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Have You Been Affected By Substance Abuse or Foster Care?

Youth Today and the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange , both nonprofit publications,  are seeking opinion columns on two issues that affect young people: substance abuse, including prevention, addiction and recovery, and foster care. Have you or a family member been affected by or involved in either one? If so, we would love to hear from you. Here are examples of columns we have already run on substance abuse and foster care. If you are interested, email Senior Editor...

Not in My City, Not in My State Campaign

The issue of human   trafficking is one of the most unifying issues of our time. The Not in My City, Not in My State Campaign  is a multi-city movement being developed to engage local communities who want to use their time, talent and treasure to fight the issue of human trafficking. Human Trafficking negatively affects many communities and Sacramento is no exception. Community leaders and activists have come together and now Sacramento is leading the fight to combat...

Students with influence over peers reduce school bullying by 30 percent []

Curbing school bullying has been a focal point for educators, administrators, policymakers and parents, but the answer may not lie within rules set by adults, according to new research led by Princeton University. Instead, the solution might actually be to have the students themselves, particularly those most connected to their peers, promote conflict resolution in school. A team of researchers from Princeton, Rutgers University and Yale University engaged groups of influential students in...

More Evidence That America's New School Lunches Work []

If you build it, they will eat it. That's the lesson from a new  study  on the effects of a controversial federal law requiring American public schools to serve healthier lunches. In contention is the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA), which passed in 2010 and was implemented in 2012. HHFKA has come under fire in recent years, with  food companies  saying the rules are too strict, students complaining  that the food is too gross, and school districts...

The Oregon Standoff: Race, Land Use, and Environmental Protection []

The militia that has taken over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Harney County, Oregon, has been hashtagged derisively as the #yallqaeda or #VanillaISIS movement. The conceit behind these labels is that these men have resorted to terrorist measures to make a political statement. Some of the militia men are reportedly armed, have vowed to go out in a blaze of glory for their cause, and have military veterans among them to help see that through. While their tactics are...

This Is Your Brain on Nature []

WHEN YOU HEAD OUT to the desert, David Strayer is the kind of man you want behind the wheel. He never texts or talks on the phone while driving. He doesn’t even approve of eating in the car. A cognitive psychologist at the University of Utah who specializes in attention, Strayer knows our brains are prone to mistakes, especially when we’re multitasking and dodging distractions. Among other things, his research has shown that using a cell phone impairs most drivers as much as...

A 2014/2015 Visionary of the Year nominee continues to reshape the conversation about childhood []

Since her nomination for the Visionary of the Year award in 2015, pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris has remained steadfast in her goal to broaden the conversation about the link between childhood trauma and health. In a world where many still believe mental and behavioral health is disconnected from physical health, Burke-Harris’ continues to make a compelling case for how the two are synchronous.  “The definition of trauma is changing. Trauma used to be mental and behavioral...

Fostering a community []

Nestled in the shadow of Mt. Tom in Easthampton, the Treehouse Community was founded to support families that take in foster children in the hopes of stopping the bounce through the system. Among the townhomes that house families who are fostering children, live senior residents. The result is a multi-generational community where one generation helps another. The seniors are vital to the support system that enables parents to succeed and the children to thrive. Now approaching its tenth...

Suicides peak during holidays? Not even close, officials say []

You know the typical holiday storyline: Depression and suicide rates peak during the holidays. Actually, though, people suffering from depression tend to be fine during the holidays. Their struggles come later, after the festivities are over. In Sonoma County, the influx of calls begins just as the holidays end and continues through March, according to sources at the North Bay Suicide Prevention Hotline and Sonoma County’s National Alliance on Mental Illness office. Telephone...

How Your Relationships Affect Your Health []

Social isolation is bad for your health . In fact, even living alone increases your risk of illness and death by about 20 percent, and a lack of friends or strong family ties ups your risk by half. Now, researchers  have found, social isolation early in life can have substantial lasting impacts on health. "Full social participation is such a fundamental human need that research since the 1900s has found the lack of social connections increases the odds of death by at least 50%,"...

‘Drop the New Year’s resolutions – we need a mental health revolution in our schools’ []

From screen-breaks to mindfulness sessions, there’s a lot more teachers could be doing to support their own and their pupils’ wellbeing, writes the mental health champion for schools The art of tackling mental health issues can broadly be divided into three strands: Prevention Creating environments and encouraging individuals to practice habits which have been shown to be conducive to good mental health. First Aid Recognising the early stages of mental distress and minimising...

Climate Change Is Taking A Toll On Farmers’ Mental Health []

The success or failure of a farming operation depends hugely on the vagaries of weather and climate. For a farmer, a single intense rain event or prolonged dry period can mean a year of lost crops and income. Climate change is expected to make the line between success and failure even more tenuous for farmers in the future. And this uncertainty about growing conditions is having a noticeable impact on farmers’ mental health, according to a recent study out of Australia’s Murdoch...

Schools’ role in mental health grows -- Experts believe problems can be addressed early []

The first-grader was shuffling through his school papers when he stumbled across it: the test he had been taking last month when he got so angry that he had punched another student in the face.     In an ordinary classroom, the memories evoked by the finding could have triggered another outburst, furthering the damage while distracting the teacher and class.     The boy was in no ordinary classroom on this recent afternoon, however. He was in a special Spring Branch...

10 reasons people are lonely? It’s more complicated than that []

H ow do you make a film about loneliness that isn’t bleak and despairing? It’s hugely important subject, and it’s reaching such epidemic proportions in Britain that I knew I had to make a film . And somehow make a film people would watch – and not run away from. [For more of this story, written by Sue Bourne, go to]

Our Young Children, Tiny Birds, and Their Hunger

These tiny, hungry birds remind me of our children. So open and anxious to be nourished and cared for. Cared about. Inspired by tiny birds and little children I have developed programs to feed these little minds and hearts.  Please let me help your kids too. In the picture your see four little birds but there are five. One is hidden inside an egg, soon to hatch. We must be careful not to miss even one of our little ones.

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