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RWJF Clinical Scholars Applications due 4/19

This program is for licensed clinicians with at 5 years of experience and could be used to leverage efforts to improve health equity in communities across the country. Applicants can practice anywhere in the US and US territories and remain in their communities for the 3-year fellowship. Below is additional information about the program and upcoming webinars. Applications are due 4/19. Working to Build a Culture of Health Growing evidence reveals that many factors beyond health care—such as...

The Importance of Being Mobile

A post by Mark Walsh, 8 Ways Our Bodies Are Linked to Social Control highlights the many ways our society imposes control. It brought to my mind another recent post about specialized desks that have been installed in a Kentucky school. When I first read the item about the desks I thought it was a great idea and a recognition that some kids need to move more than others. That's one view. Another is that this is another way our institutions impose control on "disruptive" kids. Another view is...

Wave of Indigenous Suicides Leaves Canadian Town Appealing for Help []

Leaders of an indigenous community in rural Canada have appealed to national authorities for help after a wave of suicides and attempted suicides set off a public health crisis in their remote town and revived a painful conversation about the relationship between the government and its native communities. Six people have killed themselves in the past three months, and more than 140 more have attempted suicide or expressed a desire to kill themselves in the Cree Indian community of Cross...

The Real Odds of Falling Into Poverty Are Probably Higher Than You Think []

Nobody dreams of falling into poverty in the future. But for too many, poverty is a doom-filled nightmare that all too often comes true. To help people who don't have a realistic sense of just how financially vulnerable they are, sociologists Thomas Hirschl and Mark Rank of Cornell and Washington University respectively, have come up with the poverty probability calculator . As the Washington Post reports , the calculator predicts the probability of falling into poverty based on age,...

RWJF Change Leadership Programs []

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is excited to tell you about our new, funded leadership opportunities—for clinicians, researchers, doctoral students, community leaders and professionals—to build a Culture of Health in America. Applications are due April 19 . Improving health for all is one of the most pervasive challenges of our time. Solving it requires transformative change inside and outside of our health care system, and at every level of our society. It also takes bold visionary...

Trauma Informed Schools—An Essential for Student & Staff Success, Part 3: The Holistic Approach

In the first two parts of this series, we talk about the implications of trauma and student behavior and how to create a trauma informed school. The success of creating a trauma informed school weighs heavily on the school and community embracing the holistic approach. At Los Angeles Education Partnership, we achieve this through our Community School model. As former teachers, we are aware that the more we pile on our teachers, the less effective the approach becomes. We’re not trying to...

What College Presidents Think About Racial Conflict on Their Campuses []

Universities are under increasing pressure to make the racial climate of their campuses a focus, a fact college presidents are beginning to recognize and act upon. “I know from talking to them that they’re struggling with this,” said Lorelle Espinosa, the assistant vice president for the American Council on Education's Center for Policy Research and Strategy, which surveyed 567 college and university presidents. “But they’re actually acting,” she added, pointing to the fact that about a...

California must continue push for school discipline reform []

The reality is that kids who are misbehaving in school need more attention, not less. When students don’t get that extra attention and are instead removed from class, this contributes to an expanding achievement gap that increases the likelihood of dropping out. California has made great strides in its efforts to reform punitive student discipline practices. Thanks in large part to the implementation of research-based strategies like restorative justice and Positive Behavioral Interventions...

5 wishes for healing Wisconsin's kids []

With a dearth of child psychiatrists in the state, Wisconsin must expand a program that prepares primary care doctors to treat the kids they already see who show signs of mental illness. That was one of the solutions suggested by experts to USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin. As part of our reporting on Kids in Crisis, we've been on a journey, exploring all the twists and turns involving children’s mental health in the states. We also asked parents, advocates and providers in the field to offer...

Advocates Cheer Probe of Racial Bias in Mississippi School Discipline []

A federal investigation will examine whether discriminatory school disciplinary policies are disproportionately affecting black students in DeSoto County, Mississippi. Local and national advocates cheered a decision by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights to investigate the disproportionate suspension of black students in the county. [For more of this story, written by Sarah Barr, go to]

Federal Commission Releases Recommendations to End Child Abuse Fatalities []

A federal commission wants the states to examine all child abuse and neglect fatalities from the past five years as part of a national strategy to end such deaths. The commission also said all reports of neglect or abuse of children under age 3 should receive responses, rather than some being screened out, with the fastest response times required for children under age 1. These recommendations are several of the most urgent identified by the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect...

Poor Children experiencing Trauma early in life are at High Risk to become Adults with Poor Life Outcomes: Element of Play to the Rescue []

OBJECTIVE : This study tests the association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and multidimensional well-being in early adulthood for a low-income, urban cohort, and whether a preschool preventive intervention moderates this association. METHODS : Follow-up data were analyzed for 1202 low-income, minority participants in the Chicago Longitudinal Study, a prospective investigation of the impact of early experiences on life-course well-being. Born between 1979 and 1980 in...

Create a K-12 mental health curriculum []

Lisa Kogan-Praska is president of Catalpa Health, a collaboration formed of three health organizations to serve Fox Cities' youth mental health needs. These are her wishes for youth mental health in the state: Funding for school-based mental health and alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse programs and services. Funding to cover the cost of delivering mental health care, especially for patients with medical assistance health care coverage. Additional reimbursement to provide case management...

The Connection Between Racial Segregation and Illness []

Racial housing segregation is worst in the northeast and Great Lakes regions, according to a new report, and it’s making people sick. This year’s edition of County Health Rankings , an annual rating of the health of all the nation’s counties, added the segregation measure because it has “been linked to poor health outcomes, including greater infant and adult mortality, and a wide variety of reproductive, infectious, and chronic diseases,” the report authors write. [For more of this story,...

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