial and ethnic disparities in their justice systems. An additional nine jurisdictions will be given $150,000 grants to continue their reform work and to participate in a growing, collaborative network of...

Does the OneNYC Sustainability Plan Really Address Equity? []

When Mayor Bill de Blasio introduced his OneNYC plan to preserve the city’s future on Earth Day last year, he delivered the news from the South Bronx community of Hunts Point. Standing with him was Kellie Terry, the then-executive director of The Point , a Hunts Point-based grassroots organization focused on economic development and environmental justice. Given that the South Bronx is one of the poorest areas in the nation , de Blasio’s venue choice appeared to signal that OneNYC would focus...

Is Teaching Kids Empathy Just as Important as Teaching Them Math? []

Are we teaching our kids to feel? It’s a question posed by countless education pioneers, many of whom took issue with the rigid conformity of No Child Left Behind (and found at least some subsequent relief through the new Every Student Succeeds Act). And as study after study proves, Americans don’t fare too well in social-emotional competency; the need for early childhood education is becoming increasingly more apparent. For more, Pacific Standard spoke with Joan Cole Duffell, executive...

Inside the Movement to Declare Pornography a ‘Health Crisis’ []

In 2010, Arkansas psychologist Ana Bridges and colleagues scrutinized 304 scenes that they would deem in a scientific journal to be “popular pornographic videos.” The researchers were looking for aggression. It was not rare; 88 percent of the scenes contained what the experts deemed physical aggression, defined in the academic journal as “principally spanking, gagging, and slapping.” Nearly half contained verbal aggression, usually from men toward women, who “most often showed pleasure or...

The Exhausting Life of a First-Year Science Teacher []

By October of his first year teaching, the reality of Amit Reddy’s new job was clear: He would not be getting much sleep, and any he did get would be interrupted by bad dreams and anxiety about his classroom. “The whole night you’re thinking about the game,” Reddy said. “I’ve not had a good sleep since I started this job.” Reddy is an eighth-grade science teacher at Alice Deal Middle School, which serves more than 1,300 students in grades six through eight in a stately building in the...

Where living poor means dying young []

This city is full of parks that invite exercise and bike lanes that make commuting a workout. It's home to social services that tend the poor, and taxpayers who willingly fund them. Smoking is banned at restaurants and bars — as well as in workplaces, at bus stops, throughout public housing, at charity bingo games and even inside stores that sell tobacco. These factors may help explain why the poor live longer in the San Francisco area than they do in much of the rest of the country.

New SAMHSA grant: Resiliency in Communities after Stress and Trauma (ReCAST)

Here's information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) about pre-application technical assistance for SAMHSA FOA No. SM-16-012. Below is information about a series of webinars and conference calls for prospective applicants interested in applying for the Resiliency in Communities after Stress and Trauma grant program (ReCAST). Conference calls and webinars will be held on the dates and times listed below. Interested parties may participate by using the...

Good Listeners Don’t Shout []

The feeling conveyed in your voice makes more impact and is remembered longer than the words actually spoken. That’s why you can’t always recall the exact words spoken, but clearly remember how you felt. The tone (its pitch, volume and clarity) all combine to give a listener clues about the way the message needs to be interpreted, conveying your mood and meaning of your statement. Yelling or raising your voice can be a method used to control the situation and dominate another person. You get...

Study: Mental Illness Is As Much Of A Global Threat As Infectious Diseases []

Research shows that depression and anxiety cost the world economy $1 trillion every year. Steve Inskeep talks to Dr. Shekhar Saxena of the World Health Organization about efforts to improve treatment. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: The World Health Organization is expanding its ambition. The U.N. organization is best known for responding to outbreaks of Ebola or the Zika virus. Now it wants to focus on problems that grab fewer headlines but that are much more widespread - depression, anxiety and other...

Chicago Police Task Force Report Calls For Oversight Reform, Admission Of Racism []

A Chicago Police accountability task force is releasing a report Wednesday recommending sweeping changes to what it says is a "broken" system. A draft of the report has already been delivered to Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who created the task force and fired police Superintendent Garry McCarthy following the release of a video showing a white police officer shooting black teenager Laquan McDonald 16 times. The Chicago Tribune describes the tone of the draft as "scathing" and says it recommends that...

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