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QuickStats: Percentage* of Children and Adolescents Aged 4–17 Years with Serious Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties,† by Poverty Status§ and Sex — National Health Interview Survey, 2011–2014 []

  * With 95% confidence intervals indicated with error bars. † Emotional or behavioral difficulties of children were based on parents' responses to the following question: "Overall, do you think that (child) has any difficulties in one or...

Free Trauma Training for Educators

This is a free training resource designed to give anyone who works with children important trauma-focused information about how student learning and behavior is impacted by trauma and how educators and support staff can help students develop a greater...

Mastering Your Marriage

I have written about and spoke about Dr. John Gottman's research before. It is solid, and has served as, in part, a model for the assessment I envision for the Restoration to Health Model I have been working on for years. I am also inspired by Dr....

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