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Scientists Seek Moratorium on Edits to Human Genome That Could Be Inherited []

An international group of scientists meeting in Washington called on Thursday for what would, in effect, be a moratorium on making inheritable changes to the human genome. The group said it would be “irresponsible to proceed” until the risks could be better assessed and until there was “broad societal consensus about the appropriateness” of any proposed change. The group also held open the possibility for such work to proceed in the future by saying that as knowledge...

Parents May Pass Down More Than Just Genes, Study Suggests []

In 2013, an obese man went to Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark to have his stomach stapled. All in all, it was ordinary bariatric surgery — with one big exception. A week before the operation, the man provided a sperm sample to Danish scientists. A week after the procedure, he did so again. A year later, he donated a third sample. Scientists were investigating a tantalizing but controversial hypothesis: that a man’s experiences can alter his sperm, and that those changes in turn may...

The Daredevils Without Landlines — And Why Health Experts Are Tracking Them []

Nearly half of U.S. homes don't have a landline and rely on cellphones instead, according to a federal report out this week. The number predictably has been climbing over the years, now surpassing even the households with both a landline and a mobile phone. And it's tracked by of all agencies the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [For more of this story, written by Alina Selyukh, go...

Researchers Take On 'Great Problem In Data' With Study Of Gunshot Wounds []

Twenty years ago — under threat from Congress — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped studying gun violence. That didn't stop Dr. David Livingston and his colleagues: In a new study, the researchers in Newark, N.J., found — among other things — that over a 12-year period, gunshot wounds have gotten more lethal, and that more patients had multiple wounds. Livingston explains the results. [For more go...

Thank You ACEs Connection

Connecting with ACEs Connection has helped me to see and meet so many caring, compassionate people. Every time I visit this site I find something enlightening and positive for me to think about. Thank you Jane and all of you who have shared your insights and your hearts and souls with me. I am bird with wings–with song

How to Fix San Francisco []

The San Francisco Bay Area—stretching from San Jose and Silicon Valley in the south to Oakland, Berkeley, and the city of San Francisco in the north—is the world’s foremost tech hub. But the city and region also suffer from deepening urban challenges such as an acute housing affordability crisis and rising inequality. Congestion in the area is rising, commute times have become unbearable, and long-time residents and even members of the creative class are being priced out of...

Taking a Cultural Approach to Supporting Native American Youth []

Child Trends has a new partnership with the Aspen Institute’s Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) to work together on initiatives to support Native American communities. Founded in 2011 by former U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan, CNAY is dedicated to improving the health, safety and overall well-being of Native youth. Given that much of the research on this population has focused on negative outcomes and risk factors, we’re excited to partner with an organization that takes a...

The Future of Foster Care in California []

Group homes , which lack the kind of nurturing parental relationships thought to be developmentally necessary for healthy children, have historically been a last resort for foster kids.   But a family placement does not guarantee a happy child; as Natasha Vargas-Cooper reported for Pacific Standard in the 2013 September/October issue, foster children typically bounce between at least three family placements, and often as many as 10 or 12 different homes. Vargas-Cooper's piece...

Systems for Action: Systems and Services Research to Build a Culture of Health []

2015 Call for Proposals Systems for Action (S4A) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that studies novel ways of aligning the delivery and financing systems that support a Culture of Health . Building on a foundation of scientific progress from both health services research (HSR) and public health services and systems research (PHSSR), S4A uses rigorous methods to test strategies for improving the reach, quality, efficiency, and equity of services and supports that...

Imagine a World of Good Data []

T he US federal government spends between $80 and $85 billion on information technology (IT) every year, or about 2 percent of its total budget. Much of that money is wasted on mismanaged programs—initiatives that deliver either the wrong thing or nothing at all. Our decrepit public IT infrastructure system has three root causes: Federal procurement rules are rigid and outdated, designed for a slower-moving era where the biggest problem was corrupt acquisition, not broken websites. The...

District takes on challenges of creating community schools []

For the past five years, the  Hayward Unified School District has been focusing on its lowest-income neighborhoods, transitioning to a “community schools” approach that provides health, social and other services to students and their families. The East Bay Area district south of Oakland offers a case study in the potential of an approach whose goal is to transform schools into hubs for the entire community by offering a range of services, such as mental health...

Childhood hunger: An epidemic []

Let me begin by saying I have experienced hunger. As the first person in my family to pursue and earn a post-secondary degree, there were times during that pursuit when I had no family support and little to no income. I struggled at times to get the nutrition I needed as I pursued my goals. But it was after I obtained my bachelor’s degree in psychology and began my career in various social work capacities that I witnessed real hunger and its effect on youth. Working as a case manager...

Bronx Dreams []

Alizah Olivo is eight years old and lives in the South Bronx. Her father, Nelson, works as the maintenance supervisor at a homeless shelter, and her mother, Carmen, registers admittances in an emergency room. Alizah has three brothers and one sister; she is the second youngest. The family’s apartment is on the fourth floor of a recently constructed apartment building on Washington Avenue, in the Morrisania section. On the building’s first and basement levels is the DreamYard...

Juvenile Justice In Global Perspective []

Within the world of juvenile justice, law enforcement and corrections officials are re-examining theories and punishments associated with juveniles. This book is a valuable resource for academic courses designed to compare and contrast juvenile justice systems and gain an appreciation of how different cultures approach juvenile justice. But the potential audience also spans the judicial and general interest sectors. The text is organized, balanced and investigates a global concept of...

Most States Still House Some Youth in Adult Prisons, Report Says []

Most states continue to house youth in adult prisons, putting them at risk for physical and sexual abuse, says a new report. But as the number of youth in both juvenile and adult facilities decrease, states have the chance to end the practice of housing youth in adult facilities entirely, said the Campaign for Youth Justice in the report. [For more of this story, written by Sarah Barr, go to]

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