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Joining Forces to Build Momentum []

Near the front door of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation hangs a quilt that tells the stories of several lives—stories of love, spirit, and joy—tragically cut short because of HIV/AIDS. Every six months for the past 14 years, we have had the privilege of displaying a different section of the AIDS Memorial Quilt at our headquarters, and the profound honor of getting to know these individuals through the moving patchworks created by their loved ones. Every time a new section arrives, I stop...

Mindfulness Explained through Baseball []

In my writings and videos I often write and speak about mindfulness. In talking about mindfulness I emphasize the present moment, yet I am aware of how our past and our future work together. The definition of mindfulness instructs us to live in the present moment, nonjudgmentally. “Nonjudgmentally” means we need not put a value judgment on the present moment. We are simply to experience the moment. The minute that we think this is a good moment or a bad moment, we have judged the moment. The...

Frozen (A New Take on Fight or Flight) [Blogs.]

A couple posts ago, I wrote about a neat and very effective new tactic I just learned for healing stress . Oddly, I learned about this technique, called “completing the cycle,” in a book called “ Come As You Are: the Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life ” by Dr. Emily Nagoski. As I’ve kept reading, I’ve kept learning more surprising new things. In fact, I just finished a section that describes how our ancient reptilian limbic brains prefer to deal with stress. I have...

Is a Different Kind of Silicon Valley Possible? []

Downtown, sprawling factories are constant reminders of this city’s past life. A few decades ago these massive buildings were owned by tobacco companies and bustling with blue-collar workers. After the tobacco business contracted in the second half of the 20th century, and factory jobs disappeared or were relocated, the buildings—and much of Durham’s downtown—were abandoned. Now, the city is in the midst of an ongoing, carefully orchestrated plan to boost the economy. These vast spaces are...

How to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline? Stop Treating Disabled and Minority Students as Criminals []

Last October, a video of School Resource Officer (SRO) Ben Fields ripping a young African-American student from her desk and slamming her to the ground went viral, fueling another round of intense outrage at excessive use of force by government agents against African-American civilians. In South Carolina, where the incident took place, there were protests and counter-protests . Most major media outlets covered the affair, showing the video from multiple angles and debating whether to blame...

"Resilience" set for 'sneak preview' streaming April 10….

…And this 'sneak preview' is for ACEsConnection members only! So if you have friends, family or co-workers who want to see Resilience , a documentary that looks at the birth of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and how it spawned a movement across the world , please ask them to join our network by going to and clicking on Join Now! Or, you can invite them to join -- here’s how . The event is set for 6 p.m. PDT (3 p.m. HAST, 5 p.m. AKDT, 7...

AAP Recommends Pediatricians Screen for Poverty

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a new policy statement , “Poverty and Child Health in the United States,” on March 9 th that recommends pediatricians screen for poverty at all well-child visits. These screenings include asking about basic needs, such as food and housing, and making appropriate referrals when needed. AAP also recommends pediatricians help patients and their families build resilience to the negative effects of poverty by identifying and supporting protective...

Schooled into Slavery []

In Senegal, thousands of children are exploited by their teachers in the name of Koranic education. Called talibes, the Arabic word for students, some 50,000 boys are forced into child labor, according to Human Rights Watch . Photographer Sebastian Gil Miranda spent two months last year traveling around the country to document the conditions of these youths . “Families do not have money to pay for the religious education of their children,” Miranda said, “so for them it is logical that the...

4 Tips for Helping Your Kids Practice Mindfulness []

Our kids get just as stressed out as we do. While they don’t have bills, a demanding boss or a continuously-increasing workload, they do have homework, classmates, teachers, bullies and big emotions. So it helps to have a variety of tools they can use to manage their stressors and regulate their emotions — tools they can take into adolescence and adulthood. Because stress and emotions are part of everyone’s daily life. And because everyone benefits from having healthy coping strategies.

Long-Term Weight Gain After Smoking Cessation May Add to Cardiovascular Risk in Mentally Ill []

Just like anyone in the general population, when individuals with severe mental illness try to quit smoking, they tend to gain weight. However, since this already vulnerable group tends to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, do the benefits of quitting smoking outweigh the cardiovascular risks associated with weight gain? Yes, at least in the first year, say researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). But if the weight gain continues, the risk goes back up. People with...

Why Race Matters in Planning Public Parks []

Houston is embarking upon a $220 million parks project called Bayou Greenways 2020 , a 150-mile network of continuous hiking trails, biking paths, and green space that will run throughout the city. When completed in 2020, it will make good on plans made by the urban planner Arthur Comey in 1912 to connect the city’s parks with the many strips of bayous scratching open the Houston landscape. Residents approved by ballot referendum a $166 million bond in 2012 to pay for the Bayou Greenways...

Less Than 3 Percent of Americans Live a ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ []

A fun thing about being an American health journalist is constantly reading about how horribly unhealthy your country is. (And subsequently, being reminded about how unhealthy you probably are. And by “you,” I mean me.) The unflattering stats mount: More than half of what Americans eat is “ ultra-processed. ” The average American man has a body mass index just barely under the medical definition of obese. In a 2013 ranking of affluent countries’ health, the United States came in last .

Can Three Words Turn Anxiety Into Success? []

I am so excited for this severe threat looming on the horizon. I just can’t wait to learn how I will fail to live up to my own expectations. I lie awake, tight-chested, at 3 a.m., just really looking forward to what fresh hell that meeting will be about. Don’t mind me, I’m just trying out a cognitive trick that’s supposed to help with anxiety. It’s called “anxiety reappraisal,” and it boils down to telling yourself that you feel excited whenever you feel nervous. It sounds stupidly simple,...

Is mindfulness catching on as a treatment for chronic pain? []

What if there was a way to reduce back pain just by using your mind? A new study says that's possible. The study, published this week in JAMA , finds that the practice of mindfulness can be an effective treatment option for chronic back pain. I'll dig into what mindfulness is, why it's been shown to help people manage chronic pain and why it's not yet a mainstream treatment option. [For more of this story, written by Rebecca Plevin, go to ...

Like Alcohol, Heavy Pot Use Linked to Economic, Social Problems []

Persistent, heavy use of marijuana is associated with economic and social problems in adults, according to an international study led by researchers at UC Davis. The analysis was done on a group of more than 900 people whom researchers have followed since they were born almost 40 years ago. In the study, the people who smoked marijuana four or more times per week over many years were much more likely to end up in a lower social class than their parents. “By that we mean they ended up in jobs...

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