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It's Time to Get Real About Work/Life Balance []

When I was finishing my book on time pressure and modern life and casting about for ideas for a book cover, a well-meaning editor of mine said he had a great one: “Picture this,” he said excitedly, “a woman in a business suit and high heels in soft focus. Steering a grocery cart.” I groaned. The idea screamed “For Women Only.” And for too long, that’s where we’ve been stuck as a society when it comes to thinking about how we work and live. As...

Hawaiians at risk: Keiki locked in cycle of foster care system []

For years the percentage of Native Hawaiians in the state’s foster care system has significantly topped the percentage of Hawaiians in the overall population of children statewide. Those with Hawaiian blood make up half the roughly 2,300 children who have been removed from their families because of abuse and neglect concerns and currently are in foster care. Yet Hawaiians comprise only a third of the statewide population of minors. No one knows for sure why Hawaiians persistently have...

Van to stop mental health patients being locked up []

Mental health patients going through a psychotic episode are set to be spared time in prison cells by a new service. Dyfed-Powys Police launched a pilot project in January 2015, where a triage van was sent to their aid. This has since prevented more than 100 people being kept in cells under the mental health act and assisted 180 others in west Wales. The service is now set to become a permanent fixture in the force's areas, BBC Wales understands. Instead of arresting the patient, the van is...

Why The Current Trauma Model Fails Victims Of Abuse []

As a graduate student at Harvard in the mid-1990s, I participated in research studies carried out by the psychology department that began in October 1996 and continued until August 2005 to interview adults who had experience sexual abuse as children and learn what effects the abuse had had on their lives. Although I was sure I knew what I would discover—that the abuse would be remembered as a horrible experience that overwhelmed the people I interviewed with fear when it happened and...

Stalking a Cheshire cat: Figuring out what happened in a psychotherapy intervention trial []

John Ioannidis, the “ scourge of sloppy science”   has documented again and again that the safeguards being introduced into the biomedical literature against untrustworthy findings are usually inconsistent and ineffective. In Ioannidis’ most recent report , his group: …Assessed the current status of reproducibility and transparency addressing these indicators in a random sample of 441 biomedical journal articles published in 2000–2014. Only one study...

Remembering the time David Bowie called out MTV for not playing black artists. []

Early MTV had a major problem: It was almost exclusively white. As it set out to revolutionize the music industry, MTV hit a few major bumps in the road, which included accusations of racism for the lack of diverse artists on the network in its early years. "There was a shortage of Black videos by urban artists," MTV co-founder Les Garland told Jet Magazine in 2006 . "The success of this AOR (album-oriented rock) format in radio certainly had its influence on MTV. But, there were no music...

Overcoming Community Resistance to the Impact of ACE’s

As an ACE activist, I talk to a lot of people about the impact of ACE’s in society. For many conversations, the results are predictable. When I talk or write about the negative impact of aggressive spanking, I am told “I was spanked and I turned out OK.” I am also reminded of the old Testament passage of “spare the rod, spoil the child.” I have abandoned both excuses a long time ago. But I get this as a common defense to spanking. I also hear an admonition...

My Life in the Supermax []

Not many people ever make it out of the ADX. Officially called the United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence — and colloquially known as the “Alcatraz of the Rockies” — the ADX is the highest-security federal prison in the country, located in the Colorado mountains. It houses some of the more notorious inmates in recent American history, from Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to September 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui to...

The Floating Sky Walk Plan That Could Change the Face of Stockholm []

Could roof-straddling “sky walks” soon be coming to Stockholm? A new plan proposed for the Swedish capital would see a large slice of its city center built over with densely packed towers, joined at their peaks by a dramatic zigzag of tree-lined, open air gangways. Commissioned by Sweden’s opposition Center Party, the plan might seem a little fanciful. But it nonetheless answers some key questions that Stockholm is currently being forced to ask itself. Sweden’s...

You Won't Believe How Many Women in Tech Say They've Faced Sexual Harassment []

Last year, Trae Vassallo took the stand during Ellen Pao’s discrimination case against Kleiner Perkins, testifying vividly about her experience being sexually harassed by a former partner at the VC firm. Afterwards, she says an “overwhelming number” of women approached her to share their own stories of harassment. Despite having been on the receiving end of unwanted sexual advances, Vassallo was surprised at how prevalent the issue seemed to be—and says that most men...

Convicted on Drug Charges, Georgia Youth Faces Life After Rehab []

It was the fake $100 bill that finally landed Corey Roberts in prison. He’d already had one close call, getting picked up for marijuana possession at the end of his freshman year in college. By the middle of his sophomore year, he and some friends were selling pot too. Then one of their buddies passed a rival dealer the bogus Benjamin. That led to a beatdown that drew the attention of campus police and an 18-month stretch behind bars, including nine months in a prison drug treatment...

Depressed People May Not Be Getting the Information They Are Looking For []

More than 15 million American adults seek treatment for depression each year. However, a first-of-its-kind study by researchers at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice reveals an eye-opening disconnect between the priorities of patients and clinicians when it comes to the information needed to make decisions about treatment options. The good news is that both patients and clinicians who treat depression consider whether a treatment will work to be the most...

Racial Discrimination Linked with Worse Mental Health []

Discrimination has been linked with negative health outcomes among racial minorities, including increased rates of mental health problems such as panic attacks 1 , generalized anxiety disorder 2 , depression 3 and suicidal ideation 4 . “Racial discrimination is a type of chronic stress that leads to both psychological and physiological stress responses and, as such, contributes to the disease process that results in negative physical and mental health outcomes for those who experience...

Recognition []

One Sunday night in March, 1985, Michele Murray, a sophomore at Texas Tech University, tried to find a parking space near her dorm. In the preceding months, four women had been raped on or near the Texas Tech campus, in the small plains city of Lubbock; local newspapers speculated about a “Tech rapist,” but the police had no solid leads. As Murray parked in a church lot, a man wearing a yellow terry-cloth shirt and bluejeans approached the car. She felt a pang of fear, but at...

When Grit Isn’t Enough []

The first time I heard a preschooler explaining a classmate’s disruptive behavior, I was surprised at how adult her four-year-old voice sounded. Her classmate “doesn’t know how to sit still and listen,” she said to me, while I sat at the snack table with them. He couldn’t learn because he couldn’t follow directions, she explained, as if she had recently completed a behavioral assessment on him. Months before either of these children would start...

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