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Reimagining Money []

Bitcoin was conceived as a modern solution to an ages-old problem: How can two parties agree on and verify an exchange of value? In this sense, Bitcoin is an effective technology, in that it trains the massive processing power of distributed personal computers on the same situation that paper currency was built to resolve. But in important ways, Bitcoin transposes some of the shortcomings of traditional currency onto the digital realm. It ignores a whole host of questions about the potential...

12 Data Tools to Help Americans Climb the Economic Ladder []

In a 2014 report , the White House noted the immense potential of information available in large, public datasets to improve people’s lives. But these data are far too complex to use unless they’re filtered, curated, and presented in way that’s easy to grasp. To that end, the White House just kicked off its Opportunity Project , which offers several user-friendly data-based tools to help Americans gain knowledge they need to climb the economic ladder. “Using this data, we can put transit...

The Companies That Treated Women as Wombs []

To say that the recommendations about women and alcohol issued last month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention received a drubbing would be putting it lightly. Intended to help prevent fetal-alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), the CDC guidelines urge women not only to stop drinking during pregnancy or while trying to become pregnant, but also to avoid alcohol altogether if they are sexually active and not using birth control—irrespective of their parenting intentions. As Julie...

Echo Conference Spotlight: Restorative Justice

This year’s conference has something for everyone! Opening the conference, Echo’s Co-Executive Directors will be joined by some very special guests, including Anne Hudson-Price, an attorney from Public Counsel. Anne will be speaking about the legal action taken by Public Counsel to bring trauma-informed services to Compton School District. “You have to address trauma in order to do anything about the achievement gap,” she says in this article . In addition to featuring the Public Counsel,...

Trauma's Deep and Lasting Wounds

Listen to this radio interview to learn about John and Erika Brooks' journey to understand why their child committed suicide. The trauma that haunted her was rooted earlier than her retrievable memory- from her time as an infant in a Polish orphanage.

For Vulnerable Teens, a Web of Support []

window.NREUM||(NREUM={}),__nr_require=function(t,e,n){function r(n){if(!e[n]){var o=e[n]={exports:{}};t[n][0].call(o.exports,function(e){var o=t[n][1][e];return r(o||e)},o,o.exports)}return e[n].exports}if("function"==typeof __nr_require)return __nr_require;for(var o=0;o u;u++)a[u].apply(i,r);return i}function u(t,e){p[t]=f(t).concat(e)}function f(t){return p[t]||[]}function s(){return r(c)}var p={};return{on:u,emit:c,create:s,listeners:f,context:e,_events:p}}function o(){return new n}var...

The tragic collapse of America's public mental health system, in one map []

The map essentially tells two stories: the rise of mass incarceration and the collapse of America's public mental health system. From the 1970s through the 2000s, America began locking up a lot more people as part of the country's broader shift to tough-on-crime laws to deal with skyrocketing crime. At the same time, the country pulled back and defunded its public mental health system. This wasn't, at the time, totally malicious — the system during the '60s and '70s was plagued with abuse...

Doctors Often Fail To Treat Depression Like A Chronic Illness []

Depression prompts people to make about 8 million doctors' appointments a year, and more than half are with primary care physicians. A study suggests those doctors often fall short in treating depression because of insurance issues, time constraints and other factors. More often than not, primary care doctors fail to teach patients how to manage their care and don't follow up to see how they're doing, according to the study , which was published Monday inHealth Affairs. Those are considered...

Free Webinar! The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications

Please join us for our free webinar titled "The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications", which is brought to you by Defending Childhood in partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and Futures Without Violence. Date: Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Standard Time / 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Central Standard Time / 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Mountain Standard Time / 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Pacific Standard Time / 10:00 am - 11:30 am...

Prevent childhood abuse, trauma []

When Sue LaFlash worked for the Wisconsin State Department of Health, she looked for research that explained what caused individuals to be violent, leading them on a path to sexual or physical assault. LaFlash ran across an Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES) conducted in the 1990s by Dr. Vincent Felitti and Dr. Robert Anda. Kids who suffer from abuse or trauma often grow up to be abusers or troubled in some way. “The more I got into exploring it, the more I realized this is so...

Bringing Mental Health Out of the Shadows []

Kristi Daugherty has come a long way, from a social worker in the field to a rising star as Emergence Health Network’s CEO, and she has brought El Paso’s non-profit mental health authority a long way, too. With a bachelor’s degree in social work from NMSU, she began her career in Alamogordo as a child protective services worker for children who were taken from their families. It was a tough job that gave her the chance to see how undiagnosed and untreated mental illness afflicted the lives...

Sanctuary Cities Are Here to Stay []

Nearly seven months ago, the U.S. Department of Justice implemented a small procedural shift in the way it releases federal inmates who are tagged for deportation. Now, when those inmates have warrants out in any state or locality, federal immigration authorities have the first right to detain them and immediately begin deportation proceedings, even before the state or local matter is adjudicated. It’s a very specific, very technical shift, but it does result in some material changes to the...

Young and under the gun: Trials of growing up on Dade’s mean streets []

Inner city kids can’t escape it. Days after the crossfire death of young King Carter in Northwest Miami-Dade sparked marches and outrage, two 15-year-olds debated how police and emergency crews had handled another recent random killing. This one, a man shot while riding his bike near a corner store, went largely unnoticed outside their own Liberty City neighborhood. But it stuck in the mind of Anthony Sutton, who wondered why police didn’t cover the shirtless corpse. His friend Kiandra...

A soup kitchen disguised as a restaurant is making a big difference in Kansas City. []

You might be surprised to find out that these beautiful dishes didn't come from a fancy restaurant or even a special at-home dinner. They're just a couple of typical meals from one of the country's most innovative soup kitchens. The restaurant-style Kansas City Community Kitchen is a completely new way to feed those in need. [For more of this story, by Morgan Shoaff, go to]

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