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States Consider Legislation to Raise the Age for Juvenile Court Into Young Adulthood []

During the last decade, advocates and policymakers in Connecticut and Illinois won contentious battles to keep young offenders in juvenile court until they turned 18 years old. Now, supporters of those efforts want to go even further, saying a wave of research into adolescent brain development makes the case for treating young adults differently from mature adults. Lawmakers in both states are considering legislation that would raise the age of juvenile jurisdiction through age 20. The move...

Communities Need to Help Heal the Traumatized Juvenile Delinquent []

Juvenile justice is a delicate dance between the court, families and the community. Juvenile justice began as a recognition that youth/children are different from adults and benefit from the rehabilitative nature of the court system. However, communities can demand youth be “taught a lesson” and pressure may be placed on courts to move toward detention placements over community-based treatment/rehabilitation. Accountability for a crime is necessary, but in the context of teaching and the...

To Help Newborns Dependent On Opioids, Hospitals Rethink Mom's Role []

Carolyn Rossi has been a registered nurse for 27 years, and she's been fiercely protective of infants in her intensive care unit — babies born too soon, babies born with physical and cognitive abnormalities and, increasingly, babies born dependent on opioids. As clinical manager of the nurseries at the Hospital of Central Connecticut , Rossi works in the neonatal intensive care unit. Like many hospitals across the country, the facility near Hartford has seen a dramatic rise in recent years...

Child abuse prevention pilot program holds first event []

Few children who are abused or in dysfunctional homes come to school ready to share their traumas. Instead, they throw a chair or curse at the teacher before storming out. To react to those outbursts with affection and understanding means recognizing children — including teenagers — are not necessarily in control of their behavior. That can be a bitter pill to swallow, even for those who understand behavioral science and brain chemistry. And it’s difficult to communicate what a difference it...

A ‘Nude’ Shoe for Every Woman []

Whether the Duchess of Cambridge herself can fairly be thanked (or blamed) for the trend, the Kate Middleton effect is real: The “nude” pump has become, in recent years, a go-to shoe for many women. It’s simple, and elegant, and a nice option for those who want a matches-basically-everything alternative to black. As the stylist service Urban Darling puts it: “When it comes to wardrobe staples, the nude pump in particular, is at the top of my list.” Except: Nude, as a concept and a color, is...

Dr. Vincent Felitti speaks in Hagerstown, MD

On Monday, March 21, 2016, over 400 social workers, educators and more filled the gymnasium of Bester Elementary School in Hagerstown, MD, as leading trauma experts from across the nation linked findings from the ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) with staggering proof of health, social, and economic problems resulting later in life.

Counselors Versus Cops []

Many of America’s biggest school districts have prioritized security officers over counselors. In Houston, that means there’s only one counselor for every 1,175 students School-security officers outnumber counselors in four out of the 10 largest public-school districts in the country—including three of the top five, according to data obtained by The 74. New York City, Chicago, Miami-Dade County, and Houston schools all employ more security staff than counselors. New York City, Chicago, and...

The End of Welfare as We Know It []

By the numbers, welfare reform was a success. More than 13 million people received cash assistance from the government in 1995, before the law was passed. Today, just 3 million do. “Simply put, welfare reform worked because we all worked together,” Bill Clinton, who signed into law welfare reform, or the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, wrote in an op-ed in The New York Times in 2006. Clinton had campaigned on a pledge to “end welfare as we know it”...

Whether It Works Or Not, U.S. Anti-Radicalization Plan Can Benefit Communities []

In the ongoing investigation into the Brussels terrorist attacks , most of the attention is on one neighborhood called Molenbeek. Many of the terrorists responsible for both the attacks in Brussels, and in Paris last November , lived in Molenbeek. The closest you can get to an analogous city in the U.S. is Minneapolis, Minn., home to the largest Somali community in the country. One in 4 of the more than 250 Americans who have tried to join ISIS are from Minnesota. Now, the federal government...

World of Psychology About the Blog Archives 6 Ways to Eliminate Everyday Anxiety []

Anxiety can actually be good for us. It provides us a surge of energy, splash of wakefulness, and intrinsic drive to get through the day. It was useful when our ancestors needed to be alert to dangers and it’s useful today. Unfortunately, anxiety can get out of control and interfere with our work, social lives, and health. It can progressively increase if we do not attend to it. Here are helpful tips to attack everyday anxiety so it doesn’t become a problem. [For more of this story, written...

Guest View: Making a healthier, stronger Manitowoc []

This is to thank the Herald Times Reporter and the rest of the USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin newspapers for extensively covering public health issues that affect the quality of life in our community and state. Increases in mental illness, drug and alcohol use and abuse, suicide, Kids In Crisis, lead poisoning and well water contamination are among the public health issues reported. This research has often compared our statistics to other counties and the state. It has focused on local...

Total Inequality []

Two years ago this month, Thomas Piketty published his massive tome on inequality, Capital in the 21st Century. Embedded in the 696 pages of tables and analysis was a fairly simple idea: In rich countries, the distribution of wealth is more unequal than the distribution of income; wealth will continue to grow faster than income (r>g); and, therefore , a small elite will inherit the wealth of the world with little left over for the many poor. His thesis had its share of nitpickers and...

How A Woman's 'True Crime' Addiction Helped Her Work Through A Traumatic Past []

[ Photo by Joyce Ravid] Author Kathryn Harrison's new book of essays is about her own family. She talks to Rachel Martin about coming to terms with one of the worst crimes that happened to her, perpetrated by her own father. RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: And I'm going to say right up front that the next conversation we're going to bring you is really intense, and some of you may find parts of it disturbing. I spoke with the writer Kathryn Harrison recently. She has written 15 books - biographies,...

For ACEsConnection members only -- the official invitation/registration for sneak peek of "Resilience"

(A version of this post was emailed to all members yesterday.) Join us on Sunday, April 10th, for a free sneak peek of Resilience , the critically acclaimed documentary by KPJR Films that chronicles a new movement among pediatricians, therapists, educators and communities who are using cutting-edge brain science to disrupt cycles of violence, addiction and disease. The streaming event will begin at 6 p.m. PT (3 p.m. HAST, 5 p.m. AKDT, 7 p.m. MT, 8 p.m. CT, 9 p.m. ET). For...

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