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Battle Ground (WA) educators, leaders confront childhood trauma []

Social workers, educators and community leaders from around Clark County gathered in Battle Ground last week to hear a talk on building resiliency in children and mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in local youth. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is a psychological term that describes a traumatic event or stressor which affects the growth and development and often the behavioral trajectory of a child. ACEs refer to some of the most tragic events in society, from...

Montana: ACEs Are Us

Todd Garrisons background was in venture capital, sales and marketing. So when he heard a presentation in 2008 by Rob Anda, co-investigator of the original ACE Study, the facts and figures caught his notice. It wasnt personal for me, though I have three ACEs myself, said Garrison, now Executive Director of the ChildWise Institute, a four-year-old non-profit that focuses on child well-being. The brain science is undeniable. That was the aha moment for me. Since then, he has watched others...

The Promise of Integrated Schools []

Charlotte, North Carolina, became a national model for school desegregation in the 1970s, busing students to balance the racial composition of its schools. Decades later, Charlotte is a city where no racial or ethnic group constitutes a majority of residentswhites (45 percent), blacks (35 percent), and Latinos (13 percent) top the citys multicultural mix. And within this diverse and fast-growing urban metropolis , the citys students are once again segregated by race and class , with levels...

What Dying Looks Like in America's Prisons []

I drove the four and a half hours to Rome, New York, the night before I was scheduled to visit the prison hospice program at Mohawk. The desk clerk at the Quality Inn gave me directions the next morning. You cant miss it, she said in a raspy voice. Mohawk had once been a residential home for the developmentally disabled. It occupied the southernmost corner of the 150-acre Mohawk-Oneida campus and was converted to a medium-security prison in 1988. Today, it houses about 1,400 inmates, 112 of...

Battle Ground educators, leaders confront childhood trauma []

Social workers, educators and community leaders from around Clark County gathered in Battle Ground last week to hear a talk on building resiliency in children and mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in local youth. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is a psychological term that describes a traumatic event or stressor which affects the growth and development and often the behavioral trajectory of a child. ACEs refer to some of the most tragic events in society, from...

I Analyzed a Year of My Reporting for Gender Bias (Again) []

Every time I write something about diversity in Silicon Valley, and the gross disservice that todays tech giants are doing to women and people of color by consistently overlooking them for jobs and promotions, I get comments to this effect: What about the pipeline problem? Less than one-fifth of computer science graduates are women. Its not Googles fault it cant find qualified women to hire. To which I say: Pleeeease. So, okay, yes, colleges and universities need to do more to make computer...

The Economics of War and Peace []

On Monday, four hospitals and a school in Syria were bombed . The United Nations and various countries have described the attacks as flagrant violations of international law that could jeopardize the fragile temporary ceasefire scheduled to begin in the country later this week. The incidents mark the latest in a string of attacks on the country's health infrastructurePhysicians for Human Rights says there have been 336 attacks on medical sites in Syria, resulting in the deaths of 697...

Take Care of Yourself by Getting Active []

We all have those times when stress, anxiety, depression or life circumstances lead us into a difficult or dark place. During those times, we often withdraw and take less action. These periods can be isolating and it can be hard to figure out what to do to ease the psychic discomfort that has begun to set in. In this blog, I will share some of the suggestions that I give to my patients and that I use myself to help during dark days. One thing that psychologists understand about how to help...

The Connection Between Childhood Experiences And Adult Problems []

As an adult psychiatrist, I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about childhood, and there's a good reason for this. It's become abundantly clear over the past 20-plus years of doing psychotherapy that childhood experiences are at the root of adult problems. Every person who's walked through my office door suffering from depression, anxiety, relationship or work problems, low self-esteem or addiction has a history of some type of adversity in their childhood. It's become clear to me by...

Author: To Reach Struggling Students, Schools Need to Be More 'Trauma-Sensitive' []

A growing body of evidence highlights the connection between adverse childhood experiences and academic problems . The effects of trauma can impair a childs cognitive ability, while the stress of a dysfunctional or unstable home life can make children act out or shut down in the classroom, according to recent child-development research. While such findings are increasingly acknowledged, however, they have yet to broadly inform classroom practices or school-improvement initiatives, says Susan...

Using Visual Storytelling to Inform About ACEs

Hi guys, I'm a big fan of visual storytelling, as a story told well can touch both the hearts and minds of those learning about it, and telling stories visually, e.g. through movies or interactive graphics, can engage people in ways that writing cannot (and especially children and young adults, which are important demographics). I made a crude prototype of a scribe-based visual storytelling about the ACE Toolkit (that will go though a number of iterations before it's anywhere complete, but...

Grow Your Trauma-Informed Mind: Help Them Go For The Gold

Those of us who get the trauma-informed movement understand how to put the dots together when were interviewing a new client. Our ear hears the pertinent details: the ACES, the Big Ts, the little ts and all the complexities as they tell us their story. We sit, knowing the many tools we can offer to help this hurting person cope, heal and recover. We validate, affirm and offer hope for a better future. We know we can help. We have gold to give them. But, not all who have suffered what we...

Early prototype of the ACE Toolkit online!

Hi guys, Just wanted to let you know that I got an early prototype of the ACE Toolkit (with very limited screening and reporting functionality) up on and ready for some initial feedback. It's been designed in a responsive way, which means that it should display well on smartphones, tablets, and ordinary PCs/Macs. So try and enter the address into your smartphone and see what happens. :-) It being an early prototype means that I have a lot of future...

Many Ex-Felons Don’t Know They Can Get Their Right to Vote Restored []

On a Tuesday afternoon in December, Richard Walker stood on the corner outside the citys social services building and hollered. Hey! Im helping people whove got a felony conviction like me get their rights back. You know anybody like that? Walker, 57, called out to office workers in suits, the women in line for cheap cell phones and the young man pushing a baby stroller down East Marshall Street. He jogged alongside people hurrying toward a line of purple city buses who wanted to know more...

Helping With Health Care Takes Heavy Toll on Caregivers []

Millions of family and friends who help older, disabled adults manage medications and navigate the health system may be sacrificing their own well-being, a new study suggests. Caregivers who provided "substantial help" with health care in these settings were roughly twice as likely to experience physical, financial and emotional difficulties as those who did not provide that help, the study found. Such caregivers, if they worked for a living, were three times more likely to be less...

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