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Governors Unite in the War Against Opioids []

State governments are at the front lines of the countrys epidemic of drug overdose deaths. Thats why it is important that the National Governors Association says it will come up with protocols for dispensing prescription painkillers that are among the biggest sources of addiction and abuse in the country. The protocols, or guidelines, would restrict how and under what circumstances doctors could prescribe a category of pain drugs known as opioids. They might, for example, impose limits on...

Can Baltimore Provide Addiction Treatment On Demand? []

Across the U.S., more than 20 million people abuse drugs or alcohol or both. Only about 1 in 10 is getting treatment . People seeking treatment often have to wait weeks or months for help. The delays can jeopardize the chances they'll be able to recover from their addiction. In Baltimore, Health Commissioner Leana Wen has been pushing for treatment on demand, so that the moment people decide they're ready for help, it's available. It's something other health officials have sought to achieve,...

Living the Life: Limited Support for Adult Trafficking Survivors []

WARNING: This is part of a series of stories to be published over the next few weeks that contain potentially trauma-triggering material. Mary G., whose story as a sex trafficking survivor in Duluth was told by ICTMN in 2012 (Native Girls Are Being Exploited and Destroyed at an Alarming Rate), had terrible problems convincing the administrators of her Section 8 housing to allow her daughter Hope to live with her. Hope, also a trafficking survivor, has convictions for prostitution as well as...

Police, mental health team connecting with kids who witness violence []

The Trauma Response Team that pairs Milwaukee police officers and county mental health professionals has helped between 35 and 40 families since its creation seven months ago, officials said Wednesday. The team operates in Milwaukee Police District 7, on the city's northwest side. First-responding officers who can see if children witnessed shootings, car crashes or other traumatic events refer families to the team, which then follows up with those who choose to participate and offers...

How Low-Income Students Are Fitting In at Elite Colleges []

In recent years, college campuses have been rocked by black students protesting racial bigotry, and womens groups denouncing sexual harassment. But in the age of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trumps class-based politics, were beginning to see something new: the rise of low-income and working-class students protesting longstanding inequalities on campus that in the previous decades were mostly ignored. The new movement took center stage this past weekend as the Harvard College First-Generation...

Debtors' Prison in 21st-Century America []

In 1846, Dred Scott began his infamous legal battle in what is now called the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis. Scott had traveled with his master from Missouri to Illinois and the Wisconsin Territory, neither of which recognized slavery. Having lived for an extended period in free territory, Scott argued that state law supported his claim to freedom. But the Missouri Supreme Court disagreed. The courts message to Scott was clear: Perhaps you can live freely elsewhere, but not here. More...

California's Criminal Justice Experiment []

For the last five years, a great criminal justice experiment has been underway in California. Decades of "tough on crime" policies had left the state prisonsbuilt to house a maximum of less than 80,000 peopletotally overwhelmed. By 2006, the prison population had climbed to an all time high of roughly 173,000. In 2011, the Supreme Court ruled that the overcrowding in the state's prisons amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. The court ordered the California Department of Corrections and...

From 'Spotlight' to Academic Conferences: How Can We Better Serve Male Survivors? []

The Oscar-nominated film Spotlight follows an investigative team from the Boston Globe as they expose the almost 90 Catholic priests in the area who abused childrenand the wall of lies and trickery that the Church used to cover it up. The movie powerfully highlights that institutions we expect to protect us can actually cause us harm. This happens when institutions, like the Church or the military or universities, do not acknowledge the widespread abuse going on within their confines, do not...

Fighting for Face Time []

PART I: MOTHERS ON THE INSIDE Tonya Kamara, 54, seems to have the weight of the world on her shoulders. She lives in a one-bedroom apartment in Southeast Washington, DC, with her one-year-old grandson, Anthony, and her 26-year-old nephew, who is between jobs. Her two daughters also live with herwhen they are not incarcerated. Anthonys mother, April, age 32, and her 25-year-old sister, Latonya, both struggle with a history of mental health problems and drug addiction, which has led to cycles...

Notes From Psychiatry’s Battle Lines []

[Photo by Bryan Jones ] I have two offices, one for answers and another for questions. As a clinical psychiatrist, I begin my day in a room filled with soothing art and soft leather chairs, where my pharmaceutical prescriptions and psychological interventions are intended to meet the pressing needs of my patients. Here, Im supposed to have answers, or at least thats the hope. Then, at some point near noon, I descend 12 floors, cross a cobblestone drive, pass into an old granite building and...

An Insider’s Proposal for Change in the Juvenile Justice System []

By the time I was 24 I had spent 10 years in and out of juvenile justice programs and prisons in Iowa. Four of those years were spent languishing in solitary confinement cells and one year in Iowas own Supermax unit. From my own experience, I know what works and what fails miserably when working with juveniles. As a practical approach, we need to teach an evidence-based, proven methodology and shape the future juvenile justice workforce. We also need to change our policies on how we treat...

Shortage Of Addiction Counselors Further Strained By Opioid Epidemic []

As the drug-related death toll rises in the United States, communities are trying to open more treatment beds. But an ongoing labor shortage among drug treatment staff is slowing those efforts. Each year, roughly one of every four substance-abuse clinicians nationally chooses to leave the job , according to recent research. And that's not just turnover leaving one job for another in the same field. As an Institute of Medicine report documented in 2006, there's been a shortage of addiction...

Prevalence of Healthy Sleep Duration among Adults — United States, 2014 []

[Photo by Svein Halvor Halvorsen ] Summary: What is already known about this topic? Short sleep duration (<7 hours per night) is associated with greater likelihoods of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, frequent mental distress, and death. What is added by this report? The first state-specific estimates of the prevalence of a 7 hour sleep duration in a 24-hour period show geographic clustering of lower prevalence estimates for this duration of sleep in...

Mapping the Black and Latino Student Loan Debt Crisis []

Some musicians score a record deal and immediately buy a luxurious home, a fancy ride, or some other status-symbol indicator. When the New Orleans-based rapper Dee-1 signed with RCA in 2013, he decided to pay off his student loans. Indeed, in his new video Sallie Mae Back , Dee-1 boasts that instead of buying a Mercedes Maybach with his recording contract advance, he burned off his college note. The video was filmed in front of the football stadium at Louisiana State University, where Dee-1...

In Flint, Mich., Moving The Farmers Market Drew More Poor Shoppers []

Making farmers markets more accessible to Americans in food deserts can boost the number of low-income customers who regularly shop there, and may even offer more promise for improving diets than bringing in traditional grocers. That's according to researchers who looked at what happened when the farmers market in Flint, Mich. much of which qualifies as a food desert moved downtown. Availability of nutritious foods is of particular relevance in Flint, where the city's water system is now...

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